
The devils last game : Intro

Yes, the games that the devil plays are intriguing. Just when you start to think you've won he'll drag you back down to the depths of hell.

The games that he creates are designed solely for him to win, made carefully constructed by his rules. Therefore no one ignorant will fight to win, just fight to last the longest.

The stories you are about to hear now are fictional and only my assumptions of what happens in the future. I can not change it, or control it, however, I can inform you of the horrors. So maybe a time rewind could actually occur. But who knows the devil has other plans, here's what you came for, and I happily deliver it to you.


There are 7 best of friends, each ones story more painful and agonising, perhaps you won't find it that harsh. Perhaps your life is much worse, but perhaps, it's the last story, that may make you shed a tear or two, or not. the most painful of all, because he remembers, he remembers exactly what happened and why, and he'll never be able to forget it, or those days written down harshly in his diary.

His diary that keeps all the entries, his diary's May be the only evidence to back his story. A young man with big dreams, many wants in the world, but not a single complain towards the harsh world.

His only pleas in the world are for his and his friends happiness. But God is never there when you need him the most, or maybe God is just never really there. Perhaps we all just need something or someone that doesn't even exists to feel like we exist. Humans are strange, you set them free but they cling onto the one thing that was holding them down in the first place.

Perhaps that's why the devil was created, that's why he was the one chosen to throw everything away.