
Chapter 02 : Let Me Introduce Myself / Slight R:18

Dracula smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, it was the day that he was going to visit that town, it was kind of a trip for him. He hadn't been to the outside world for God knows how long, there were times when he took trips to the outside world because idiots tried to invade him, therefore he had to wipe out settlements, and for that he needed information, and to gather information he had to travel. So there's no surprise he knows his history, along with the fact that he lived that very "history". He even documented some of it in his diaries, he's met several figures, some he's sired, raised as his children. Exactly like one of his sires Alexander, it's pretty easy to guess which historical figure he is, along with who he's sired with.

When Alexander wanted to conquer, he wanted power along with that. And he got what he desired and caused chaos across countless nations, he still does.

Dracula, of course had heard about those stupid books, TV Shows and Movies of which depicted him as the villain, or weak in some cases. He was anything but weak, and he had no weaknesses. I literally… have no weaknesses, but he did use some techniques from those "fictional books". Neither did he have those disgustingly long nails, he took care of himself,

The weakness of the cross is very much not a threat to him at all, hell he kind of adores the man. God gave him his gifts, ever heard of a Vampire worshipping God? First time? Get used to it.

Dracula fastened his vests, and looked at the mirror and smiled at himself, oh wait? You thought the famous "mirror" was a weakness also? Hmph… you'll soon learn any tactics is meaningless against him,

Dracula then exited his house, he looked at his house and snapped his fingers and the boarded windows and everything boarded disappeared,

Dracula had learned about this "school" that they had in town called Smallwood Highschool and enrolled… how? When we all know this Ancient Beast had no school forms that could be possibly signed, perhaps no identity? Compulsion, that's how.

Dracula fixed his overcoat, he was wearing a slim-black full suit with a black overcoat hanging. He had business-type shoes and a thin black tie. He had a black watch around his right wrist, and a cross around his neck. He was wearing glasses with his pocket watch hanging out of his right pocket in on his vest,

Dracula turned and looked at his mansion hidden behind the forest, "Yea… that'll need some cleaning for sure. But should I call on them? I might as well check how they've been doing", Dracula eyes closed a little, he didn't know whether or not he should do it.

Dracula stood still and closed his eyes and whispered aloud, "Come to me"… and his eyes snapped open, and he muttered, "Well that was nice" and went towards the direction of the school, once he walked in all eyes were on him, Dracula walked towards an office where there was a man just sitting there, Dracula had applied for his Junior year along with a few other students. Dracula of course, had to. He couldn't be a Freshman with a whole beard, and with his build, it'd be scary.

Dracula looked at the man deep in his eyes and the man shuddered before quickly giving the man the schedule, "H-here's your schedule and your guide will soon be coming and showing you around the school" and Dracula nodded while still staring in the man's eyes until the man diverted his eyes, 'Why do I feel like this… no why does he feel like that?' and he just shook his head thinking he was imagining things,

A teenage latina female then walked in with tight blue shorts with the schools logo, she had short ankle white socks with normal running shoes and a white-t shirt, she had a curvy type build and she was thick (with two c's) back there, she had her curly hair falling to her lower back with white fingernails and fluttery eyelashes, I'll let you imagine that, "Ah, Rosalie I know you were in gym class but here's the student you'll be guiding, and please do be careful with him than you did with the last student you guided" while she nodded and walked right back out without getting a proper look at the man who scared the living shit out of her and her friends yesterday, she brought her hand up motioning for him to follow and he rose his brow while looking her up and down,

'Lord have mercy' Dracula thought as he turned away and his eyes glowed for a second before he controlled his urges, 'What do they feed these females nowadays?'

He followed her as she explained the school, it's functions, the sports and Dracula got intrigued about the "football" and "basketball" aspect and he grinned secretly. When the female turned around and saw what Dracula looked like, she had widened eyes and her throat got dry as she looked at him, he was… a beautiful man to say the least and the way he carried himself was noble-like, as if he was an Emperor. And he had this aura about him, which screamed that he was powerful.

Dracula smiled as he once again put his finger on her chin and made her lock eyes, he smiled as he leaned in and she closed her eyes…

Then he moved her head out of the way and just curved her and went towards the coaches office where he could sign up to play Football, as the Basketball season wasn't here yet.

As Dracula walked away and his overcoat was fluttering as he was walking away she had a stunned expression… did she just get curved? The girl at the top of the school's hierarchy, the Queen of High school, got curved. The student's in the hallway's now had something juicy news, and rumors spread amongst the school about the "new kid" and the "Queen" of High school such as, were they exes? Are they dating?

While Dracula was walking towards the coaches office, someone bumped into him and it was some random cliché bully on every mock TV Show or Novels, "Watch where the hell you're going nerd" he said as he pushed Dracula into a locker and his stopwatch fell and cracked on the floor, the man kept on walking as he sneered and grinned as he talked with his buddies and kept on walking.

Dracula stared at the stopwatch, as he knelt on the floor and picked it up and looked at it,

"Time…" he muttered, his thoughts flickered towards sitting in the dark chained up, "You abomination" a man yelled out as he whipped a younger Dracula who had long hair reaching to his lower back and a long black beard,

"You hideous creature" another man yelled out as he slapped Dracula's back and Dracula just grunted, "1,2,3" he kept on counting as he kept getting hit,

Dracula was chained to a wall with numerous of chains, he had shorts on, but nothing on his upper body and his arms were raised in the air chained,

"You beast!" a man was flogging Dracula's back, and Dracula grunted as flesh came out and he kept counting, "1000,1001,1002"

His thoughts flickered again to when he was still chained up, and thrown into the ocean, suffering endless of times, his conscious going in and out and his body healing over and over again. Not being able to die, then to being impaled onto a cross and being left there for over years as crows pecked at his flesh, as his throat was dry, thirsting for blood, the only liquid he had was the tears that came out of his eyes as he whispered with a croaked voice, "Time… 1,2,3,4,5"

Dracula's eyes glowed red as his rage continuously grew as he kept remembering, he kept remembering, he kept remembering!

"Die…Die…Die!" Dracula roared as he was impaled onto a cross in the desert as he looked at the dead bodies next to him… "I will hunt you down and murder you!" he roared again as his eyes grew and power reverberated off of him,

Dracula snapped back to the present when someone tapped his back and asked him if he was okay and Dracula nodded as his eyes were on the back of the man, Dracula looked at the boy memorizing him in his head before walking away continuing to the coaches office while Rosalie saw what happened was walking to him until the boy came in the way and was going to talk to her but she completely dodged him and looked for Dracula only to find him not in front of her anywhere, she sighed and went back towards gym class.

Dracula looked at the coach in front of him, "I want to sign up for Football" and the man looked him up and down, "Hell yea you want to play Football, have you ever seen what your built like boy? Were you raised in the country?" and Dracula shrugged his head confused, "They must've fed you a lot of corn huh?" and Dracula just kept looking at him like he was a idiot, "Anyways, I'll sign ya up… make sure you come to tryouts after school got it?" and Dracula nodded. "What's your name boy?" and Dracula inwardly cringed, getting called a "boy" from someone that your probably thousands of years older,

"Dracula Sir" he said with an accent and a smile and the man looked at him with an inquisitive gaze, "Dracula? As in the Vampire? It doesn't suit you at all," he said with a chuckle while Dracula simply smiled, "Oh I'm sure it does" he said with a smile and once the coach finished writing down the name he kind of shooed Dracula out of the room,

Dracula left and took a look at his schedule, he went to his next class and guess who was next to him. Chloe, the blond who was staring at Dracula from the corner of her eye, the teacher was talking about some type of history, more specifically myth's which greatly interested Dracula but he didn't say anything, while the teacher was talking about some other myth's Chloe spoke up who was still staring at Dracula but took off her gaze and said kind of fearfully,

"W-what about vampires?" and as the teacher was about to reply she cut him off again, "more specifically Dracula?", the male teacher who stared at her for a second to see if she would cut him off again then spoke up, "Vampires, and Dracula, you're talking about the so called "strongest vampire" am I right?" and Chloe nodded and the teacher spoke up once again, "Well… what do you want to know?" while Dracula scoffed, 'As if he would know anything about me',

Chloe spoke, "Tell me about him, like basic information. His powers, that sort" she said nodding her and smiling while looking at Dracula a little, and the teacher looked at her suspiciously and a brow raised before he spoke up,

"Well, obviously he's the strongest vampire so he has abilities that other vampires don't, but I'm pretty sure they have abilities like compulsion, illusion, super strength, speed, all of that sort" he said as he looked in the air thinking some more, while Chloe looked at Dracula a little uneasy, "And weakness?" while the teacher spoke up once again, "Uh… the cross, mirror, garlic" he said with a smile with a for sure expression, while Dracula was looking at him with a bored expression while Chloe was smiling towards Dracula,

Dracula rose his hand and the teacher nodded to him, "No offense, but I don't know what your sources are, but they're incorrect" he said as he looked at the teacher and Dracula pulled out his cross as he looked at Chloe like she was dumb and her eyes widened, while the teacher looked at him, "Dracula right? New student? How unique, your named after the vampire hm…" he said as he was still by the board looking at him, "So explain to me how I'm wrong? I'm a teacher who specializes in this stuff" while Dracula looked at him, "I can say for a fact that none of those stuff would work against a vampire" until Dracula then started thinking, "Perhaps against normal vampires, but those under the sire line of Dracula, I doubt it" Dracula said as he eyed the teacher and kept speaking, "Even more so when it comes to Dracula, he has little to no weaknesses, and if he does I'm sure he would have trained himself to no longer become weakened to it"… he said as he was giving the child just a little bit of hope.

To which she released a breath while the teacher looked at him with a raised brow, "So your telling me, that Dracula has little to no weaknesses along with the vampires that are sired to him? Hold up.." the teacher said as he thought, "Sired? As in the Vampires look up to him as their Lord or King? How would you even know that he had a sire line?" to which the man just sighed, "And where's your source?" and Dracula just smiled while the teacher felt just a little uneasy and then said, "Moving along," while Chloe was about to ask another question about vampires when she saw the teacher was looking at her as if he was saying don't say another word.

Class moved along throughout the day and it was lunch time, in fact. Dracula's first lunch time as he walked in the cafeteria of which he saw a wide array of food, with different aisles as if the school's lunch was an buffet, he fastened his suit as he looked at all of the teenagers with all types of clothing on. He looked around even more and found Rosalie, Chloe, Derrick with one more male and Dracula looked at the man more closely and grinned as he tilted his head as he looked at the boy.

Dracula went over and grabbed a bunch of food, and walked back towards Rosalie's table and sat down as their eyes widened as soon as the three saw him. While the boy curiously sniffed with his brows furrowed, Chloe looked at Dracula, "Wait you ea-" and Dracula cut her off and was looking at the boy and peered, "Interesting", before turning his gaze away and looked at Chloe, "Of course I eat, what type of question was that?" he said with a noble demeanor as he ate like a King would picking away while the whole table was in silence and Dracula spoke up with a mouth full "Go ahead speak up, continue on what you were talking about" he said as he dove back in.

While the other people at the table awkwardly looked at each other while Rosalie looked at Zachary the boy and she worded don't worry he looked at Rosalie then at Dracula,

"So is anyone going to tell me who this guy is and why he just called me interesting in a very weird way?" he said as he held out the word very.

Rosalie looked at Dracula before looked at Zach, "Zach this is the mythological Creature Dracula, Dracula this is Zach" she said with tired eyes as Dracula looked from his food to Zach and smiled and waved and went back to eating, Zach then spoke up, "Like the actual Vampire? Stop lying, even if he was your just accepting it? A literal legend, and myth is sitting right here, when he could kill this whole school with ease. Matter fact how have you not died to the sun or that cross around your neck?" he said nonstop,

Rosalie spoke up, "I've had a whole day, and this whole table already believes in aliens and those type of creatures It shouldn't come as a surprise that there's vampires and werewolves, plus there's already been sighting on a multitude of dark web pages. And the sun and all of that? I don't know really." she said with a sigh as Dracula happily ate, Zach looked at every at the table with widened eyes and then looked at Dracula who was eating and threw his head back almost falling out his chair in disbelief, "This… is so cool!" he almost yelled out as he looked at Dracula, "C-can you show me some powers? Can you make me a vampire? Can you fly? Wait do you actually drink blood? How long have you been alive" and Dracula looked up from his food and eyed the boy, and he eventually calmed down.

"You said powers?" and the boy eagerly nodded while the other people at the table looked also, Dracula then sighed, "Is there anything that you've wanted in the world that you've never had before?" and the boy put a finger on his chin? "Uhh? Free pizz-" and then at that very moment time slowed down, and it stopped. Dracula got up and looked at the frozen boy, and at high speeds ran towards a pizza place. Grabbed a hot and ready and brought it back to the school, and then snapped his fingers and Zach finished the word "pizza" when he noticed there was one right in front of him.

His eyes widened as he looked at the pizza then Dracula then back and forth, "S-superspeed?" and Dracula nodded while eating, "More like I can stop time" and the boys eyes widened, "H-how long can you do that?" and Dracula shrugged, "No clue." and the boy almost fell out of his chair again, "S-so have you fought other creatures?" while Dracula nodded, "Some werewolves, dragons, even gods at one point." he said with ease while the table went silent. Derrick looked at him with widened eyes, "D-did you just say gods?" and Dracula nodded as if it was nothing.

Zach looked like he had animated eyes and they were sparkling as he was looking at Dracula whilst almost drooling and then hung onto his arm, "Can we be fwends?" he said with a distorted tone because Dracula was trying to push the boy off of him, "Y-yes now get off me" he said and the boy backed up while smiling and hopping in his seat while Chloe spoke up, "So you won't kill us?" and Dracula just smiled before looking at Zach who was still staring at him creepily as he was whispering, "I just hugged Dracula, a man who has fought and killed dragons and gods." and Dracula just shook his head.

Dracula looked at everyone in the group and had easily figured out each of their roles,

Derrick : The Jock, most likely ex-boyfriend of Rosalie and most likely the football captain.

Zach: Geek, goofy guy of the group to make everyone laugh and smile, a chill guy and overall fun.

Rosalie: Queen of Highschool, every man perhaps even woman lust after her.

Chloe: Also a geek, but an annoying one.

Zach had a buzzcut with a sharp chin, a white t-shirt with a black jacket over it and black jeans with some normal shoes.

Chloe spoke up, "Soooo…." she said, "About that sire line stuff" and everyone at the table looked at Dracula, Chloe had told everyone about their encounter in the classroom, "It's all true, I have no weaknesses, like at all. And yes I have a sire line" and Zach spoke up this time, "No weaknesses? Sick… about that sire line… so about h-how many sires do you have?"

Dracula actually thought about it, "It's been thousands of years since I've lasted counted, perhaps over millions" and everyone's eyes almost fell out of socket, "What? Your my friends right? Friends don't kill each other so there's nothing to be afraid of" he said as he dug back in and everyone's fear lessened, but they still couldn't shake off the feeling that if they wronged Dracula, there would be millions of vampires chasing them down and everything that they love.

"So where are they now?" Rosalie spoke up from her never ending silence, she still hadn't got over on how she got curved,

Dracula smiled, "Oh they're coming…" while Derrick just now spoke up, "So why did you suddenly befriend you, don't you think that's kind of fast? One day your trying to kill us the next we're friends? I'm not disrespecting you or anything but…" he then looked at the rest of the table, "Don't you think that's a little suspicious?"

Dracula carefully put down his fork and food and looked at Derrick with a serious gaze, "Let's just say I'm curious in you lot. As for the suspicious part?" his eyes glowed a little before he turned back towards his food, "Let's just say that you're lucky to even be alive right now." while Zach looked at the two, "Note to myself, don't piss off the Lord of all Vampires."

"Any more questions?" he said with his mouth stuffed, "Uh yea… so you're the progenitor of all vampires?" and Dracula nodded, "So what did you mean by your own sire line, like if you're the first vampire, and all the rest descended from you. How did you know, other vampires come to be, if you bite them then they're your sires right?"

Then Dracula shook his head, "It's kind of… how do I say it. A special mark only given by me, so yes. The line of vampires have descended from me, but think about it like this. My sire line has the gift to make other people vampires, well every vampire has that ability. But my sire line, has made other people vampires, and those people have made vampires and so on." he said as he just finished chewing, "But with me… I have a special bite mark, that mark's someone as my sire, or mine in general. Only given by me, I choose who I make my sires." and Zach nodded but still didn't understand it all and Dracula just sighed.

Some type of bell rung signifying the end of that period, of which was lunch and they went their separate ways, well the lot of them. Rosalie and Dracula it seemed were going to the same class, Rosalie still had her gym fit on, including those tight shorts.

They then went up the stairs and Rosalie was in front of Dracula and when he looked up… he saw a whole lot of you know what. He then felt something bulging and his eyes widened, "What the hell it's been a long time since that has happened. Is it because I haven't seen a female in a long time?" he said as he looked at her then back down. He then stared and made sure to remember the scene and steadily pulled his overcoat over his body of which it would mask his pants as he kept walking behind her.

Rosalie on the other hand, smiled secretly… she don't know why, but she felt attracted to him. Otherwise she wouldn't do this with any man, at all. She didn't know why but she enjoyed teasing him, while they were still on the stairs Rosalie checked around real quick before pulling up her shorts even more up her ass to the point where some of the cheeks were showing and Dracula couldn't take it anymore as he swiftly brought his right hand to her neck and pushed her back into him to the point where she could feel the bulge and shuddered. He brought his left arm above her slim waist and pushed her body, more specifically her ass more into his bulge. He pushed her into the wall and slowly thrusted and put his cock on her ass, and she pushed back as you could see his imprint stuck in the middle of her ass.

and whilst still slowly choking her he brought his head towards her left ear and bit it not hard, and kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, "You'll be mine." and let her go as he slapped her ass and clenched it and walked off, he knew he'd won the battle and he then looked down, well kind of. Before grinning,

Rosalie on the other hand? She quickly pulled her shorts down a little and touched her neck and smiled, her legs were a little shaky and her hair was a little messed up. She liked the sensation of what she felt, she heard someone behind her and quickly started walking to class.

Dracula was already in class and he grinned as he saw Rosalie walking in and looked back towards the teacher who stopped the lesson for her, "Is there a reason you were late Mrs. Rosalie?" and she nodded, "Well I was-", "No? Okay go ahead and sit down so I can continue the lesson" and Dracula snarled unconsciously to the way the man was talking to Rosalie and Dracula's eyes widened, "No.."

He then felt a sensation on his right arm where his tattoos were, he then looked out the window. "So they're near. It didn't take them as long as I hoped it would. Hopefully they don't cause a ruckus." he thought.

Dracula looked at Rosalie's body and inwardly nodded to himself, Rosalie who saw Dracula in the far left corner of the classroom towards the window decided to sit next to him, she saw another female who was in awe of Dracula's looks and snapped her fingers in front her face, she motioned with her hands towards another seat and the female quickly ran off to the other seat. Rosalie sat her ass on the seat and looked at Dracula with a smile while Dracula nodded at her,

Dracula took in her scent, smelt like flowers and perfume. Dracula smiled but then he saw the last person he wanted to see on Earth, the idiot of a bully came towards Dracula's seat and tried to do the same thing Rosalie did with the female.

"Get up nerd." he said in front of Dracula's face, while Dracula simply ignored him as he looked out of the window, "Yo.. I know you fucking heard me you idiot!" he said as he pushed Dracula but he didn't move an inch. Dracula turned and looked at his suit jacket and found that it was stained from the bully's fingers filled with grease. The man spoke up, "What cat got your tounge? Oh your mad because there's something on your fancy suit? What you gonna do bitch!" he said as he slapped his jacket again.

Dracula got up as he gave his jacket to Rosalie who inwardly sighed, the teacher was about to step in when Dracula fixed his gaze on him and he got scared and backed up, Dracula towered over the man and grabbed the man by his neck and pushed him into the wall as he held him up and Rosalie eyes widened as she covered her face, 'Oh how I'd wish to be cho-.. Wait what am I thinking?' she thought as she slightly blushed at Dracula's actions.

"You stained my suit you peasant, do you know how much that cost?" he said with a growl then slammed the man onto the floor as he knelt down with the man and kept his grip firmly around the boy's neck, "You're going to pay for it, and if you don't you'll feel pain like you never felt in your entire life." Dracula then stood up and fastened his shirt and rolled his shirt back down as Rosalie looked at the tattoo but simply ignored it.

Dracula sat back down while the bully was still on the floor, he got up and saw everyone looking at him and ran out of the classroom with the jacket. The Teacher was about to say something until Dracula looked at him again with piercing eyes, "G-go to the principals office" and Dracula simply got up and walked off,

Dracula arrived in the office, and sat down noble-like in front of the principal who looked at him, "It's your first day and your already causing trouble?" and Dracula grinned as he felt a presence coming near them. Then outside what appeared to be multiple black military grade Humvee's rolled up guarding a simple black limousine. Everyone in the school looked outside to see what was going on and saw the vehicles including the Principal while Dracula was still seated knowing who it was,

Out of the first black limousine came a man with a solid build standing at 6'4 with a pure white suit with white business shoes with what appeared to either be sparkles or glitter on it kind of. He had some type of tattoo on the right side of his neck, a silver watch on his right wrist and a golden ring on his left index finger with some type of text written on it. He had piercing blue eyes with dirt blonde long hair reaching to his lower back and a sharp jawline with a clean shaven face. He had a smile on as he put up his hands and the guards got back into their trucks. This man, was the second-in-command you could say, and adopted son of the great Dracula, the man who conquered endlessly until he couldn't anymore. This was Alexander the Great,

There were a lot of students who were in awe of his looks, and the military vehicles behind him,

"He must be famous right?".

"He looks so cool".

"He looks like he could beat the shit out of you".

"He's built different".

Alexander looked around with careful eyes as he was studying his surroundings and more precisely the school and once he found what he was looking for he walked with a noble aura towards the school. In another class Zach looked at Chloe and Derrick, "Uh… are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and Derrick looked at him also, "That that's one of the people that he said was near?" and Zach nodded, "He look's important doesn't he" and Chloe slapped him in his head, "Anyone who's sired by Dracula has to be important." and Derrick nodded along with that, "I wonder who he is."

Alexander was walking gracefully towards the principal's office as you could see student heads popping out of the doorway and looking at his back. Once Alexander got to the door he opened it and closed it closing any sight off from the kids, "Isn't that where that one kid Dracula is?" and they all nodded along, "What if that's his parent?" and they all widened their eyes. "Could that be why he has that suit and that noble-like aura?" but they had gotten the roles switched up.

Once the door closed the principal looked at Alexander instantly took his eyes off him as Alexander was towering over the man and looking in his eyes, Alexander simply ignored the man and kneeled in front of Dracula, "Lord…" and Dracula smiled as he patted Alexander's head, "Son…" and Alexander smiled as he felt comforted once again by the head pats. "Get up," and Alexander got up, "Father where have you been all this time? We've been looking for you everywhere" and Dracula looked at him with a deadpanned face, "How couldn't you find me but a lousy group of teenagers found me?" and Alexanders eyes twitched and vowed that he'll take the head off of the person who was sent looking for Dracula.

Alexander looked at the feeble fat guy sitting in his chair, and his eyes glowed red as he looked the man in his eyes, "Get up and sit down over there," where Dracula was sitting and looked at his father and motioned for him to go sit on the principal's seat and with a reluctant sigh Dracula got up and sat down on the Principal's seat and Alexander smiled and then frowned as he looked at the fat guy, "Your feeble existence disgusts me" and he pointed his finger at the man and his finger glowed before Dracula put his hand up motioning for him to stop, and Alexander put his hand down. "Forget everything that has happened here, you will only remember that we had a conversation about me enrolling in this school along with my-" he looked at Dracula for an answer to which Dracula replied with "adopted brother… I guess??" he said with a questioning gaze,

"As an adopted brother" Alexander said as he looked once again in the man's eyes and the man nodded and then he continued once again, "And you let him" as he pointed to Dracula, "off with a warning." and the man nodded once again.

The man then turned out of his daze and grabbed out some forms and asked for Alexander to sign them, and let Dracula off with a warning as the principal personally handed Alexander his schedule of which of course matched Dracula and he is a junior.

Once they were out they were heading towards the class and then he spoke to Alexander on the way, "Any reports since I've been gone on I guess you could say my sealing process?" and Alexander nodded, "Yes I do father, but there's too many prying eyes so I could tell you back at your mansion if that would please you?" and Dracula nodded, "Drop the formalities son, you don't need it with me." and Alexander nodded with a smile

They were back in the classroom and once the teacher saw Dracula in his vision he instantly turned his eyes away but he looked at Alexander with a questioning gaze, "and who is this?" and Dracula spoke up, "my adopted brother Alexander, and the new student in this class." and the students were awing and ooing because of how similar he dressed with Dracula and they all nodded that they had to be related.

"Ah… two new students in one day, how fun" he said in a sarcastic tone and motioned for them to take their seats, Rosalie had her hands on her chins as she was leaning and looking towards Dracula with a smile while Alexander simply rose his brow staring at her,

Dracula sat down in his seat and Alexander decided to take the seat in front of him but someone was inhabiting it, Alexander walked up to the boy and a silent pressure erupted onto him and the boy hesitatingly looked up to Alexander, "Y-yes?" and Alexander motioned with his hand to another seat and the boy quickly packed up his notebook and put it in his bag and moved.

The teacher just sighed as he looked at the troublesome group and continued with the lesson, after awhile class ended and it was the end of school as announcements came on and Dracula completely ignored them whilst Alexander listened with great attention and detail,

Soon they dismissed the freshmen and sophomores and bus riders then juniors and seniors and that's when Dracula, Alexander and Rosalie moved out of the classroom with Rosalie towards Dracula's left arm nearly hanging on it and Alexander right behind him walking in perfect-sync and walked outside to where they found the rest of the group,

Dracula looked at Derrick who appeared to be walking towards some type of locker room and that's when he remembered that he'd signed up to do tryouts for football and walked over there with Derrick with his suit still on and Alexander not knowing what to do followed behind also,

It was just Zach, Chloe, and Rosalie as they watched the group of three walking and shrugged and followed behind except they went towards the stands,

Zach looked at Alexander and nodded while thinking how cool he looked inside of his head, and was thinking if he could ever be like that,

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