
1 The Child was Born

Illegitimacy. That's what Arthur was told as he held his little girl close to him. "I just want her to have a normal life away from that sword and the people who seek it!" Guinevere cries and takes the child from Arthur before beginning to pack her and the baby's things. "The baby is much safer under my protection then yours and Lancelot's. She is my responsibility and unlike you, she'll be a respectable heir to my throne." He replies as the baby reaches out to her father blissfully unaware of what is happening. Her father smiles and takes her from Guinevere before walking away

Five years later the young girl is doing all the normal princess stuff and watching her dad swing his sword. "Daddy? can I learn to do that too?" she asks with bubbling curiosity. The King puts down his sword and says "Amicia, only when you are ready will you be able to wield a sword. For now let me protect you." The little girl nods and grabs the hilt of her dad's holy sword before pulling her hand away quickly with her eyes completely wide. "When is mommy and uncle Lance coming back?" Arthur stood there in shock. Her mother hasn't been seen in the last five years and Lancelot was found dead in cold blood. Everyone had likely thought that she did it so she ran and hid away leaving a single father and a young girl to themselves.

She was now almost 15 and had come home ranting about people calling her illegitimate. Arthur sat up at this and said "Whoever said that doesn't know the real you. just smile and act like the words don't hurt you princess." The teen smiled and hugged her father tight. "Thank you for being there for me father. I'm sure in a few years when I'm crowned that I can do just as well of a job as you do. I'm not scared of conflict or of anything else. I'm just scared of losing you." The young girl then began to walk towards the armory and picked up a sword and asked one of the Knights to spar with her for practice. She almost rivaled her dad in terms of combat but she made a couple mistakes and that's why they try to help her as much as they possibly can. "Okay, I'll spar with you but only one round okay?" the male guard says as he walks to the center of the room and draws a sword of his own.

Amicia stands ever so calmly as the world begins to slow down. she focuses on the eyes of her sparring partner because the eyes are what people use to make their predictions. Sure enough his eyes looked at her legs as he swung his sword she swiftly clashed with it and smiled. "Very impressive princess." the knight said as he kept just trying to off her balance. Amicia clashed with every single one except for the last one. That one was too fast and she was knocked off of her feet in a quick motion.

She then started to fake sniffle and hold her leg where he had hit to indicate she was in pain. "I'm sorry mi'lady, I didn't mean to hurt you." he knelt down to her sobbing form as she threw her body full force into him knocking the wind out of him. "You always are so gullible." she smiles and skips away feeling accomplished in what she done.

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