
The Crazed Player

*Uploads 3 times a week* In a world full of magic Ashton was bullied everyday. Almost everyone in the world was born with some type of ability that could be awakened when they reached the age 16. However, Ashton who was apart of the 0.5% of human kind to not be born with a ability. It was so rare to not have a ability and that caused Ashton to become an outcast and get bullied everyday. It wasn't a far stretch to say that Ashton was one of the most unfortunate people on earth. In the whole Earth's existence there have only been 10 cases of people being born without abilities. While Ashton was cursed his sister Tiana was blessed by the gods and received a high grade ability which caused for them to not be able to interact on public. Warning : If you cannot handle gore like materials or get disgusted easily do not read the novel. Art is not mine! if it is yours and you want me to take it down please ask and I will

Toni_Glennan · Acción
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10 Chs

Thirst For Blood (1)

When I woke up I was no longer in pain. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the screen in front of me. I was most surprised and excited at the same time as I saw that my grade had increased from F rank to e rank and that I was now level 20.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 20

EXP: 150/1000 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: E Talent: Medium

HP: 100/100 MP: 100


STR: 32 (+5) AGI: 32 (+5)

SEN: 37 (+5) DEF: 24 (+5)

STA: 32 (+5) VIT: 22 (+5)

INT: 37 (+5) AP: 375



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else than the intended

Blood Maniac: When in battle the more blood splattered the more you strive to kill. When in the zone you won't feel pain or anything besides wanting to kill.


Imperial Set: Low-grade F-rank armor that protects the host from most attacks from F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Become the king of the weakest part of the jungle

Reward: High-grade E-rank longsword

-Escape the forest

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 30km (Status: 0/30)

-Carry 600 kilograms (Status: 0/600)

-Climb a height of 300 meters (Status: 0/300)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


'I guess killing all those monsters was a good thing.' I thought. Getting up from the floor I used my senses to figure out where the closest stream was. The closest stream was in the West and it was quite close. As I walked to the stream I made sure to avoid all the monsters as I didn't want to get in a fight with them.

About 30 minutes passed and I finally made it to the river. I grabbed the water storage container from my inventory and started filling it up with the water from the stream. Once it was full I placed it back in my inventory and grab the bucket a rag and a little soap. Filling the bucket with water I place the rag inside and switched it around with a soap which made the water get all cloudy and bubbly. I took the rag and wiped it throughout my body on some spots I had to scrub because the blood was so dried onto my skin. I had to bathe myself about five times which took an hour in total. Although I got the dry blood off my skin was stained in certain spots including my face naked and arms.

My stained skin looks like I had gotten burned or that it was birthmarks. But I didn't mind it as I thought that it was quite cool. I started to get cold so I poured the water on myself and thoroughly dried myself before putting on a clean pair of clothes. I looked at my old pair of clothes and they were full of holes and blood. They were completely stiff and it looked like you could cut down the tree with them. I sighed because these were my favorite clothes but there was nothing I could do about it. I placed them inside of my inventory along with all the other stuff I took out before I went back to the cave.

As soon as I got to the cave the smell of blood assaulted my nostrils. Although the blood smell was quite strong it didn't disgust me at all, the only thing It did was make me calm. I was quite confused as to why I was feeling calm smelling the scent of blood but then I remembered the new skill I got and it suddenly started making sense. As I thought of ways to clean the cave my stomach started growling loudly. I pulled out one of the zebras that I had killed and started skinning it and cutting its meat into bite-size pieces and some of them into long thin pieces for jerky.

When I was about to cook the meat I suddenly thought about something. 'how the hell am I going to cook without a skillet or pot?' I sighed when I realized I did not have anything to click inside. It appeared that I would have to go mining which was very dreadful as it was very exhausting. The only bad thing about monster meat is that you can't eat it raw it has to be cooked and if you eat it raw you could potentially die. I walked over to the end of the cave and started punching the rocks. After what I feel like hours I finally got a big enough piece of stone that could be shaped into the head of a pickaxe. Walking outside I started looking for the smallest tree and I finally found one. However, when I was about to cut it down I fell into a trap. I heard the heavy breathing of the beast. In this situation, most people would be scared but I was unusually calm. It was like these monsters didn't even phase me, I was just standing there smiling with my sword out.

Unknowingly to me when I saw the monsters my blood Maniac still activated. The large rabbits ran towards me and tried kicking me with their little legs but I dodge them. With a swing, three monsters died at the hands of my blade. The more I fought them the more excited I got the more I wanted to kill them. It was like I had gone crazy and that the only thing I wanted was to see their blood dripping on the floor. Although the E-ranked rabbits weren't intelligent they had very good teamwork which caused me to be backed up into a corner. Each time I kill the rabbits I heard the system saying that I received 10 EXP.

I was very excited that now I got more exp from killing the monsters which made me even more motivated to kill them. I slashed my way through the crowd of rabbits with great struggle as there were so many. When I didn't pay attention rabbit snuck up behind me. Although they snuck up behind me they weren't able to injure me as I instantly swung my sword back. I had learned from my previous lesson to not just focus on my front side but to focus on all sides and keep my senses on high when I was fighting or during regular time. I will not allow myself to be sneak attacked again as it injured my pride. although I was known as the weakest in school I still had pride. As I and the rabbits continue fighting a speck of blood you got in my mouth. The blood tasted metallic but also sweet at the same time. I didn't know what happened to me when I drank the piece of blood but I feel everything around me change. It was like I had become a different person. I felt stronger and I felt that it was becoming easier to defeat the monsters. So I made sure to 'accidentally' make the monster's blood flow into my mouth during the fight. After what felt like a pint of blood entered my system my body felt warm and nice.

[The host has absorbed the blood of an E-ranked Rabbit. The system is using the blood to make a connection with your ancient bloodline of vampires. Error...Trying again.....Error...The host is required to absorb more blood to awaken 1% of the ancient bloodline ]

When I heard that message I smiled evilly and grabbed the nearest corpse and started sucking his blood. The rabbits were so shocked when they saw me sucking the blood of one of their fellow deceased companions. They were so shocked that they stopped everything that they were doing and I took this moment to kill them. I tried killing them in one strike but that wasn't possible so I ended up having to do it in multiple strikes. Once all the rabbits were dead I started sucking the blood from each of the corpses. The more blood I drink the better I feel.

[The host has awakened 1% of the vampire's bloodline. New skills learned and equipment received. Change in one of the host's quests. Would the host like to see it?]



|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 20

EXP: 300/1000 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: E Talent: Medium

HP: 100/100 MP: 100


STR: 32 (+5) AGI: 32 (+5)

SEN: 37 (+5) DEF: 24 (+5)

STA: 32 (+5) VIT: 22 (+5)

INT: 37 (+5) AP: 375



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else than the intended (Upgrade: 4/5)

Requirements: Must have at least 5 strength

Cool down: None

Blood Maniac: When in battle the more blood splattered the more you strive to kill. When in the zone you won't feel pain or anything besides wanting to kill. (Upgrade: 2/5)

Requirements: Have to be in battle

Cool down: Can be used 2 times a day

Moon Lover: Stats will increase by 2 whenever you are in the dark. Your presence will also be less likely to detect. (Upgrade: 0/5)

Cool Down: None Requirements: Have to be on the moon

Devour: In battle, if blood is spilled the host can use the enemy's wounds to suck out all the blood from the enemy and absorb some of their attributes and skills. (Upgrade: 0/5)

Cool down: 5 hrs

Requirement: Must be in the 5-meter range of the target


Imperial Set: Low-grade F-rank armor that protects the host from most attacks from F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Drink the blood of all the monsters in your area

Reward: A-rank vampire technique

-Escape the forest

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 30km (Status: 0/30)

-Carry 600 kilograms (Status: 0/600)

-Climb a height of 300 meters (Status: 0/300)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>
