

you can skip this part if you want to idc 🤷‍♂️

hi, im the author and im kind of a dumbass with an over active imagination, so if you see spelling or punctuation errors, oops sorry. anyway im 15 so like don't be a dickhead cause hormones or some shit.

now about me because this is something someone is supposed to do??

I'm 15 like I said

I'm trans ftm and pansexual

I write when im bored because im me

I used to have another story on a different app but I got hacked and didn't save a draft soooo I was fucked.

I curse a lot, like I was raised by and alcoholic from the south a LOT so if you don't like that then im sorry you can just try to skip over then if enough people want ill make a cuss free version.

A lot of my characters names will have a meaning behind them but not all sssoooo if your like the readers from the other app and you create a really deep conspiracy and it turns out to be wrong pls don't get mad.

I'm im advanced English and my reading level is at a sophomore in colleges so if your actually reading this and are thinking "oh yay some dumbass kid I can make feel like shit so I feel better about myself" I could do this shit as if I was writing an essay for college im just to lazy to since this is for fun so if you have a problem with the fact that there will be mistakes leave, bye

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