
The Demon Twins

"I've heard the rumors but you two truly look nothing alike." "Does it matter?" "I suppose not, kill me off then." "It's my turn, Louis." "Get on with it then." With a loud laugh, the giant man brought down his hammer. With a squelching sound, a head was ground to a paste. This story centers around twins, starting off from their youth they go through a gradual progress in getting stronger. The stronger they become, however, they realize more and more that they will never get peace. *** Disclaimer: Firstly, this is my first long novel. This story will be slow, hopefully, I can do proper world-building. Power progression also won't be all too fast. I have no editor, so grammar might be off at some places. Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading it.

BambooInk · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

The sound of wailing filled the room as a pale but charming-looking woman was panting while bleeding on the bed, next to the pale woman were two other women both holding newborns in their arms.

One of the newborns abruptly stopped wailing, while the other started to get louder, the nurse holding the silent one was flustered and hit the newborn's butt again which provoked a small reaction out of the silent one, letting out a cry the newborn quickly went silent again.

"Well ma'am, the procedure should be over, you have a couple of twin boys," the more experienced midwife said calmly. The inexperienced nurse on the other hand quickly reached out for an oval-shaped device that was with all hospitals, simply named "the Detector."

Pressing a small button shaped like a trigger the young nurse pressed the object against the newborn in her arms, the oval gave off a small glow and went through different colors, blue, red, brown, and white before ending up with a murky grey.

With widened eyes the nurse quickly put the Detector against the other baby, who even till this moment had still not stopped wailing, coming up with the same murky grey as before the young nurse paled a bit before bowing toward the panting mother who was absentmindedly looking toward the patterned ceiling.

"Madam?" the young nurse called out quietly in fear of disturbing who she thought to be a person of high social stature.

The mother came to her senses while the midwife and nurse were still bowing towards her, "Give me the boys." The midwife and nurse did not hesitate in doing what the newly made mother had told them and gave the silent and wailing boys to her.

Holding the wailing one towards the left and the silent one towards her right, she named them on the spot. The wailing one was named Arthur and the silent one named Louis.

A wave of emotion seemed to come into the mother's eyes before quickly fading away to be replaced by a determined look. After spending a day of recovery in the hospital the mother quickly left, leaving her twins in the care of the inexperienced nurse.