
Teacher Diary

The owner of the diary is someone that I know very well. Never in my thoughts that I will hear their name again. I just got a time skip 5000 years in 3 hours, so this world feels like a dream. Even if I wake up and someone said that this is another World, I will believe in them, But it's not.

Seeing this book, maybe it can convince me more, and maybe there is a reason for what happens to me? Why I can make a time skip in just 3 hours.

"Lord Galen, please excuse us. We will leave you in here. If you need anything, knock on the door three times and tell the guard what you need, we will give you everything you need in here. it's that okay with you?"

Warren informs me. Warren and another elder give me time alone. they are considerate of my feeling. They are afraid if their existence became a nuisance when I read the diary.

"yes, it's fine."

I appreciate them. They know that I want to leave it alone for a while.

"then please excuse us."

The three elders, leaving me alone in this room.

When the three of them leave, I try to find out whose book I will read first.

'now, whose book I need to read it first? If I want to follow the number, it's should be Teacher Wessel first, then Andrian. I will follow the number. maybe in the teacher's diary, I will find some reason why he makes me Meditate in the lake.'

I thought maybe teacher Wessel have planned this. He was the one who makes me meditate in that lake. But still, I don't believe it because there is no way teachers have some mysterious power or time travel technology.

"Okay, then let's read the teacher's diary first."

then I proceed to read teacher Wessel's diary.

The content of the diary is.

"March Thursday 24 20XX."

Oh, so teacher Wessel makes a diary one week before our last task, huh? What timing.

"Today nothing interesting happens. I start this diary for just some unknown reason. My four students will leave the dorm one week from now. And it makes me sad."

So teacher Wessel cares about us, huh? I guess our graduation make him sad. I feel sorry for him.

"because if they leave, who's gonna be my toy from now?, they're the only who I can take a joke in here."

I take back what I said, I'M GLAD I graduate.

I read over the book carefully. The paper is really fragile. It needs me slowly to open the page, so it doesn't tear apart when I flip it. Some of them had already been eaten by termite. But teacher Wessel's writing can still be read by me.

"March 29 20XX"

"Today is a good day. I found my way to say goodbye to them, is my last prank to them."

My last prank? don't tell me... I have a bad about it. I feel that the task was the one we receive in the letter was the prank.

"yes, I will give them the last task that actually was a prank."

I look at the diary with blank eyes.


I just read two pages, and teacher Wessel already gives me a headache. So it's mean, I time skip because of teacher Wessel prank? What the hell. Can you give me a rest? I thought teacher was the one who makes me time skip, but when looks at this diary. My assumption is wrong.

"after they finished the prank, we gonna have a surprise party and farewell party so that the 4 of them will never forget this place."

that was what it is written in teacher dairy.

After seeing the line that teacher Wessel writes. I can calm down a little. He is someone who cares about all of his students isn't, he? He devoted and sacrifice all of his wealth for people like us, who have a broken past. I really admire him.

"March 31 20XX"

"Today is finally the day the 4 of them leave this dorm. I will make sure we made a party that will never be, forgotten to them."

Knowing this day is the day I'm going to meditate. for a second, I feel sad for teacher Wessel who doesn't know what will happen after this. I'm afraid because of my incident teacher will blame himself.

"April 1 20XX"

"The party is already over, but one of my students didn't come back. I thought maybe he is fallen asleep in the lake, but when we came to the lake and reaches the island. We can't make it, because around the island... there is something that blocks us like a barrier from him. We try shouting to him, call his name and try to destroy something that blocks us with a force, but we still can't destroy it. The barrier is too hard. our voice even can't reach him."

A force that blocking them? A barrier? what it's mean?. I don't understand what they mean about the force blocking them? is it like a wall? or what? Teacher writing is so vague.

"April 4 20XX"

"There is no progress in destroying the barrier that surrounds Galen. I tried talking to the police. I even brought my friend a researcher to research this place. There is no progress we can't reach him. This is my fault."

my fear is right Teacher Wessel blame himself because of this incident

"April 5 20XX"

"Evie, Rien, and Andrian aren't leaving yet, They said they want to help me find a way to destroy the barrier. There are media in here. I try to keep them out from here, but it's useless the news already spread. There is a bad rumor about our place."

"April 20 20XX"

"I guess I need to close this place. The polices already give us a warning and inspection. Even if this place is closed, I will still take care of Galen because it is my fault that he still meditates in there. The animal in this place still needs to take care too."

I flipped over the book with care and read. And find that they were doing okay, they are still trying to wake me up and protect me.

"March 31 20XX"

"it's been 1 year since Galen mediate. We still try to find a way of waking him up. Even though the researcher has already given up. He is still not waking up. I wonder if he needs no food? Or take a piss? me, Andrian, Evie, And Rein still in here, they're helping me trying to wake him up and destroying the barrier."

"October 1 20XX"

"I saw on TV they said World War 3 has begun. The other country is in heat search for a resource. the nuclear war already begins."

"October 4 20XX"

"Every day we always hear in the news about the nuclear that launch to another country sometimes we feel the tremors from here. It was very terifying."

"October 5 20XX"

"The Military come to this place they demand all of the young people to join the Military. At first, we refuse it, but we can't do anything when they use force. Andrian and Rein got forced to join the military. Because I'm already 59 years old, they let me off the hook. But Evie said she wants to follow Andrian and Rein to join the military. I try to persuade her, but it's futile. I see them off leaving me alone with only the animal in this place."

"January 7 20XX

"it's been 5 years since Three of them leave. The three of them rarely send me a message or letter. our animal in a little zoo has become much bigger than I thought. I'm in a pinch to take care of them now. Because of my age. Galen, it's still not waking up even his face and hair there is nothing changed in him. It is weird that he can still alive and still looks well. Is it the work of the god? I don't know anymore. what I need to do right now is to protect him."

"February 2 20XX"

"Military bring around 50 children and some youth to this place. They gave me a letter from Andrian. It looks like now Andrian is a general. he took 50 children and some youth to this place because they don't have a home and parent. Andrian helps them and gives them to me, so I can take care of them instead of the military. He even gives me a fund for taking care of them. I'm glad he still cares about his surroundings, and it looks like there's nothing change from him."

"Mei 15 20XX"

"they're really a good kid. They work hard and fast to adapt. Another letter comes from Andrian. I wonder why it is a letter? In the letter, he said to me that Evie and Rein already dead because of some mission. I was depressed to hear it. I was crying for 6 hours the kids try to cheer me up. I glad that I'm not alone in this place, but still, it's really hurt for me to hear that two of my student died in action."

1 year passed after Rein, and Evie dead.

"February 29 20XX"

"All electronics in this place can't function. the water, electricity, truck and not only in the dorm the village too can't turn on their electricity."

"April 2 20XX"

"There is still no electricity. There was an earthquake, it was so big. Some of our dorm buildings destroyed. Luckily there is no casualty, but our ground becomes separate from the mainland. This place becomes a big island. Our food is being limited and because of our food sooner or later dried up. We try to hunt some wild animals and fishing. we can't eat an animal in the little zoo because we already love them. So we release them, except the Koi Fish."

"April 20 20XX"

"The strange phenomena appear. a Meteor rain pouring on Earth there is some big Meteor gonna hit us, but suddenly the rock destroyed and make a debris rain in our place. There is a tsunami too, but somehow this place was avoided by the tsunami. I can't understand how the meteorite was destroyed, or the tsunami doesn't hit us. but it looks like there some miracle in the place where Galen meditate. I wonder what happens to the whole world?"

"April 28 20XX"

"We make a boat. We try to go to the mainland. We saved someone at the shore. Her name is Alisia, She said she was sent by Andrian before the disaster happen. She said the whole world already is destroyed. humanity is near-extinct, and Andrian somehow knows this place is fine from the war and disaster. So Andrian sends some people here, but they're dead before coming here. Because the meteorite killed them all. The one who survives is only her, so we help her."


"two years passed. I don't know are Andrian already dead or still alive? I don't know the date anymore. I already too old, But at least people In here already adapt to the world that near its end."


"There is a fuss in the village. I look at the fuss, it was Andrian. Andrian still alive I'm really glad to see him. Tears of joy come from me. He told us about the world that population near depleted because of the nuclear war and not only that. The meteorite hit near all the places around the world. This place is so lucky to only get this much damage. So the world is already destroyed, huh? At least there is still some hope for humanity because he said there's some survivor like us though it's not that much. Andrian said that electricity can't be used anymore for 50 years. Because of the constant frequent EMP bomb from a satellite that he set up. I don't know what he means, but I don't care about that. What I care about is I'm glad that he is still alive."


"3 years after I meet Andrian. I already in my death bed, It looks like right now is my last diary. Galen is still not wake up, but Andrian said he was the one who will wait for Galen. Ahhh I'm glad to see Andrian and the people who live here. The only regret that I have in this world is... I can't see Galen wake up, but I'm sure he 'will' wake up. This is my last word for him if he wakes up in the future 'I'm sorry Galen, I will be the first'. I'm sorry I can't see you wake up first."

This is the end of my teacher diary.

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