Reincarnated in the joint world of Legacies and Twilight with my twin. With the powers of a dark fey and a dryad. This should be interesting. Our parents devoured by Malivore to keep us safe now we are stuck as trees waiting for our Aunt to free us. Cover image generated with AI image generator
God says what now? Were the poetic words that my loving brother just spat out while facing God.
God: I said that you are dead. I know this is a lot to take in but since you both died trying to protect someone you shall have the chance to be reborn into another world. You will each spin the wheel of worlds and we will create a new one for you to be born into with a backstory and let's say three wishes each. Looks and race not included but you both must agree on race because you will be reborn as twins again due to the already profound sibling bond.
I then look at my brother and see the look of shock and excitement that is on his face, it is the same look that is gracing my own at the moment. I open my mouth to say something only to once again be interrupted by my brother. "That's fuc**** awesome!" He screamed while pumping his fists in the air. Rolling my eyes I finally get to speak "Are we going to spin the wheel yet or are you just going to keep dancing?" Blushing he stops dancing sticks his tongue out at me and then says, "Let's do this thing." As he walks to the button that spins the wheel and slams his hand down so hard, I thought he would break it. The wheel spins for three full rotations before landing on Legacies. My brother was so happy I thought his face was going to split open from how big his smile was. His happiness was so effervescent that I almost smiled along with him ALMOST. "My turn" I say as I walk over to the wheel and press the button it makes two full rotations before landing on Twilight I am quite happy with this outcome but my brother just laughs at me saying "Disco ball vamps really?" while lifting one eyebrow as he always does when he is teasing me.
God: Now that we have the world decided I need to give some thought on how to combine them. Let's see I will move Twilights timeline to take place after Legacies starts. Your mates will be one from each world, respectively. This will give you both adequate reasons to take part in that world on a whole and yes, I said mates this world will have fated and chosen mates. You will be given fated mates, don't worry you will love them and I am not telling you who they are so don't ask. You need to now decide your race so I can help with your family background.
I looked at my brother and we nodded I looked at God and asked, "can we each pick a race and then be hybrids?"
God: That could work no arguing that way each race should come with its own base power set which I will alter so they do not clash and benefit you both equally. Go on then ladies first.
Looking my brother in the face I say, "I would like to pick Dryad please and thank you God."
God: So polite all right then hurry up you next my boy
"Awe man that was a good one sis. Can I pick Dark Fey like Maleficent in this world?"
God: yes, you can if I rework her parentage I can make your mother quite unique we shall then need to rework your bloodline I will make it a bonus for your entertaining *cough* I mean interesting choices. I will make her descended from a Phoenix and a fairy so you both will be considered tribrids although not the kind that can kill Malivore but this will also give you greater control over fire and rebirth through flames will also change slightly but I will let you figure that out.
We looked at each other and then at God and said "thank you" at the same time like any good twin would do.
God: Now on to your wishes first then to your looks choose wisely but first I will let you know of your race set abilities you will have;
Dark Fey (Maleficent) Powers
Telekinesis Tree Spirit
Clorokiness (plant manipulation)
Atomkinesis (Atomic matter control)
Teleportation Wood Manipulation
Healing Touch
Energy Manipulation
Superhuman Strength & Durability
Resurrection & Immortality
Dryad Powers
Commune with nature (plants & animals)
Tree Spirit
Clorokinesis + Healing Touch
Elemental Magic
Wood Manipulation
By adding the Phoenix lineage you will receive a boost to your fire magic, teleportation, and resurrection skills. I will also combine both bloodlines abilities for clorokinesis and make them stronger but will take away energy manipulation can't have you being too powerful now can we.
Now let the wishing commence.
Stepping forward I ask god a question "Will Atomkinesis allow me to change the molecular structure of the Twilight Vampires? For example, their sparkles and the ability to reproduce."
God: Ah thank you for the reminder young one yes it will but I will make their species a failed attempt at creating an Original Vampire from a non-magical sacrifice. The ones with Powers or abilities will have been from which decent before they were bitten so once you change their structure, they will be able to study magic like any other witch or wizard though wizards are rare due to the inherent nature of magic. Sorry for the tangent darling go on then.
"OK then my wishes will be:"
1. To be able to keep my mind & body protected from all magical interferences.
2. The ability to see and change bonds.
3. All my memories in tack with an eidetic memory and high-capacity brain functionality.
God: Those are all good wishes not over the top given your race base stats are almost unmatched in this world good accepted. You are next my boy
"I like my sister's first and third wish so I will go with that to start"
1. To be able to keep my mind & body protected from all magical interference.
2. All my memories in tack with an eidetic memory and high-capacity brain functionality.
3. I want to be able to summon and have familiar contract animals.
God: not bad you and your sister have thought this out. Now on to your looks I will make your features and coloring identical except you my boy will be masculine and you my sweet girl will be graceful and petite. Oh, how I love creating people, so much fun! Let's see I will give you both hair the color of rich live soil with gold woven through an ode to your Phoenix heritage. Your eyes an emerald green with specks of purple and gold the color of magic and your skin will be a sun-kissed ivory flawlessly smooth but supple and soft with lips the color of the pinks found in sunsets. Yes, this will do. Any requests you would like to add?
Alette: "Yes please I wasn't the most fit girl if you know what I mean can you make my waist small with a larger chest than I had before"
My brother just looked at me and then laughed.
Arion: "We are in front of God, and you ask for tits hahahaha your hysterical."
God just chuckled and said, "I will give you a proportional hourglass figure that will drive your mate insane."
I just nodded while quietly Blushing after my brother's outburst.
Arion: "I would like to have tightly packed muscles but not be bulky with a nice package downstairs if you know what I mean. Also can I have masculine fairy wings like a dragon or something and not butterfly ones please."
God: Yes that is quite easy two gorgeously proportioned bodies with devastating good looks and dragon and fairy wings I presume you are ok with fairy wings.
I nodded but added "Can mine be like stained glass with the colors of nature dancing within them?"
God: Yes, that does sound beautiful.