
Reunion Overdo.

Once Mercury was broken down and assimilated into his territory, he gained quite a bit of area. Considering that Mercury was barely bigger than Earth's moon, the size increase had not been too substantial. However, it was a welcomed sight as more territory was always good.

Once he was finished, checked on his Volcano and noticed that it was burning hotter. The core of Mercury really did the trick to give it the extra boost as he turned Mercury into an Energy core that brought more energy from Earth's core to his volcano.


Trihexa was honestly impressed as just took apart a planet.

"That was something. Now what?"

"Now, I have two months to prepare for coming back into contact with our home world. I will be taking over my world as I don't have to limit myself to just a continent anymore. As for this reality, well it will be my stomping ground for quite a while.

This place has gods and I will be using them to increase my strength to new extremes once I feel confident to harm them."

[Just remember that you still have us at your side. As you grow stronger, so do our souls.]

"Almost forgot about you Ddraig, you've been quite recently."

[Haha. Not my fault you keep on getting stronger so fast that I and Albion have to keep sleeping to process it all.]

{He is right. We are connected to your soul so each time you grow stronger, we are the ones who come into contact with that first.}

Even Leavatine had the same issue, but since he was a sword it was better for him then the two Dragons.

'They are not wrong, but more power should always be good.'

Maulketh ignored the three of them for a moment as he took a breath. It was funny that having sex with Trihexa for as long as he did had caused his strength to double. And him now having direct access to her Concept of Destruction really gave his Concept of Tyrrany a Boost.

He honestly had no idea how strong he was anymore as he could already destroy multiple solar systems. Could he destroy a Galaxy just yet?

'Maybe with the Divide Booster, but I still feel weak.'

He sat down on a big rock as he thought of his situation. He was stronger than most beings would wish to become, and yet he knew there were still beings stronger than him in this dimension.

He had not even begun to battle the gods who would be the ones to truly give him the powers he needed. As he sat down, Trihexa sat on his lap and looked up at him.

"You seem down?"

"Kinda, but honestly I was just feeling bad for myself over something stupid. I will one day reach the top and no one will get in my way. And I think I know how?"

If the Omniverse was real, he most certainly had Alternative Selves in the vast Multiverse. Each one would have taken different paths than he took with a treasure trove of knowledge and power. But how could he take all of their powers?

'If I can assimilate all of my alternative selves, I am sure that I will reach the upper tiers of power. But how? How do I begin to find my alternative selves anyways, and if I am any example they won't be weaklings.'

He would have to figure it out eventually but eventually was not the now. Maulketh stood up with Trihexa hanging off his neck a bit. She let go and landed on the ground.

"Two months. I should just take it easy for the moment. Once my family is with me I will begin to make major moves. And I know someone who I will be eating soon."

Trihexa pointed at herself.

"What about me? You going share?"

He just pushed her forehead away.

"Find your own powers. Why do you think I have not shared any of mine except for a bit of my Concept with you? You need to find your own. Would do no good for you to just copy the powers I have taken."

"More like you are just greedy. I hate to admit it, but you gained more out of our bond them me."

"Of course, I am him."

"No humility in you is there?"

"What is that and can it make me stronger?"

With that said he opened a portal and returned to his room which had been cleaned and repaired after the wild sex he and Trihexa had. He picked up Grimnar and Leman and walked inside with Trihexa following behind.

Once they were here, Maulketh got into bed and closed his eyes as he decided to take a quick nap. Trihexa did the same and cuddled up with him along with Grimnar. And like always, the Time Formation was up and running so Maulketh could sleep without worry about time.


While he slept, back home the invasion was going smoothly. Ares' army was tireless and each one carried the blessing of two gods of war. Ares and Athena so they were savage warriors with the skill and wisdom of Athena.

And just like they did in their old world, Athena and Ares took over the armed forces, but this time worldwide. This caused their army's numbers to rise to nearly 30 million. Only a small potion of each country's population was in the armed forces, but the two war gods did not need many numbers.

Currently, Ares single-handedly marched toward Hogwarts. Here he was met by numerous Wizards who noticed the invasion happening world wide. At the front was the Elderly Albus Dumbledore who for once felt total helplessness.

None of their magic worked on these invaders, and the dragons they brought with them were leagues stronger than the ones of their world. Ares did not even draw his weapons as he looked at the Wizards.

"Drop your wands and submit to the Dragon Empire."

Maulketh would hate the name as Ares put no thought into it. But Ares was laughing internally at naming his friend's empire just the 'Dragon Empire.' It would be so damn funny. Ares focused back on the Wizards and saw that some of them did as he said.

Others though did not especially the old Albus.

"Invader, you are not welcomed here."

Ares rolled his eyes as if he was just being nice. His Divine Aura crashed down on the Wizards and the Castle. The Wands of the wizards were ripped out of their hands and burned in Golden Flames.

Ares drew his fist back and launched a punch at the castle and opened it up a giant hole in it. He made sure to not damage the castle further, but the spirit of Hogwarts groaned in pain.

Ares grinned under his black-horned helmet.

"Now, submit."

With the armed forces taken over, the different countries became totally defenseless. Each country and the 11 Magic Communities quickly fell to order. A single Dragon from Maulketh's home was a powerhouse that could lay waste to kingdoms.

And they rapidly took country after country, continent after continent one by one. As for Athena, she spread her consciousness through each of her troops to better plan each assault.

Ares, her brother was the hammer, she was the precise knife. Already, North and South America had been taken over. Ares' forces were going through the European countries, Astrid was dealing with Asia, Australia was taken by Celestine, and Africa was falling into order by the Frost Dragons.

They would have to spend some time bringing order, but she could manage it. She just hoped when Maulketh came back he praised her. And something else that she had yet to forget. She smiled a bit, but Ares who was next to her bonked her on the head.

"One fuck with Maulketh and you become a love-struck girl. What would the old you say?"

She kicked him in the nuts, but Ares tanked the blow with a laugh.

"HA! My nut armor is the strongest part of my suit. Thank Hephestus."

Athena ignored him as dealing with Ares was like dealing with a immature child. It had gotten worse since he met Maulketh his 'bro'. But she had changed because of him so she could not talk.


Rapidly, two months passed by with the first gate being reworked a bit as they had gotten better after crafting the first gate. This time, Ophis, and Great Red both were going to be powering the gate directly.

Great Red stood proudly over the first gate which had been moved under Olympus which was floating above Maulketh's lair. Though him being 100 meters long was not really impressive anymore as Maulketh was 7 times his size.

But since his Concept was Dreams he could make himself bigger if he so wanted. Ophis looked up at him and he down at her.

"You ready?"


All of Maulketh's harem, his friends, and allies were here and they were all waiting to be reunited with Maulketh. They all stood near as Azazel, Beelzebub, Hephestus, the dwarves, and any mages they had on hand double, triple, and quadruple-checked the enchantments.

Things were running smoothly, so Ophis closed her eyes to talk to Maulketh.


Maulketh who was still sleeping soundly instantly woke up.


'Yeah, it's me. We are ready on our side. Send me where you want the gate to open.'

Maulketh got up out of bed after an uncertain amount of time asleep. If 2 months had passed in his home dimension, how long had passed here? His Concept filled him in on the blanks.

'10 months and I ended up sleeping for 300 years. That little.'

His Concept filled in that too. Apparently, it powered down the Formation just a bit as he would have woken up in 400 years. As he woke up, Trihexa, Grimnar, and woke up. Leman now was the size of a tiger, but that was just in his smaller form.

He would be much bigger once he returned to his true form which Maulketh wondered how big would be. As they all woke up, Trihexa turned to him.

"It's time?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, they finished the gate."

Grimnar rushed awake as he missed his sisters. He considered Astrid and Celestine his sisters as they were all familiars of Maulketh. Leman tilted his head as he was confused, but Maulketh did not explain.

He teleported them all to the surface, especially over his lair. Using his link to Ophis he set where he wanted the gate to open and once he did that, it was up to them. Ophis focused back on the gate as Azazel turned to her.

"It's ready."

Ophis grinned and cracked her fingers. Her Concept of Infinity, and Great Red's Concept of Dreams began to fill up the energy tanks of the gate which caused it to begin opening a much stronger gate.

On Maulketh's end, he saw the beginnings of a spatial gate forming. His Concept of Tyrrany descended on that and stabilized it on his end and even powering it up. Trihexa shrugged and did the same as Maulketh.

With 4 different Concepts and Dragon Gods opening the gate on two sides, eventually, the giant purple and red portal fully opened. Maulketh was going to step inside, but through the portal, a human man was tossed through.

Maulketh looked at the flying man and read his mind. He was a criminal they used to make sure the gate worked. And since the man survived the jump, Maulketh killed him with a thought causing him to disintegrate.

Maulketh walked through the gate and for the first time in a while returned to his home dimension. Once he was here, he took a breath before it seemed the world itself welcomed him back.

Mana in the air sang, the Dragons of this world all lowered their heads, and when his Concept spread through the world every being not allied to him dreaded.

"It's good to be back."

Maulketh turned to everyone who had helped in bringing him back home. But most importantly, he turned to his family, his harem. He was about to greet them all, but he was suddenly tackled causing him to skid back a bit.


Ophis had rushed into his arms and he had instantly hugged her tightly.

"Ophis, glad to see you."

"You better keep your promise and make it up to me."

"I will. Now, girls. You going to stay out of the reunion hug?"

That was all he had to say before he was instantly enveloped in the warmth of his harem. His mood was at an all-time high as he was finally back. And the gate was now a perfect means of access to the DC universe.

But just as he was thinking that Runeas looked up at him.

"QUICK! Did you add Wonder Woman to your harem?"

He paused and looked away.

"I might have made an enemy of the Justice League."

Runeas sighed as she was disappointed.

"Oh. Anyways, glad to have you back."

"Glad to be back."

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