
Chapter 1

Today is a special day for humans it's called 'New years. 3...2...1...' HAPPY NEW YEAR'.

Today is the end of 2099 and we are welcoming the new 2100.

*Step Step Step someone is coming in my back I know that he's coming toward me but I ignore it *tap he touched my shoulder and said "Yo wanna drink". this person is Alex he's my old friend I think it's just a coincidence that I and him met at such a place like manila. T/N Manila is located in 'The Philippines' "Ow hello Alex how have you been?". I lifted my arms and put on Alex's shoulder while saying those words "As you can see here I am still thinking of what to do next". he nodded and sight "time is fast".

I lifted my head and look at the stars and the light of a truck hit me on the spot...

I pathetically 'Die.' because of the truck before I die Alex called the '911. ' and called my mother and my sister to deliver the message that I was 'Dead. ' since I was born I'm always a failure and I know that more than anyone I'm saying this right now because I don't know where the Fucking I am it's too dark here so let's go to the flashback. when I was a kid I am called 'Unlucky Boy'. it's because I'm weak it's simple many years passed I'm starting to know pain and sadness when I become a high school student I ended up bullied by my classmate true you can say my life is really a mess but what can I do? and now is the special day of mine because it's finally the time when I'm turning adults but wait something's off I sat on the chair and song a happy birthday even though I'm alone here and chatting to a ghost.

Where is this place I remember I'm just standing beside Alex...the truck hits me but why I am still alive the truck I know it's so fast it's impossible to survive I'm sure if I get to hit my whole body will part apart so why I'm I here. I look around and all I can see is darkness "How many times is passed? I still can't get out here". I fell asleep like I don't care anymore about what was next to happen to me but I woke up *beep beep beep the sound of the monitor is pounding onto my head I started opening my eyes and I saw a girl crying beside me " Where I am?". the girl beside me was shocked and runout to the door while screaming 'Sir!.' "what's up with that woman". I lifted my arms " it's small this room what kind of design is this". I tried to stand but I ended up collapsing *Crack "AW MAN!.. THAT'S HURT!!" I massage my feet and started to stand slowly "alright If a little 9-month kid can stand alone but me a 25-year-old man can't no way". little by little I now can stand but I like to stand without any handle so I release my hand from the bed and started walking slowly without any handle *BOOM!

"Sir David are you awake?". this old geezer is rushing over me the hell? "Yeah thank you for worrying Jamie". How do I know this old man's name?"

"Thank God sir David is awake now!". he lifts my hand and checked my condition "anyways Jamie how many days did I sleep". old man Jamie is shocked and said "Sir you have been in a coma for a long time and if I remember it's been six years" six years? I see this memories that appearing to my head is the memory of this child so in common words this child dead at the same time when I die and my soul transfer to this boy body and now it's my body but my memory of my past life is still clear and the memory of this boy is also clear then my memory and his memory is overlapping to my head and it combines and become one brain "how fantastic." Nod*² ! " is there something wrong sir?." "not at all I'm fine." everytime I think about it it's really a fantastic I really have a chance to change and enjoy my life in my past life I am nothing but a trash but now I'll make sure to become stronger anyways "Jamie can you leave me for a while." it's better if I'm alone here "yes sir I'll report this to your father as well please rest for now." I think young master is shocked what a sad reality young master I wish you be fine soon "huu~ now that I'm alone let's see this boy memory alright this boy name is David Runcandel." Runcandel one of the Nobel's' Family in this world there are ranking 'Beggars' 'Nobel's' 'Royal family' it's simple to understand Beggars is the trash here and the royal is the highest and I am from a rare family but this thing called mana in this boy memory just kind is this, "hmm this thing called mana and ki what is this dragon ball or naruto like chakra." Tap!* Tap!* "Young master sir Jamie said to bring you some food can I open the door." I didn't order him though "Yes open it." I'm hungry too so why not hehehe "I'll put it here sir." sniff² hmm? wait what with that smell... it smells "delicious!."

I ate all the food that the maid bring to me you asking the maid if she is beautiful? yes, she is he's like around twenty years old his name is Aika it's from Japanese words it has a good meaning try to search to google anyways back to reality I ate the food and slept.

Two days have passed since I got reincarnated I started to read some books to find out what kind of world this is and then while reading I discovered that this is a fantasy world where demons and monsters exist dragon and elves dwarf and more creatures this world is building with three major continents eighteen kingdoms twenty capital twenty-five town fifty villages I discovered that mana is using to learn magic and ki is using for Martial arts and sword techniques mana and ki are important to a person if you don't have mana and ki you are nothing but trash more than trash I think like a rat.

Argon Continent is the continent where I live there are sixth kingdoms seventh capitals five towns twenty villages 4.591 billion population "...Wow just how big this continent might be to able to handle 4.591 billion people." T/N it's as big as Asia "Sir David are you there." !!"Yeah I'm here come in please." click* "Sir your father is asked me to bring you from him." in this boy memories her father is strick and cold I think her father didn't get love LOL~ " alright please lead the way." I wonder why she called me for? wait is it because I woken up no Jamie said to father that I already woke up and her reaction was like Nothing what I expected to that bastard is it because it's suspicious that I Woke up or he assign assassin to look after me and report him what did I do all over my room no way let's not think about it Arghhhh! thinking about it hurt my head. "duke Ain Runcandel your son sir David Runcandel is here please give us permission to enter." ah? what with that formal way of saying name ey that's kinda weird "Open up sir Jamie." Tap* tougher* grip* push* step²* "Greetings lord." !* !* !* he said 'Lord' instead of father interesting "stop with greetings sit down." sat* "Do you know why I called you?." I swing my head left and right "I don't know my Lord." shet shet shet I'm trembling what with this atmosphere I want to go out please just let me go, "I called you here because I will kick you out of this family from now on." *!eh? "I see alright I'll do what you want Lord." eh? eh? eh? what's up? eyy? I thought I'm the main character here darn in the first place I got kicked out of the family then I... but why did I said that I'll obey him what the hell I'm I doing I think I'm out of my mind right now "then package all your item and leave to my house right away." fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!! why? I can't do anything why?? and why I'm fucking getting emotional toward this house why? "Yes my Lord" fuck!!!!!! move your tongue fucker Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Say something fuck fuck fuck!!.

I ended up leaving the house of Runcandel without any words to my father while leaving I remember all fun memories of this boy and suddenly some tears come up "huu! hup! wake up, alright from now on I am Arthur Delroy and my journey will now begin!!!!."