
George's Request


In the natural meadows of Green County sat a young looking boy with a stern face seriously gazing at the sky and seemingly lost in his thoughts.

He had short grey hair which had some streaks of red in it giving it a cool but weird style.

Long nose,pale white face probably from exhaustion and big blue eyes. His skin was flawless and even though he looked pale,he was still handsome.

If one would look clearly,he would see that the young lad had some tears in his beautiful eyes. It was very obvious that this young lad had something hurting him inside.

The tears had started strolling down his cheeks and it was at this moment that a burly man who noticed it walked towards him.

"Young Master George " he said in a deep,polite manner, " You know one of these days you might actually die from too much crying. I've told you,I'll speak to your dad about it".

"Dad never listens, I don't want to go to the Millitary School!".

At the end of his sentence he had already broken down to tears.

The burly man couldn't help but let out a sigh. He knew it was pointless to calm down the Young Master when he was angry or sad.

But,before the young master could break up into sobs again,an idea popped inside the burly man's mind.

"Tonight is your birthday young Master "

"Yes" replied the little voice still in sobs.

"Your dad will ask for a wish..." the burly man stopped and waited in anticipation for the young Master to process everything.

Just as he had expected, the young Master's lips curved up.into a smile.

"I'll tell dad my wish,thanks Uncle Bob" and with that he ran off as fast as he could.

"Is the Young Master going for his Comabt training?" The burly man shouted to the dashing little figure.

" Yes Uncle! " and he didn't even look back as he answered.


In a cozy mansion at the technological part of Greenfield County sat a family of four,each with a spoon In hand, scooping up their oatmeal and occasionally stopping to talk about some random topics.

A boy around the age of fifteen held a smart phone in his hand as he ate his meal.

"Will you ever put down the phone?" asked an angry voice from the other end of the table.

"Give him a break dear,he's passing through a lot" said a beautiful woman to the angry voice.

"Is this what he's going to do at the Military School?" replied the angry voice again.

The boy put down his phone and stared at the angry man as if trying to say," shut up bit@#,the Phone is down!"

He ate his meal in silence and didn't say a word until he was done.

The atmosphere was too tense and no one dared utter a sound, not even the calm,beautiful lady. The young boy seemed to like it,so did the angry voice. Two persons however were not happy with the tension and tried various efforts to start a conversation. Their efforts were futile though.

Amy,the youngest person in the family, retired after seeing there was no use in trying to ease the tension. The other person, Mrs. Annette, still tried,for she was the lady of the house and it was her job to maintain peace.

"Erhmm...darling, will you please tell Gordon about the results of the Military...."

"Oh Yes!" The angry voice shouted before Mrs. Annette could finish her sentence.

"Yes,I applied for a loan to fund your Military school expenses " the angry voice said.

"Uhmm...thanks Dad" The young boy replied.

"You have to be serious from now onwards " his dad replied, this time not in a fully angry tone but with a touch of love.

Gordon picked up his plate and proceeded to leave the table when Mrs. Annette called out, immediately stopping him in his tracks.

"George invited you over for his anniversary " .

"Holy Crap!" thought Gordon. He had been thinking about his Military school entrance for the past weeks and had even forgotten his best friend's birthday ".

He dashed upstairs, looking for some clean clothes to wear but unfortunately all of them were dirty. His [Washing Robot's] battery had been died last week so all his laundry hadn't been done.

Just when he was about to start cursing, Mrs. Annette walked into the room with a neatly,wrapped box in her hands.

"What's that second Mom?" Gordon asked.

Mrs. Annette( or second mom as Amy and Gordon called her) opened the box and watched as a large smile made it's way to Gordon's face.

"Your dad just ordered it,but it comes with a condition "

" What Condition?"

"You have to go with Amy"

"What? Amy... is just going to...aww, she's just going to ruin every..."

"Hush! Do you accept or not? Amy Is your sister and you should treat her like so".

"Alright " .

Gordon didn't waste time though and put on the items in the box. It was a black tuxedo with jet-black shoes and a fedora.

He looked like a real gentleman.