
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter Eight

Stepping out of the vehicles we burst through the entrance. Ghouls were standing around in their sleep state until we began firing. The gun fire brought the hell hounds running in out of nowhere. I could hear my men calling out, but I was focused now. Dustin was at my eight in tactical formation we made our way forward taking ghouls down one after the other. It was as if there was no end to them.

My gun clicked catching me off guard. "I'm out." I threw the empty gun down pulling out my blades. Ghouls came at me mouths open arms outstretched as they ran at me moaning in hunger. I kicked the closest one away from me stabbing the one behind it in the head. Twirling around to stab another. I could hear Diez and Jack yell out clear as they came towards me and Dustin making our way towards the stairs.

I watched the last ghoul drop and sprinted towards my group. I lead the way down. It was dark and I could hear water dripping somewhere nearby. Using signals, I held them up as we came to the bottom of the stairs so I could lean out and do a quick analysis of the area.

It was an empty hallway just like the blueprint had said there would be. I signaled Dustin forward to take position across the hall. Then I moved up to take position further up the hallway. According to the blueprint the target location was going to be three two doors up. Coming to the first door. It was a solid steel door with a small window at the top.

From the window I could see lab tables and equipment, but no bodies. I waved the team forward to the second door. On my signal we entered.

In the center of the room was a chair with wires and cables connected to a body strapped down. From first glimpse it looked like a ghoul. What are they doing?

"Raven the witch!" Dustin called pointing to the elegant dark figure coming towards me. Her eyes were completely black, her skin as white as snow, jet black hair flowing behind her as she raced toward me. Still out of bullets I raised my blades prepared to take her on.

Before she could reach me, a blur came rushing past me to slam the witch into the wall. I blinked in shock just as I heard howls and growling. "Wolves!" I screamed at my men only to realize that the wolves weren't attacking my men they were taking out the ghouls. One large white wolf had the soul eater by the throat ripping it apart. Looking forward I saw my demon using his claws to rip out the witch's throat. Wait my demon? What the fuck Raven!

When her body hit the ground, he turned to search the room until his violet eyes landed on me. A jolt of electricity ran through me as his eyes racked over my body. His long strong strides brought him right in front of me.

"Kitten," He greeted me with a sly smile on his handsome face, bastard. I hated the way he made me feel.

"Why did you help us?" I took a step back my team taking position behind me ready to attack when I gave the order. Looking around I saw at least ten wolves and five vampires. There was no way we would win this battle. It would be a massacre. Ghouls and hell hounds were one thing wolves and vampires were another completely when not alone.

"No one harms what belongs to me." His matter-of-fact tone rubbed me the wrong way.

"Belongs to you?" I raised my eyebrow up at him waiting for clarification.

"Raven, give the order and I will end this." Dustin growled behind me stepping forward. I felt his hand wrap around my hip to pull me behind him. My demon didn't seem to like his actions at all.

In one minute, I Dustin was pushing me behind him and in the next my demon and my ex were throwing punches at each other. I will give it to him Dustin was holding his own. While I was still dumbfounded, he managed to get in a few good hits.

"Fucking Stop!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I glared at them both completely over their bull shit. "You explain what is going on right now."

They broke apart but didn't let their guards down. "I watched you leave your little base and followed you." He shrugged his shoulders as if I should have already known.

He noticed me getting worked up and continued. "Look, I have been waiting over many centuries to find you and now that I have, I cannot allow you to get away."

"I would never be with a monster like you. Do you not realize what your kind has done to my people!" How could he be so slow. He murdered for fun. Did he really think I would ever accept him.

He was angry. I watched his eyes darken as he stalked towards me. "Don't judge a book by its cover, Kitten. Not everything you think is true is in fact reality." He stated confusing me even more. "If you don't want the other Master demon to find us all here, I suggest we get out of here and I can show you the truth." He gestures toward the exit.

I didn't trust him not one bit but looking over my men who were exhausted and a few had some minor injuries I knew we wouldn't be able to handle an encounter right now. I complied not saying a word to him as my team and I exited the hospital. I sent my team back to the base to report back letting them I would be right behind them and in true controlling fashion Dustin refused to leave even though he was injured.

I don't know how I missed it before but as we stood outside watching the convoy leaving, I saw the blood dripping down his stomach soaking his pants leg. "Where are you hurt?"

Realizing I was talking to him Dustin looked down as if he too just realized he was hurt. Raising his shirt up I saw him tense up at the smallest of movements, so I took over. I pushed him back against the hood of the truck with one hand on his chest while my other grabbed the hem of his shirt. Blood had already soaked it leaving it heavy and sticking to his skin. I placed one hand on his lower stomach as I rolled it halfway up revealing abs that use to make me drool, but now just sent my mind to the demon who claimed to be my mate.

Wondering what he would look like shirtless. "Looks like a claw broke off. I can see part of it sticking out. Here," I motioned for him to hold the shirt up while I pulled my knife out. "I am going to have to get it out." I took my belt off just as my demon was exiting the hospital. I am sure it looked like I was getting ready to do something completely different from my position, but his reaction was completely uncalled for.