
A new CEO

Ivy's pov

I woke up very early in the morning as James words still rang a bell in my head,I was going to be the assistant of this new CEO and I was still the last person to find out,what a life,the words came ringing again

We're having a new ceo,James spoke

You must be joking right,I asked him

Why would I lie about such,I'm serious

And do you wanna know who the new ceo is,he asked

I nod my head


My head spun,I know my fate hasn't been that good since I was born but I never know it would come to this extent,but what could I do now,I went to the washroom and did my usual morning routine and came out,I went to my closet and picked out my best cooperate wear ,at least I needed to make a good first impression,I checked the time and it was already 7:15 and I needed to be at the office by 8,I quickly wore my clothes and packed my hair in a ponytail and applied a little makeup,I looked at the mirror once more and I was good to go,I took my office bag and went outside,I hurried up to my car and drove off