
Feisty Princess

"What do you think takes place when your worthless men obstruct my way." He paused as he watched her every reaction intently.

Rama was aware of what he meant and fury engulfed her entire being as she shot glares at him, he had killed her men.

"You killed my men!" She hissed in rage.

"I got parched from the long run but it seems male blood doesn't quite fully quench the thirst like the females, especially the pleasure when I hear their screams."

It was obvious he enjoyed the despair he caused innocent people and the pain he inflicted on them as she saw the sadistic gin he gave her.

She followed his red eyes that dropped on her bare slender neck that looked inviting for a creature like him to dig his fangs into as his eyes lingered longer than it was supposed to in a rude and discourteous manner.

She knew exactly what was running through his devious mind as she caught him running his tongue over his elongated incisors, he would probably suck her dry at this rate.

"I assure you my blood is foul to taste as I have toxic venoms running through them that aren't in any way pleasant to drink, it will probably taste bitter on your tongue and choke you to death."

Rama tried to sound as delicate and less defiant as possible with her tone but some of the words came out as a hiss.

She knew her life was hanging on a thin thread being with the perilous vampire king and one word of displeasure would cost her head but at that moment her rage seemed to overshadow her fear and she didn't want to come off as weak in front of him when he could still kill her.

The place fell eerily silent and she saw his gaze avert from her neck to stop at her face as he locked his gaze with her, she could see a flicker of menace in his red eyes as it bore through hers.

She watched as his feet moved along with his body, every slow step he took was daunting and she could feel the melancholy wearing heavily on him as darkness emanated from every fiber of his body.

He stopped moving only when he was narrowly an inch away from her, their bodies barely brushing against the other and she could feel his hot breath fan past her cheeks as he glowered down at her with a deathly glare.

"You should be mindful of the words that roll off your sharp tongue feisty princess, I'm not one of your gentlemen I'm the devil and I'll rip off your tongue if you can't learn to control it, at the very least you won't be able to spew nonsense to anyone."

His words came out as a deep low growl emitting darkness from every word that rolled off his lips.

Rama hated every second she spent with the vampire, he was powerful and he abused his power using it to prey on the weak and dominate them, if he thought she was a weak human girl, he was wrong to the core and she had had enough of him and his monstrosity, at that moment her fury that she had been containing broke out.

No doubt she was scared of him, everyl action he took emitted darkness and she was terrified to her bones but the more frightened she was of him, the more disdain and irritation she felt, she hated the fact that she was scared of the monster, instead she wanted to fight it even though it might as well be her last.

Rama maintained her sharp gaze on him before speaking.

"You can't frighten me, I will never feel fear for a hideous beast like you, all I feel is disgust and hate, you deserve to burn in the deepest depths of hell, all of you blood sucking monsters!" She spouted out as she gritted her teeth in anger, fury burning in her eyes as she heaved heavily, heart pounding hard against her ribcage as she braced herself for the worst fate to befall her.

Rama waited for her heart to be ripped out or her head to roll off her neck but only silence followed and she consistently stole a glimpse at his face, it was terrifyingly calm, like the calm before the storm but when her eyes narrowed to his, she didn't see anger instead she saw a hint of intriguing look mixed with displeasure swirling in his red eyes.

"Killing you right now won't give me the satisfaction and pleasure I desire, how about making you watch your empire go up in flames before I separate your head from your shoulders?"

His menacing words made her stomach churn as he glared at her, for a split moment she could picture her Empire going up in flames and she wondered if it would be her fault for not holding back her sharp tongue.

"I propose to proclaim a fair war with you, you'll be nothing but a coward if you cannot go against me in a fair fight." She suggested with an unwavering voice, trying to sound as confident as she possibly could.

"And why would I accept such a ridiculous offer from a feisty little princess that looks like a fragile butterfly I could easily crush to death? The war could never be equally debated between humans and vampires, we're naturally more powerful so it won't be a fair war, it'll be a suicide mission for you and your spineless men."

His voice was as cold as ice when he spoke with a dismal tone, his red eyes holding no emotion or warmth in them as he stared into hers.

He could hear her heartbeat escalate every second, she was terrified but still, she tried to act brave and it stirred something inside of him, something dark which made him want to torture her more.

"Refusing my offer will only prove your acceptance to being a coward, I asked for a war, it's only fair we fight before we draw scores and besides, we have the black dragon it'll be more than a fair fight to me." Her tone came off almost as a sneer but she managed to keep it neutral.

She heard a dark chuckle escape his lips as if he found humor in her words which made her crease her brows, what was so funny?

"Trying to be a good Queen huh feisty princess? Wel,l I assure you this Queen is going to bring her Empire to its doom and I'll enjoy watching your face when you witness it before taking your head off and placing it on a stake."

His words were calm but the menacing tone could be detected as he spoke with detest, it was obvious he was disgusted by the sight of humans when he looked at her and the feeling was mutual.

"Let's not be quick to judge, do you accept my offer?" She queried with widened eyes as she awaited his response.

"I do, your defeat will be more pleasing when you learn from your downfall that some evil cannot be contained no matter how hard you push to the limit, I'm the incarnation of evil that can never be contained and you'll learn it the hard way, humans never learn until they watch everything they love crumble before their eyes, I'll make you watch as I burn your empire down to the ground and there will be no redemption for you Rama."

Her name perilously leaving his lips as he spoke of bringing about destruction to her Empire made her blood curdle, his crimson red eyes glinted menacingly under the dim moonlight and she found herself left speechless, no words were hanging in her mouth to retort back, no comeback.

"I'll see you in three days feisty princess. The war you seek shall be held in the grounds of the kingdom where I induced my latest mayhem and yours is next."

She watched in numbness as he arrived on the balcony at the speed of light, he turned to look at her, his crimson red eyes gleamed darkly as he locked his gaze with hers before she saw him take a swift leap downwards.

His long hair scattered in the wind as he took the effortless leap from the balcony which was high up from the ground before he disappeared from her sight.

Rama's body trembled as she dragged her feet which felt heavy to the bed before slumping down on it, running her shaky fingers through her hair in exasperation, he seemed so confident about her failing to defeat him soon which made her wary.

She had encountered the devil himself and he had promised to bring havoc on her Empire before killing her, why did his words seem to bother her so much even with the help of the black dragon? Why did she feel so anxious and unnerving? Why did he make adrenaline flow so much in her veins with dread?

There was only one answer to that, he was the devil.

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