
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Acción
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17 Chs

Chapter 8 Slaves part 1

as Disposing the carriers they were paid twice the amount on that job and they're base a perfectly made base for training, sleeping and communication but one more thing was missing slaves


Chris quarters



Chris : Dennis say copy if you hear this now



Dennis : I hear ya copy



Chris : you boys training?

Dennis : y…yes sir

Chris : your lying to me now because if you are janes gonna have work and more discipline on you

Dennis : we are I swear to you sir !…just don't send her here she's much more scary when it come to this kind of training

Chris : then don't slack off then

Dennis : understood


Chris : I swear these guys ….

Jane : Those boys are always scared of strong womens

As both of them are naked in bed it turns out they were having relations since a couple days ago

Jane : come on round two♥️

Chris : as much I want to I can't right now I have to get some people for us

Jane : if it's more recruits I can do some persuasion

Chris : by persuasion you mean killing them if they don't join us ?

Jane : oh yeah !

Chris : god your scary ..but no I'm thinking getting slaves

Jane : aahh..where are you gonna get them from?

Chris : I heard rumors that some shady characters saying theirs a slave trader outside of capital

Chris : I'm pretty sure they said it was in a ruin

Chris : it's hefty price meaning all of them are talented or just useless

Jane : your not gonna pay them all that are you ?

Chris : hell no as long they think I'm paying they are gonna get clipped before they realize

Chris : that why I need Tyler , Lucas and pierre on this one

Chris : they'll be my armed bodyguards

Jane : those guys been training since the pay your giving ..it's a lot for us you know

Chris : you guys have doing great with following my orders and you are my captain Jane

Jane blushed at what Chris said

Jane : oh come on don't say that

Chris gets dressed up as he travels through the tunnels now with lights thanks to his idea of having a solar panel stalled in outside away from the cave

And signs to tell which direction and where the training area is

Training area

(Gun crackles!!)

As the guys are firing Soviet ak74u with a folding stocks

As they hit targets vital spots chest area hearts , lungs anything to do the job as the mags were empty

(Click , clack)

(Clack , click

(Chick , Ching)

As they reloaded a new mag

Chris (thinking) : it's only been a few days and now they're shooting like professionals

Dennis : oh boss ! , great to see you here

Chris : yeah I just wanted to see them shooting …looks like they're making progress

Chris : now next part all you will walk towards the target with each some shots

Chris : on my mark get ready ….go!

As they should fire m as they move

(Gun cracklings!!)

(Bullets clatter!)

As they move towards the target some missed as Chris impression it not expected

Chris : not is what I thought but you will improve by time

Dennis : t..thanks

Chris : Pierre , Tyler , Lucas you three go with me and some outfits and weapons are prepared for ya

As they prepared themselves to go to the southwest to a slave auction for all nobles Chris had to make up a noble name and trade company


Ruine temple

Bunch of carriages fancy as looking as always

Pierre : look at this like they're having some sort of event

Lucas : no kidding it's also my first time and I'm already surprised

Though Chris was looking at his own

Name : Chris

Hp : 21,000 Mp : 31,785

Lv 24

Strength : 15. Accuracy : 20 Agility : 16

Endurance : 23 Sense :14 Dexterity : 17

vitality : 17 Evasion : 19 Intelligence : 32

Willpower : 18

Apprentice swordsman lv2

Apprentice shooter lv7

Guerrilla warfare : 50 % on accuracy and agility will be increased and self awareness

Backstab : within concealment you are none visible to others in the dark

Drug maker : you can create any norcatics

Cost 30 mana

Bullet maker : you can craft any ammunition

Chris (thinking) : killing adventures for experience points it's worth it

Tyler : these rich ass hats eating good with a carefree life while we are struggling

Chris : patients , you have blood shed soon enough

Chris : plus we need to keep our face hidden that's why I have these mask with us

Tyler : I hope I do

Chris (thinking) : Jane did told me about his problem with nobles …his family including his sister we're slaughtered

Chris (thinking) : under the order of several nobles

Chris (thinking) : I guess all of them have some dark past

As they reached to the entrance some bodyguards asked for some invitations

Male bodyguard 1 : invitation please

Chris shows him the invitation inscriptions and writings were forged by Chris

Male bodyguard 1 : you can go inside sir please enjoy

Chris and the others went inside the ruin temple as room has candles and a carpet and two other bodyguards

Male bodyguard 3 : go inside sir but those three days outside

Chris : these three are my bodyguards

Male bodyguard 3 : they stay here you go inside and be a good noble

Chris raised his voice in a aggressive way

Chris : are you trying to anger me if so I will have whom ever is incharge and talk about this outrage you are doing here my dear sir!

Male bodyguard 3 : please I beg for your forgiveness please go in please!

As the doors are open for them when they've entered crowd of noble with black and whiteMasquerade Masks

Male Slaver : I present you all beast woman black cat race the weakest of all

Male slaver : only worth two gold coins at best so who-

Chris (thinking) : if I'm right black cats have been considered which so I'm thinking about having them go under training

Chris (thinking) : I want all of them no matter how many I want them all noble , beastfolk regardless

Chris (thinking) : I will have what I want