

*He walked over to us with just two steps, two steps!!!, as it approached, we found it difficult to breath, all of my colleagues ended up fainting, as I myself struggled to keep myself standing upright.

My legs bent inward as the force of the ape king's aura slammed against my body, sweat rolled down my face as the aura threatened to flatten my body, my consciousness continued to filter out as he hovered in front of me, his gigantic body was tens of times bigger than I am, now seeing him up close, realized that I could do nothing against this mighty being.

I have heard tales of emperor level beasts, but this one looked like it was on another level compared to other emperor level beasts. You can understand the kind of pressure I was going through*

" What the fuck, you mean the emperor least was that strong" Rai jin asked as his mouth hung open in shock.

*strong is an understatement my boy, you are yet to be surprised, I thought it was over for me at that particular moment, as images of you, your brother, and your mother flashed through my mind, I kept my eyes closed shut, that was until, the beast did something I never expected*

" What?" Rai jin asked.

* It spoke to me, I remember every single seconds of that day perfectly*


'You..... yo..... you can talk?'

'of course, I didn't kill you yet cause you, I can see it, you are very important to the future of your race' the ape king said as he retracted his aura allowing Rai Manyan to calm his heartbeat and breath once again.

' what....what do you mean by that?' Rai Manyan stammered in reply, he found the words of the ape king strange to his hearing, what could he, an ordinary hunter guild's leader do to make him important to his race.

The ape king gave no reply, but instead placed the fist sized crystal in front of Rai Manyan.

'This crystal is no ordinary crystal, some emperor level beasts have a godly ability, whereby a human can be imbued with their crystal, granting them the special abilities of the bead, but only the crystal can choose it's bearer.

The kaijus are way stronger than you can ever imagine, they are only stalling their time to make sure that they can wipe you all out in a one time strike, and they have finally found a way. They have found out about the secret of the emperor level crystal, and now they are trying to create a kaijus above the level of the emperor, who will lead them to war against your race, if such a kaiju appears, it will be the end of your race'.

Rai Manyan didn't know how the beast got to know about this, but if any of it turned out to be true, the mere thought of it, sent shivers down his spine.


* I avoided everyone that day, and made my way directly home without my colleagues, after confirming that they were not dead only unconscious, and obviously the Ape king had no intentions of harming anyone of us.

As I entered my room, I placed the crystal in the box, and hid it, but I couldn't get my mind of it, as the words of the ape kind resounded in my head, 'I am important to my race', I brought out the box from it hiding place, and opened it up, I tried to insert my will into the crystal, but it consumed me instead, I don't know any other thing that happened after that, but I think it is possible to bring me back, when you become strong enough, at least stronger than the mountain mammoth.


" seriously?, I would love to see you again, father, I. promise you that I would become very strong and bring you back" Rai jin said as a look of resolve surfaced on his face.

Yes, he was going to become strong, even if he has to train for a thousand years, he missed his father very much, and his mother more, he couldn't wait to find out the look on her face when she sees him alive.

*Do not tell your mother about the crystal or me*

" Why father!?, mother will be really happy to know that you are here somewhere" Rai jin asked.

*I don't want to give her false hope, Incase you might not be able to bring me back* Rai man answered.

Rai jin could hear the sorrow in his father's voice, as he strengthened his resolve to bring him back.

"Ok father, where is the crystal?, was it the thing in the box?, where is it now?" Rai jin asked confused.

* Right in your chest*

"What? what do you mean in my chest, fuck, I have a crystal in my chest, what does this mean father? Rai jin asked perplexed as he rubbed the surface of the crystal on his chest, he felt no pain, it was as if the crystal was a part of his body in the first place.

* It means the crystal chose you, you have inherited the abilities of the mountain mammoth, don't you feel like you body feels stronger and tougher, when you grow stronger as a mage, the effects of the crystal will become stronger in your body.*

Rai jin couldn't wait to find out the kind of extraordinary things he would be able to do with this crystal, if his father was right about him inheriting the abilities of the mountain mammoth, the extraordinary defence and healing ability was something to look forward to.

He chatted into the night with his father, till he fell asleep....

* He has grown up well, Murana, you did a good job protecting our sons, if Rai jin manages to bring me back, I promise to never leave your side again*

"Uhm" Rai jin mummered in his sleep.

The next day, Rai jin left for school happier than usual, the fact that he was able to speak to his father soothed his heart.

vAfter confirming that his father couldn't see what he was seeing through the glasses, he puts it on and enjoy the pleasant views of beautiful girls going to school as they sway their a** from side to side.

"This is beautiful" Rai jin smirked as he saw a particular girl's ass.


" The...the crystal Father"

* Are you sure??*



The elemental monarch@babyface@webnovel.com.