
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Acción
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 Slums

Chris purpose of buying a shitshack of home to stay incognito he will also like to explore in the slums and maybe buy somethings or start a business

As Chris enters the building with rusty key

(Water dripping)

(Wood creeks)

Chris : well seen worst

(Step , step , step)

As he looks around the place

Chris saw what it seems that maybe bathroom huge tube wooden and toilet system it pretty much connected to the sewer

Chris : uggh.. never mind I take back at what I just said

Chris looks at the next room but only he sees a bed wood's rotted

Chris : at least their one bed

Chris sits on the bed until he heard something snappping off

(Wood creeks!)



Chris : aaaahh…shit …my back

Chris (thinking) : this is just step one of my plan nothing much until morning..ugh

Chris (thinking) : but first I should sleep this off now

Chris closed his eyes and fell asleep easily like that no problem , until next morning he woke up with a sore back


Chri : ngh! (Yawn)

Chris : aaahh! Shit my back

Chris (thinking) : might as well have my day off and look around the neighborhood

Chris steps outside only find the slum to be much more in shit place

Mostly drunk people on the side walks laying down and Chris witness a women throwing out that seems like very dirty water


(Splash !!)

Chris : okay not how I want to start my morning but whatever I guest (sigh)

He strolls through the street where again it looks more shitty then he expected

Male Homeless : give me the food you goddamn wretch !!

Female food vander : no you need to pay !

Mostly there prostitute in the streets trying to get by with little they could get on from every sad sap

Prostitute 1 : hello handsome looking for good time for the right price

Chris : maybe not now

Prostitute 2 : why not me I can show you a good time ❤️

Chris : I'll consider , but not now

Prostitute 2 : your lost

Chris (thinking) : this is bullshit my first time in the slums and I hate it already

Chris (thinking) : goddamn these people are living worst then the rich fuckers

Chris looks at his right sight and sees rotting dead body


Chris (thinking) : and nobody gonna do something about that guy …he's dead!! For fuck sake!

Chris (thinking) : oh Jesus poor guy he did not want this at all

Chris : oh god uggh !!

Chris kept walking away so he couldn't smell the stench of a rotting body

Unlit until a couple of minutes he saw that look like bar with half broken wooden sign

Potato pub

Chris : Jesus I need a drink right about now

He goes to the tavern to get some drinks until another disappointment hits him in so many expectations

Chris : ….



Drunk female : ugh….need booze

As the tavern looks like a disaster broken chair and stools tables covered with knife markings

And mostly the place it almost completely quiet

Chris : oofff ….what the hell ?

Chris grabs a stool that seem fine and sits on it



Chris : ahhh!!!


Chris : shit!! Again!

Chris gets up with pissed off mood and tries to call for the bartender

Chris : aye ! What the hell !

Chris : I came to get drink !

Male bartender : right sorry ! about how can I help ?

Chris : look I just need a drink to help me forget about today that's all

Male bartender : I'm sorry but unfortunately we've been unable to acquire any liquor for the past two months because the debt we've have

Chris : debt the fuck you talking about ?

The bartender explained about the debt and situation of the tavern

Male bartender : our manager wasted our coins in gambling …it was supposed to pay the taxes this place has now

Male bartender : not to mention that this place has not seen any improvements at all and now we barely have anyone coming to this tavern

Chris : Jesus! , and where the hell is the manager!?

Chris : I need to talk to him about this bullshit!

Male bartender : umm…about that …he took his own life

Male bartender : he didn't want to keep dealing with this sort of problem so he hung himself in the office

Chris : so wait let me get this clear and perfectly

Chris : you've been running this place all by yourself?

Chris : why the hell the authorities haven't done anything about this shit situation in the slums

Male bartender : even if we did that they kept saying keep working hard until luck hits your way

Chris : more like shit

Chris (thinking) : obviously this shit place and rest in the slums are pretty much in mess

Chris (thinking) : there's barely any law in this place , little food , dead bodies and waste on the streets

Chris (thinking) : but wait …this is my chance if I somehow get in people good side….I can connection to my drug line and make more money

Chris gets up from his sit and leaves to do some shopping for the tavern

Male bartender : w…wait where are you going ?

Chris : I'm fixing this bullshit with some redecorations

(Step , step , step , step)

(Door slam)

Chris makes his way to the upper district to find a carpenter

Upper district

Joes carpenter

Chris : I'd like to have all your guys to fix a certain tavern in the slums

Joe : no way buddy not in that place

Chris hurried and interrupted joe

Chris : I know you are thinking about the safety of your beloved comrades at work but this , this you will be loaded with so much gold

Joe : ...how much ?

Chris : one thousand gold coins for your work and the work of your comrades I can show the gold-

Joe : okay , okay deal you got it

Chris kept making deals with others that would take up his deal

Two days later

Antione cuisines

Antoine garnier : my patroons that have serve will now serve you my fine sir

Chris : great once they are ready to move in the tavern

Third day

As Chris makes his final deal with a noble

Andre Artois : hmp !

Andre Artois : how dare a mere commoner like you …you must have enough pride to even place a deadmen dept unto them

Chris : you are a blessed humble noble of all and yet these are commoners that are getting twice the gold then other nobles shops

Chris : and you must do it and invest it for more shops to profit and trust me I am not commoner

Andre Artois : oh interesting what is your name ?

As the arrangements had been played in motion their was one thing Chris needed to do

Night time

Potato pub

Male bartender : it's incredible how did you do it ?

Chris : I had my ways of talking to people

Chris : oh forgot I had an arrangement with some friends at the guild

Chris had a arrangement of the payment that three certain patrons that were promised are at chris home

(Knock , knock , knock)

Joe : aye man I'm here for the money you promised!

Joe looks behind and wonders who is that

Joe : who are you ?

Antione garnier : I am antione the had chef you

Joe : Joe the carpenter


The door open by it self Joe and antione go inside the place without thinking unaware of what's going on until Joe and antiones subordinates were inside the room

Male carpenter 1 : boss!

Joe : guys !

Female cooks : sir antione

Antoine garnier : you girls what are you doing here ?

Male carpenter 2 : some guy told us you were in debt he told us where to meet

As confusion steer's around

Joe : debt? , meeting? Who told you that?

Antione garnier : this smell what is it ?

Chris appears at the door black mask glasses and black clothing , he lied about going to the guild , he never was going to the guild

Chris : sorry fellas


Joe : Albert!

Chris : it's not my name


(Door slam!)


Joe : no …YOU DAMN RAT!!!

Antione garnier : aahhh! ..AHHHHHH!!!

(Multiple screams !!!)


Chris locked down the place as it's burning and people being burnt to death tying up loose ends and as for the papers that others made deals it was debt papers field with names and noble signature

End next chapter