
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · Fantasía
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10 Chs

05: Duel


The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the field where my classmates and I were scattered. Today marked the Elemental Spells lesson, easily the highlight of my magical education. Despite the bright sunshine, a chilly breeze hinted at the approaching autumn.

As we sought refuge under the shade of a tree, Allison nonchalantly asked, "Do you think we can learn how to barbecue a whole pork if we master the flame elemental?" He adjusted his hair while glancing into the pocket mirror he borrowed from Ana, the sunlight beaming down around us.

"Some wizards do that; our private chef is quite skilled," Luke responded, and Allison, clearly envious, replied with a playful smirk. Ana nudged Allison, silently signaling him to stow away the mirror.

Taking a moment to observe my surroundings, I saw my friends engaged in casual banter, patiently awaiting the arrival of Professor Wyrmsong. Then, my gaze landed on Leon and his bothersome entourage. Sensing my stare, he looked in my direction, raising his eyebrows in a questioning manner. Choosing to avoid unnecessary confrontation, I shifted my attention back to my friends, who were discussing their preferred food choices.

"How about you, Nolan? Do you like corn bread?" Ana inquired, pulling me into their conversation. I nodded with a smile, replying, "Especially when my mom makes it."

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the field, and before us stood a woman in a long green robe and a tall black hat. Professor Wyrmsong had arrived, her presence commanding attention as she prepared to unravel the secrets of Elemental Spells. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the lesson promised to unfold into another magical adventure under her guidance.

My eyes fixed on the front as Professor Florence Mildred Wyrmsong, the epitome of cheerfulness and brightness, began her usual routine.

"Good morning, class. Settle down, settle down," she greeted with a radiant smile, her age evident in the lines etched on her face. Yet, despite the passage of time, her spirit remained as lively as ever. I knew better than to underestimate her, though; Professor Wyrmsong could switch from cheerful to serious and even intimidating in the blink of an eye.

"Good morning, Professor Wyrmsong," we chimed in unison, acknowledging her presence. Her positive energy had a way of making the aura feel like a haven, a sentiment shared by everyone seated around me.

"Well, it's good that everyone seems well, after all that has happened," she continued, acknowledging the collective resilience of the class. Memories flashed before me, particularly my second year when something terrible had happened. It was Professor Wyrmsong who had guided me through those dark times, offering more than just academic support; she became a comforting figure, akin to a motherly presence.

"The past is in the past, and today is a new day for learning new knowledge," Professor Wyrmsong proclaimed, her optimism cutting through any lingering shadows. "So, can everyone please turn their books to page 11."

I eagerly opened my "Spellweaver's Book of Elemental Spells: Senior Level," feeling the weight of its pages in my hands. It seemed like only yesterday when we struggled through the Amateur Level. Time had flown, and here we were, delving into more advanced material.

The atmosphere in the field was charged with anticipation as Professor Wyrmsong guided us through the intricacies of casting magic spells. Her teachings emphasized confidence, firmness, and a deep connection with our own energy. We were in the midst of experimenting with different elementals, attempting to embody the essence of each as Professor Wyrmsong had instructed.

"Now, remember, the core of our elemental spells is always within our bodies. Feel your surroundings and embrace it. Be free as the wind, warm as fire, hard as the earth, and flexible as water," she instructed, her words resonating clearly and loudly.

"Woah, I just feel my mana boosted up," exclaimed Dmitri Nikolaidas, a fellow sixth-year student from the House of Vergotti. I nodded in agreement, sensing a surge of power coursing through my body, concentrating in my hands.

"Now, why don't we have a friendly duel of elementals?" Professor Wyrmsong suggested, and the idea resonated with everyone. The prospect of witnessing a magical clash was too enticing to resist.

"I will be picking names from my hat," she continued, removing her long hat, "and whoever's names get chosen will have the pleasure to duel each other." With a casting spell, all our names were in the metaphorical hat, and soon enough, a light illuminated it as the first name was called.

"Let's see... ah... Maxime Leonides Xavier Valois-Noir, representing the House of Vigiuer."

All eyes turned to Leon, who carried the weight of his family's formidable reputation. The Valois family, known for their dark magic and arcane arts, was a subject of numerous rumors within the magical community. His mother's side, the House of Valois, was particularly distinguished, with ties to powerful wizards, including Theodore Alfonsus Valois III, the current Minister of Dark Magic.

As Leon walked to the front, his tall figure drew attention, and his group cheered for him. Lost in my own thoughts, I barely noticed Professor Wyrmsong drawing another name.

"Nolan Alexander Starr, from the House of Vollmer."

My attention snapped back to reality. Professor Wyrmsong gave me a knowing look, signaling for me to come forward. Luke, ever the supportive friend, playfully nudged me.

"What are you waiting for, Starr fish? Go to the front." I've earned the nickname "Starr fish" from my friends, and it's become a lighthearted inside joke among all of us.

"All right, all right," I mumbled, adjusting my tie as I walked to the front. Leon stood on the left side of Professor Wyrmsong, and I took my place on the right. Clearing my throat, I waited for further instructions, the nervous anticipation building as the prospect of a magical duel lay before me.

Professor Wyrmsong turned to face both Leon and me, a warm smile on her face. "Now, boys, any elementals are fine. I'll be your moderator, ensuring neither of you attempts anything nefarious like casting a dark spell," she warned, emphasizing the importance of responsible spell casting.

"Anyway, enjoy, and show what you can do. Make your houses proud, and don't kill each other," she added with a playful tone, giving her final warnings before turning back to the students who were eagerly watching.

"Now, is everyone ready?" Professor Wyrmsong asked, and the enthusiastic cheers from the onlookers filled the air. It seemed luck was on my side today.

"Boys, back to back, please," Professor Wyrmsong instructed, and soon enough, Leon and I found ourselves with our backs against each other. I couldn't help but look down, hoping that this duel would end swiftly.

"Show me what you got, Starr," Leon taunted. I lifted my head, realizing a surge of determination within me. Okay, I thought, I'll show him what I've got. Suddenly, I felt a rush of excitement, ready to give it my all.

As the students began counting down, Leon and I started walking away from each other. With each step, a mix of nervousness and growing confidence surged within me. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience – dueling a member of the Valois family. It was indeed a pleasure, but I had no intentions of losing. Not today.

The students' countdown reached its climax, "3... 2... 1...!!" The anticipation hung thick in the air, and I swiftly turned around just in time to see Leon casting his spell, "Feuer spucken!" he shouted, a fiery ray hurtling towards me. Instinctively, I reacted, dodging the flames by leaping to the ground.

Screams echoed around me, a cacophony of cheers from students who were clearly rooting for Leon. He continued his relentless assault, fire after fire. I needed to find my timing, but damn, it was proving challenging.

"Come on, Nolan. You got this!" Luke's encouraging shout reached my ears.

"Nolan, go off!" Ana's voice echoed.

"Show what you got!" Allison added her encouragement.

I snapped back to the duel, focusing on my surroundings. Swiftly getting back on my feet after dodging a barrage of fire, I took a moment to gather my bearings. Then, seizing the opportunity, I countered, "Wegblasen!" The flames emanating from Leon were extinguished.

Without wasting a second, I cast another spell, "Felsenklingen!" Blades of rock soared towards him. Leon, quick on his feet, conjured a water shield, "Wasserschild," deflecting the blades. Yet, I persisted, continuously throwing blades at him. His shield weakened under the assault, creating an opening for me.

"Ah!" Leon's pained cry filled the air as I managed to cut his right shoulder. He instinctively clutched the wound to assess the damage. Blood confirmed the hit. When Leon looked at me, his face betrayed a mix of surprise and seriousness. Clearly, he hadn't expected that move.

"Kick his ass, Leon!" Raven shouted, and for a moment, the cheering students seemed torn between their loyalty to Leon and the unexpected turn of events. The duel had taken an intense and surprising twist.

"Flammenschwert," Leon intoned, conjuring a flame sword. He swung it with practiced ease, anticipating my next move.

I countered with my own creation, a water sword. "Wasserschwert," I declared, mimicking his motion and adopting a defensive stance.

"En garde!" I shouted, fully aware that the concept of fencing wasn't common here. Confusion rippled through the spectators. Still, I knew the game, and I was ready to play it.

"Ready?" I asked Leon, my expression serious. He responded, "As I'll ever be, Starr."

With determination, he charged at me, relentlessly swinging his fiery blade. I skillfully avoided each strike, using my slender water sword to parry and clash with his flame weapon. Leon seemed to sense that his aggressive approach wasn't affecting me much. Meanwhile, I focused on maintaining my composure, drawing on the years of fencing experience that had taught me the value of poise and strategy. The clash of elements in our swords created a spectacle, and the onlookers couldn't help but be drawn into the unexpected duel.

The House of Vollmer students screams got louder, they know for a fact that I am at a advantage here. Leon and I keep clashing and clashing, but he seems to get tired. With the moments passing, I saw my opening, his grip got loose. I swung my sword near his hand and the flame sword got expell from his hand. Raven and the two morons, are now concern on what's the duel is going to.

I aimed a swing at Leon's left knee, forcing it to bend. Following up, I targeted his right ankle, causing him to collapse. Pointing the blade menacingly at his face, I asked, "Give up?" His response was a furious glare.

"Windsturm," Leon uttered a spell out of nowhere, propelling me backward. I rolled on the ground, enduring the impact, while the surrounding screams grew louder. Groaning in pain, I lay on the ground, taking a moment to recover and regain my strength. Leon, however, was already back on his feet, fixing his stance.

"Nolan! Get up!" The crowd screamed, urging me to rise. Leon began conjuring a massive ball of flame, channeling all his mana and power for a final, powerful blow. The ball grew larger and hotter, resembling a miniature sun. Realizing the imminent danger, I needed to heal quickly.

"Recuperare," I whispered, healing myself and gathering enough energy to crawl away. Surveying my surroundings, I spotted something intriguing. I continued crawling, and Leon approached, ready to unleash the fiery finale.

Reaching the end of what I had seen earlier, I turned to face Leon. He stood before me, left hand raised, holding the colossal fireball. The spectators were now certain of who might emerge victorious.

"Any last words?" Leon asked, anticipation evident on his face.

"Yeah," I replied, catching him off guard, "Don't ever waste your mana at the start." Confused, he looked at me as I gathered every bit of remaining mana and energy.

"Wellenflut!" I cast the spell, creating an enormous wave from the lake behind me. The wave eclipsed his fireball, reaching the height of the school's wall. Spectators screamed at the colossal wave I had conjured.

I gestured for the wave to crash down, and the waters washed away the fireball. Wet and surprised, everyone realized who had won the duel.

"Renverser," Professor Wyrmsong cast a reversal spell, making the waves retreat to the lake. In the aftermath, everyone was drenched, resembling a group that had just taken an unexpected bath. Coughs echoed as if some had nearly drowned.

Professor Wyrmsong approached where Leon and I stood. We rose to our feet, and the onlookers gathered around us. Positioned between us, Professor Wyrmsong announced the winners.

"Well done, gentlemen. You've demonstrated the intricacy and potency of elemental magic, although Mr. Starr's elemental almost submerged us all," she said, shooting me a look that hinted I should avoid such a stunt in the future.

"But both of them performed incredibly in our elemental duel, so everyone, clap for the two boys," she declared, and applause erupted for the success of the duel.

"Of course, there can only be one winner. Congratulations, Mr. Starr, you truly are a bright wizard." With those words, the crowd cheered for my victory, excluding Leon's friends.

Ana rushed over and embraced me, followed by Allison and Luke. Other spectators congratulated me, praising my remarkable performance. Glancing at Leon, who was receiving consolation from his friends, I noticed his worsening mood. Without a word, he walked away, leaving the field.

Suddenly, a sense of guilt enveloped me.

Hey everyone! How are you enjoying my story? I appreciate your feedback. Stay tuned for more developments in my novel. Thank you all for your support!

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