
Finally Back

'What is this smell?'

Liam opened his eyes and lifted him self up, but to his surprise he felt no pain or soreness. He found himself in what looked to be a nurse's office. To his left where four other beds all with opened curtains like his own. Liam felt intoxicated by the smell, the same smell you would smell in a doctors office.

At a desk on the other side of the room he saw someone's back with long blond hair, and a lab coat sitting on a stool.

"Excuse me." Liam said in an attempt to get the nurses attention.

The person spun around revealing her what seemed to be a blemish-less face. "Your awake, it's about time." She said while walking over to me.

"If you don't mind me asking, where am I?"

"You are at the nurses office in your ability school. We found you knocked out and pretty banged up after the dungeon collapsed."

"What happened to the relic I got from the dungeon.?"

"Don't worry they left it in your room, safe and sound. You know most people fail to clear the entrance dungeon. You did a pretty good job."

"What do you mean the note said that most people complete it."

"That's just to inspire the students to go above and beyond and clear it, in reality only about one in fifteen kids ever actually clear the dungeon."

"Are you serious, most people don't even try to clear the dungeon?" Liam said with a hint of anger in his words.

"They are usually scared and don't understand how to properly fight or use there ability. These kids haven't even had their ability's for a week when they enter."

"I suppose."

"We'll look at the bright side you not only got the artifact, but you are also guaranteed to receive at least an E rank when you are evaluated."

"Really!? Why?"

"There are two ways one can receive their ranking. You must be evaluated as a high level ability, or clear a dungeon by yourself. Doing the latter option means you will receive whatever rank is one level higher than the dungeon you cleared."

"I always thought whatever they evaluate you as you are."

"Not the case, now, since your awake you are free to go back to you dorm. If you have any health problems feel free to come back here any time."

"Thank you, I will."

Liam got out of the bed, and walked toward the door. Once he began to turn the knob he heard the nurse once again.

"I almost forgot to tell you. You have been asleep for a week."

'I week? My hearing must be getting pretty bad.'

"Sorry I missed what you said, can you repeat it."

"You have been sleeping for a week."

"Huh, what do you mean a week?" Liam said slightly dazed by this news.

"I don't know what to tell you. You were pretty badly hurt. It took a while for you to recover even with my healing."

Liam stood there speechless, his face showing disbelief.

'An entire week.'

Without saying a word Liam left the infirmary, and started back to his dorm. Along the way he made a few wrong turns, but soon enough he arrived. He twisted his door knob, and pushed open the door. On the bed opposite of his was a boy with brown spiky hair lying down.

"You must be my roommate." The boy said "I'm Roman." He said while jumping out of bed. As he walked over to liam he asked, "and you are?"