
2.4 The Place I Would Never See

Senna attempted to do something but Iris prevented her by holding her arm tightly. It was as if time stood still yet again for the poor angel.

Even though Iris didn't stop her, what could she have done? She was powerless and cursed her current human-like state.

Iris walked quickly, dragging the red-haired girl with him.

"We…. I hmmm... We want the three of us to stay together. Could you please buy us all at the same time?"

It was only a slight glance, but it was enough for Senna to see pitiful plea of a very young girl with a pair of long arching horns protruding out of her tiny forehead while tightly clinging together two other small girls with the same features.

"You see... My siblings aren't old enough to take care of themselves yet. I promise to double my work... No! No! Wait! I'll even triple it!"

Because of Iris' fast pacing, Senna wasn't able to see the outcome of the girl's cry but the sound following her small voice was enough to know what happened after loud slapping sound.

Iris didn't have to look in order to know what kind of expression Senna had as they squeezed into the crowded street. The arm he was holding was definitely shaking as if strength left it in one go.

There was no way he can be sure, but he guessed tears were probably already rolling over her cheeks.

As Senna stared at the back of the man in front of him, she could have sworn that he also had a somber expression.

"You probably don't know but, the whip before..."

Senna wondered where the direction of their conversation was going.

Iris stole a quick glance at the sad face of the lady behind her and continued walking but now in a much slower pace.

"...it hurts a lot more than you can imagine."

Senna felt a tightening pressure in Iris' grasp as he went on with what he was about to say.

"I used to be hit by that before. Most whips are imbued with lightning magic that would leave most creatures paralyzed after one hit."

The man in front of her had a troubled voice. Senna wanted to say something but she believed it was best not to.

"It's not that I want your pity but I had it much worse before as a normal human kid; half animal people are quite sturdy especially the naga before. And the young satyrs can eat anything so chances of survival is pretty high for them too..."

Even though Iris' words were not enough to appease her worries, it surely managed to bring a vague smile to the angel's lips.


After getting getting out of the sixth district, on their way through the fifth to the fourth district, Iris decided that it would be better to take the long and steep stairway they were at before.

Whenever Iris sneaked into the upper districts, he would always pass thru all the crowded areas to avoid any unwanted attention but this time he was with Senna.

Seeing how she reacted in the market of the sixth district before, Iris thought it would be better to take the normal path even though it would be more dangerous. He was afraid that Senna would suddenly make a scene if she'd suddenly see more horrible things. He just couldn't take that risk. At least with this route, the chances of success are much higher.

After an exhausting climb, Iris and Senna stopped at the archway that led to the third district. The guards approached them with the intent of preventing the two's entry but before they could, Iris flashed the book Angelus Votum from his knapsack.

Iris told the guards that he was tasked to return the book in the library. One guard questioned why their master needed to send out two slaves for one easy task but Iris added how they were to borrow a number of books for their master as well.

After finally convincing the guards, Iris and Senna walked through the long tunnel to the fourth district.

It should have been dark inside the tunnel but instead, it was full of different colors that formed myriads of patterns. Upon closer look, Senna noticed that its walled have shinning stones embedded on them.

The gate this time was definitely the most grandiose among all of the gates Senna has seen so far throughout the city.

"Are these light stones?"

"Oh, you know them? "

"These are charged with the light of the sun. Don't tell me people would laboriously change them from time to time whenever they ran out of light..."

Senna thought it was ridiculous how people would try so hard to fit things to their aesthetics. It wound have been better if they used a long light stone that could traverse the whole length of the tunnel so that sunlight could charge it throughout the day.

"Charge with the light of the sun?"

Iris gave Senna an irritating smirk.

"Was that supposed to be a joke? What age are you from?"

For Iris, it was only meant as a joke but his question couldn't have been more appropriate.

Before Senna could respond, the dazzling light of the sun hit her face but it was different this time.

The view that welcomed her the moment she got out of the tunnel was very different from the rest of the city that she already saw; the ground was laid not with sand, gravel nor stones but of bright green downy grass.

What made the third district more special was how most of the trunk of the colossal tree of Ark could be found within its walls.

As Senna looked up, sunlight was being sifted by the rich canopy of the gargantuan tree that produced trinkets of sunlight on the green landscape.

"So how do you like our library?"

"Huh? We're still outside..."

"I knew you'd be surprised."

Iris put on a merry face and continued.

"This whole district IS Ark's library...!! I welcome you to the world renowned— Hall of Records."

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