
The Dead that Walks for Vengeance

As the blade finally pierced through the heart of the demon lord, humanity successfully banished the demons from their land. But before he could celebrate their victory, the same blade pierced through Jason's heart. Tumbling to the ground with disbelief, Jason swore to bring internal dread to the one who killed him. As his eyes closed, a demonic voice echoed through his mind. DO YOU WISH TO SEEK VENGEANCE? Any suggestions or reviews are welcomed, I read them all. Feel free to correct any typos or grammar mistakes, I'll edit them immediately. 5 power stones for an extra chapter.

llama_god · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter One: The Fall of the Demon Lord

The road was laid with copses, the flames of war scorching the lands that were once brimming with life. How bravely the soldiers fought, before they all met their end. The crimson blood of humans mixed with the viscous black blood of demons, forming a large sea of dread.

"Die!" Savitr laughed as his glowing blade tore through one of the imperial guards that stood in front of the demon lord's chamber. The sizzling blood of the demons showered down upon Savitr as he continued his slaughter. His sword blessed by the gods, his blades carved through the masses like butter. Behind Savitr, Jason was doing his best to keep himself from being killed. Sneaking behind Jason, a sharp gleam aimed straight at his spine. But before the dreadful demon could leave a gruesome wound, Jason spinned around instantly. With lightning bolts springing from his fingers, the demon was instantly fried to crisp.

"Bloody monster," Jason thought, panting as he watched Savitr cleave through demon after demon. Being blessed by the gods, Savitr easily overpowered most of mankind. He had superhuman endurance, strength of a elephant, and reflexes faster than any cat. Unlike Savitr, Jason was simply a very talented mage that somehow unlocked the secrets to a new type of magic. Referring to it as Sealing magic, it had some weird properties. It could lockdown the abilities of his opponents, making him the only one who could fight against Savitr. However, even without his Sealing magic, he was still a very talented mage that excelled in almost every type of magic.

"Can't wait to hold his bloody skull in my hands," Savitr laughed, as the two finally reached the front door of the demon lord's chamber. "Have you ever wondered why this coward hides in his chamber all day and night, too scared to defend his own castle?" Savitr asked with a grin, as he wiped the blood of his blade with his shirt. "Be on high alert," Jason said, drinking a bottle of blue liquid that restored some of his mana. "You are no fun, what can he do without his lackeys protecting him?" Savitr said, as he slammed his blade into the wooden door. Looking at the rustic door, Savitr reckoned that it would burst into splinters with a single blow from his blade. Clang! The sound of metal striking echoed through the halls as sparks flew everywhere. Slightly surprised, Savitr tried again, this time with a lot more strength behind his strike. With the same results, he sighed as he turned to Jason. "You are up wizard boy," he said, as he laid back upon his blade's hilt.

Arbitrary casting a fireball, Jason tested the door's durability. But before the fireball drew near the door, it snuffed out, dissipating into thin air. Scrunching his brows, Jason felt a sense of similarity from the door. Shaking off that weird feeling of deja vu, he activated his signature spell. "Seal," he whispered, as a red array covered the whole door. "Strike it right now!" he shouted at Savitr, as he felt his mana reserves dropping rapidly. Reacting almost instantly, Savitr lunged fowards with his blade, shattering the door with a swift slash. Pulling out another vial of his mana potion, Jason gulped downed the contents. The bitter taste of the potion made him nauseous, but he still focused on what was inside the large chamber.

A purple mist drifted out from the room, without any lighting the room was too dark for both of them to see anything. Sensing its user's thoughts, Savitr's blade hummed as it glowed brightly. "You head in first," Savitr ordered as he slowly backed away, slightly afraid that something was lurking in the mists. Not wanting to stir up any more trouble, Jason carefully entered the room. He covered his mouth and nose with a rag. Letting in a small wisp of the purple gas, he held his breath as he tried to analyze the ingredients. Odorless, Jason couldn't identify the contents of the weird fog like mist. If even an expert alchemist like him couldn't identify the mist, Jason highly doubt any human could. The only thing he could be certain about was that the mists didn't have. an immediate affect on his body. He wanted to set ablaze the room, forcing the demon lord out of hiding, but unfortunately he was concerned about whether the purple fog was flammable. Casting a simple illumination spell, glowing balls of light orbited around him, lighting up the perimeters. Something was off, but Jason just couldn't figure it out. He gestured for Savitr to stay back, in case the mist had some unknown effects.

Seeing that the purple mist was not poisonous, Savitr strode towards Jason with broad steps. Afraid that Jason would take all credit for slaying the demon lord on his own, he wanted to group up first. Wrong choice, the purple mists instantly flooded the doors, thickening as the two lost sense of all direction. Jason's illumination spell instantly dimmed down, as the purple mist began to corrode everything. Reacting instantly, Jason closed his eyes and pinched his nose, not wanting any wisp of the purple smoke entering his body. Unfortunately, entering through his ears, he felt a burning sensation inside his whole body, as he dropped to the ground in pain assaulted by dizziness and fatigue.

Savitr wasn't faring any better. His holy sword working overdrive, it began to cleasne the purple mists, purifying back into white smoke. Cracks began to form on the blade, humming as it went into overdrive. The purple smoke eventually began to invade Savitr, as the same feelings began to take over him. Savitr fell to the ground, slowly losing his consciousness.

Before darkness took over Jason, he made his last stand. "SEALING MAGIC!" he roared, as blood dripped from his nose and mouth. A large array covered the ground, as it shone brightly. Although still weakened, the weird sensation from both of them cleared up as the mist began to coagulate. Slowly condensing down into a humanoid form, the mystery behind the weird purple mist finally cleared up. "Pleasure to meet you," a voice came from the purple silhouette. As it materialized, a man who seemed to be in his late twenties appeared. At first glance he was no different a man in his late-thirties, with a bright purple trench coat. But upon closer inspection, one could clearly see the two balls of flames in place of his eyes and the serpent perhaps even fish like bottom half of his body. "Vepar, Great Duke of Hell , at your service," the figure said, with a sly grin.

Red, translucent chains that were letting of crimson sparks of electricity wrapped around the demon lord, indicating that he was still sealed by Jason's spell. Seeing that the target finally appeared, Savitr roared, rushing towards Vepar with full speed. With all his prowess sealed, Vepar could only tank the hits until the spell deactivated. Ignoring the rushing brute that was going to cut him open, Vepar simply looked at Jason amusingly. As Jason's face began to turn paler and paler, Vepar grinned, knowing that doom was going to befall. As the constraints weakened, smoke began to rise from Vepar, slowly becoming more and more transparent. "Die, freak!" Savitr laughed, as his blade hummed in delight. Being the bane of all demons, his sword easily penertrated Vepar's scaly tail, completely tearing his tail off. No blood spilling out, Vepar still payed no attention to Savitr, patiently waiting for the spell to wear off.

Almost losing consciousness, Jason was close to giving up. As the effects of the spell weaken, the wounds that Savitr dealt began to heal instantly, as Vepar began to slowly regain his strength. In no time, Vepar regrowed his once dissected tail. "Regrow this," Savitr said, aiming straight for the neck. With part of his strength regained, Vepar's sluggish movements instantly sped up, slamming his tail into Savitr's ribs before he could even draw near. With a maniacal laugh, Vepar began to take the initiative. Slithering towards Savitr, a demonic looking blade began to form in his hand. "Stop him!" Savitr trembled in fear once he finally realized the difference in strength between himself and the demon.

Gritting his teeth, Jason finally made up his mind. "For humanity," Jason murmured, as he activated his magic once again. But this time, his target wasn't the rampant demon, but rather his own soul. He sealed the limits to his soul, making it a hundred times more powerful than it was. But just like pushing an engine into overdrive, this came with severe consequences. Parts of his body began to crumble as he casted Seal for a last time. As the red chains wrapped around the demon, Vepar turned around with surprised. Seeing that this was his chance, Savitr rushed fowards, brandishing his blade. With a single slash, he lopped off Vepar's head before piercing his heart. Looking at the smug expression on Vepar's decapitated head, Jason felt like something was not quite right. But still, looking at the blade protruding from Vepar's chest, Jason knew that they had finally won. Slowly walking towards the dead corpse of the dead demon, tears began to swell from his eyes. Finally, after years of battling they slained the one who wreaked havoc amongst their motherland.