
Chapter 1: The Beginning

Hello, My name is DJ Rainbow Factory, and i'm gonna tell you the story of how i really            became a billionaire. It started on a Tuesday, on April 1st 2020, and i was looking through my social media, seeing if i had any new followers or supporters of my ******* Page. I scrolled down the search results in Faceboook after i tried to find Marshmello's profile, and what i saw was just pretty damn ridiculous. I saw a lot of his profiles and i was thinking to myself,"I'm pretty sure these are fake", so i checked them out , and i was right, they were fake. Then an idea popped into my head. 

Remember the Rainbow Factory, where Rainbow Dash killed all those foals because they failed the test. I'm saying to myself, "Yea, i remember that, what are you hinting at brain?" I'm basically saying, you should create the factory, but made for DJ's, and that is how i started to get rid of all the fake DJ's in the world. So I tried to create a fundraiser to purchase a factory, and there was one for sale. It would cost $12,000,000,000, and i got it all in one day.

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