
The Cultivator with Over Hundred Magical Beasts

This book is about a young girl that has died from a unfortunate event. All she wanted in life was to have a pet because it was the last thing that she could do with her parents. Now she has reincarnate as another Yang Fen and now has the power and ability that could rival almost any cultivators or even trample over different sects if she choose too. Since I reach 1,000 views on my book, which was a personal milestone for me, I decided to change it to every two chapters per day Monday through Friday but on Fridays, if another personal milestone of mine is reach, I’ll publish additional chapter. Next personal milestone is 2.5k. And this is my first story that I’ve written so I would love y’all’s feedback in the comments.

comicsans_1500 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

- Yin Hei’s disciple

"Someone had comprehended 100% of a technique"

"She selected the Ice Empress Domain technique, it one of the more challenging techniques to comprehend we know of"

"This disciple has impressed me already; I might as well make her my disciple in the third test."

Every Elder that was watching was arguing about who gets her, but Yin Hei smiled when he realized the commotion that Yang Fen has caused.

"She really is a genius, but it seems like she not strong physically though. Though she can easily fix that with her ability to tame magical beasts."

Yin Hei impression of Yang Fen just grew even more while Yang Fen herself was confused and startled.


WHAT, how did I managed to comprehend all of it, I thought I comprehend the beginning stages of it.

Well, it is too late now, when will the next test will be.

As she thought of this, she was once again in a formation that teleported them, but she notices only 100 of them at here.

It only took them a few minutes to reach their destination, they were in front of a gate but standing in front of it where ten people and I'm guessing their elders because Elder Chin and Yin Hei was there.

My heart melted when saw him there, i almost forgot why I was here until Elder Chin spoke,

"Welcome everyone to the finally test, it's even more simple and easy to do than the previous tests. To past this one you must get accepted my one of us elders to past and be an official, Outer Disciple of the Holy Saber Sect."

Everyone begins to lose a bit of hope because they knew they were being watched but Elder Ching kept on speaking,

"But those who had recommended letters, go to the person that gave them to you because they are your master now."

I didn't like how Elder Chin said that, but I was still happy anyway since I get to see Yin Hei more.

I started walking towards Yin Hei feeling special since he recommended me to be his disciple.

"Now let's continue, like I said to pass this test, you must be accepted as a disciple from one of these elders but every elder here can only accept 5 people disciples. Now everyone the test shal start now."

As Elder Chin said this, everyone's panic and tried to find a Elder to accept them as a disciple.

I realized then that Yin Hei was picky with his disciple, he would ask some questions like, "How good are you with magical herbs or with magical beasts or formations."

He finally managed to pick three others and one that looks like a brute.

Two of the three were males and the one female.

I was happy that I wasn't going to be the only female within Yin Hei's disciples because I know that he just became an elder.

"Alright that as many as I can grab, Elder Chin, I'll be heading back to the Holy Saber Sect now."

"Alright but I do hope that you have a way to get there, it's a half a day walk their once you pass the gate."

"I have an idea, Disciple Yang Fen, do you mind if we use your phoenix to get there?"

I was a little bit baffled when I realized that he trying to be formal in front of others.

"Sure, thing Elder Yin, little me just summon..."

As if in que, Little Frost came out of the pendant and knelt down as if saying hop as, which she was.

Since theirs 6 of us, four of us road on Little Frost back while the other two were being hold by Little Frost claws.

We left but Little Frost decided to gloat a little and left a beautiful aurora behind her tail, leaving everyone smiling because how beautiful it is.

"Yin Hei got lucky to get such disciple, I hope she can come visit me at my "Holy Nectar Pavilion" auction house."

Elder Chin thought while having a little couch face on.