

I am dickgirl. i am me and i am proud of it. at birth i was labeled a boy and thats cool and all but later in life i explored my gender idenity stuff. i choosed the gender dickgirl because well, for many reasons. one being i think its funny other than that it makes things easy. i consider myself female and i have a dick, deal with it kinda thing. some love it,some hate it and the others don't care or understand it and that is a-okay. This is my public diary/blog of my life and thoughts.


as you been warned or read. i am dickgirl. my other name doesn't really matter in my opinion at least. i am who i am. even though i label myself a girl, i more or less don't fit into the mold of someone like me should, would, could and so forth. for example i wear swim trucks instead of a binkini or swimsuit. its more comfortable and natural for me. i sometimes get in trouble because of it. but i am like why shouldn't i.i know it confuse and embarress people and to be honest i love it. like omg she's not wearing a top or i thought she was a girl, its hilarious on people's first reaction. on another note i wear everything from quote on quote boy and girl clothes to a mixture of both.


as for the bathroom i go to whichever one i am so called allowed to or can. which is kinda funny when on one day i bought myself a portable toilet. i have no shame if i have, will use it. no gender bathrooms are gonna stop me. they are useful to have. i haven't tried diapers yet but maybe one day i might who knows.

My Body, My pride and joy ♡:

The problem about being a dickgirl, trans queer or whatever word is about the surgery talk and pills thing. i love my body, its my body. when someone like me tell people about my gender/sex/ ect. those things sooner or later come up. which i kinda understand some people in my situation don't like their body or parts of themselves and thats up to them. for me i choose to keep my little guy. as for the pills i want to my body to evole on its own. i don't think it makes less of girl nor do i feel like it should be a requirement for me or others.

My friend has boobs ♡:

i have friends believe it or not. one is like me.

He is a man with boobs, man boobs the boobman i like to call him. theres a sad story with us because we weren't always friends and some complicated stuff in his past. but thats hopefully behind us. long story and what i was givin permission to say. i guess write i mean is this. we meet at highschool. by then i have been a proud dickgirl for a while. i introduced myself as such despite my teachers dismay or the word. my friend back than hated my free spirited self and took it as me more or less mocking him and our so called group. he tried to bully me, i fought back. we yelled secrets we became friends the end. he was quote on quote in the closet.some months and the power of friendship he was reborn to a new person. we are cool now and he sometimes calls himself boobman. together we are dickgirl and boobman at least for now.


my gender is female or in my words dickgirl. as for my sexuality i say pan, sometimes bi. I am attracted to all genders and sexes. its just kinda hard to say or explain it sometimes. like for many there's only two genders and then the whole thing where people are confused by gender and sexuality connection thingy. like am i a top or bottom, sexual or ace. i am adaptable, the best of both worlds and in a sense all worlds. no matter what though i am still techically a virgin, i only got as far as a kiss. its not really easy or safe for romance my world. my first kiss was a boy and he turn out to be a transaphobe. i told him i was a dickgirl and at first he was okay with it then wanted me to change. i kissed a girl too but that didn't workout ether. tried some lgbt freindly dating apps but it was again hard and dangerous still so for now i am a single dickgirl.

one last note i love saying DickGirl.♡♡♡♡^~^♡♡(^-^)/bye.