
Quirk and school

"Your sons quirk is..... Darkness" exclaimed the doctor with a somewhat worried look.

"Darkness, so he could manipulate darkness" David asked curiously.

The doctor then went on to explain that it's like his brothers but he can manipulate darkness and shadows. "It's a very powerful quirk, and can I talk to you privately" explained the doctor while asking to talk to them. When they stepped into the other room the parents looked out the glass and noticed the kids were shaping constructs of darkness and light.

"So doctor I presume it's because of my other sons quirk" asked David.

"Yes, although it is powerful and can be used for saving others, there's something else. When he used his quirk, his eyes turned reptile like and a vertical slit appeared. Though that was only when he got too excited. I have a form which you could sign if you would want to put him into something called 'villain prevention'. It's a facility to prevent villains and teaches them 'values'.

Both parents looked at each other worried that their oldest child would turn into a terrible villain. So they both nodded to each other and exclaimed "we'll take the form but we want to see if he becomes more aggressive. And if he does end up being more 'villainous' we'll be sure to contact the facility.

As they stopped talking they went outside and told the kids that they'll be heading home. During the car ride Damien and Stefan were excited and kept making constructs. When they got home they were told that they would be going to kindergarten the following week, and during that time they would be training. During the week they worked on their quirks and Damien increased the gap between their strength. Both Stefan and Damien Stefan had good control over their quirks and found ways to use them. During their training Damien found a way to move in the shadows and teleport. Though this took a lot of concentration and energy he was happy. Stefan also managed to move faster by teleporting through light and even managed to shorten the gap when he used light spears and shot them at Damien at incredible speeds. This also gave Damien the same idea and he used the same technique with spears of darkness. They would constantly grow stronger during the week and beat each other. Damien also got a katana with a black rapped handle, which he would concentrate the darkness on.(basically like Yami)

For Stefan they got light armour as he always wanted to be a 'knight'. The armour was white and blue with gold emblems on the front and back, which matched his hair and green eyes. And like that their week passed with them getting used to their quirks and gaining more strength as well as getting equipment. Their parents were were proud of them but they were worried about Damien so they decided to keep more eyes on him Incase he does something 'villainous.

"Are you guys ready" their mother asked.

"Yes" they said simultaneously.

"Ok, Jeffery can you drop them off" she asked their butler.

"Of course mrs. Tasha" Jeffery exclaimed while getting his car keys.

"Come among children" he told them.

They all got into the car and drove to school. Along the way they were talking about what they expected of school. They were also talking to Jeffery as they found him as a friend since he would take care of them if their parents were too busy. The drive was relatively quick and they got there in under fifteen minutes. When they arrived they said goodbye to Jeffery and went inside. When they arrived they saw many kids who looked different and noticed some of the different mutation type quirks. One kid they noticed had dog ears and a dog nose, another kid had sheep looking horns. They were shocked since they never had a conversation with anyone near their own age.

The bell rang and they were told to sit at a desk and wait for further instructions. The teacher told them to introduce themselves and started of with a kid with brown hair. They all introduced themselves and they reached a girl with red hair and brown eyes, which both of them thought was pretty. "Hi my names Alice and my quirk is fire. I want to be a hero who inspires other and saves people from those bad villains" exclaimed Alice.

Then it was time for Stefan to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Stefan and my quirk is light manipulation. My goal is to become the number one hero and save as many lives as I can". All the teachers were shocked at how gentleman like he was and the girls started blushing thinking he was a knight. Then it was finally Damien's turn to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Damien and my quirk is darkness. I'm able to manipulate darkness and my goal is also to become the number one hero". The teachers were not as surprised since they knew Stefan and Damien were brothers. Like Stefan the girls blushed at Damien, though they didn't seem him as a knight but some prince. Though they were only four they looked older than they actually were. To other they looked as if they were six or seven years old. After introductions the kids were able to talk to each other and socialize. Both Damien and Stefan were talking as Alice approached them. They had a lot in common since her parents where heroes and where the number eight and ninth in the rankings. She explained her mother was the sister of the number two hero Endeavour.

The three kept talking and ended up becoming friends at the end of the day. Both Stefan and Damien were bored since it was well below their level. Even Alice was bored since she got educated by her parents and tutors.(ikik 4 yrs old and have private tutors, but they are pro heroes kids, they want to make them as smart as possible)

After a week of kindergarten teachers noticed that three kids were well above the other students and have gave their parents forms to do a test so they can move up a grade. Damien and Stefan were ecstatic and their parents couldn't refuse. They did the test on the weekend and when they arrived at the building they saw Alice. They quickly ran towards her and started talking to her until they had to do the test. When they got the test both Damien and Stefan finished quickly and not long after Alice finished. They were told to wait for the results, so they waited. After an hour they were told that they could move up to the first grade. They then went home and trained their quirks. After training they ate dinner and went to bed. They couldn't wait to go to their new class, so they couldn't sleep for a bit. Though after thirty minutes they finally went to bed and woke up early in the morning. They then had breakfast and got ready for their first day in the first grade.

lmk what you think about my new fanfic. I’m going to take a bit more time until going into canon and remember that they are in America right now. They will go to Japan in the future if anyone was worried.

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And thanks for reading the chapter.

Damzcreators' thoughts
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