
Chapter 348 won a lot of money

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Chu Jinfeng suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He gripped tightly onto the clothes on his chest.

It hurt so much... ...

"Ming Ye! If you dare to hurt Xiaoqin, I, Chu Jinfeng, will never let you off. "

Chu Jinfeng was in so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat. He seemed to have felt Gu Xiaoqin's heartbreak. He felt that Xiaoqin was in great pain.

Was this telepathy?

Was it what Di Junlin said about telepathy?

When Keqin had met with an accident, he had said that his heart was in pain. At that time, Keqin had really met with an accident.

Now, what was the matter with his heart hurting Could it be that something happened to Xiaoqin as well?

But he did not have that kind of feeling. Moreover, he felt that Xiaoqin seemed to be getting further and further away from him.

"Men! Men. "

Chu Jinfeng did not want to call for the bodyguards outside, but he really wanted to go out now.

"YOUNG MASTER CHU! Before young master returns, we will not open this door, so please forgive us. "

Every time he answered, it was the same sentence, whether it was the tone or the language.

"Bang! "

Chu Jinfeng punched the wall and blood immediately flowed out. The back of his hand was covered in blood, but he couldn't feel any pain.

What kind of pain was worse than heartache?

He only felt that if he didn't leave this place, Xiaoqin would leave him. He didn't think that Ming Ye would like to see Xiaoqin.

"Bastard. "

Chu Jinfeng had never been so angry before. His red eyes became more and more fierce.

"Ming Ye! If something happens to Xiaoqin, you'd better not let me escape. Otherwise, even if you are my twin brother, I won't be polite to you in the ends of the earth. "

He withdrew his bloody hand and walked coldly towards the SOFA. He sat down with a hostile aura that made it seem as if no one was allowed to enter.

"No, I must think of a way to get out. "

He probed the room again, hoping to find a way to get someone to open the door. Putting aside whether he could leave this damned place, it would be better to escape from this door.


CASS empire.

In the afternoon, Lan Keqin woke up from her dream. She blinked her hazy eyes, rubbed the corner of her eyes that seemed to be interfering, and stretched.

"Junlin! Why don't you take a break? Do you want to tire yourself to death? "

The moment Lan Keqin woke up, she saw Di Junlin, who was looking at his phone on the opposite SOFA. Although he was looking at his phone, she knew that he was working through the phone network.

She had seen him working with his phone more than once.

She thought that after she slept, he would follow her and rest for a while. She didn't expect him to not sleep, and her heart ached for him.

He was obviously so busy. Other than when he was with her, he devoted all his time to work. How could this not make her heart ache?

"You're awake? "

Di Junlin heard her voice and he looked at her and asked gently.

"Yes! I'm full from sleep. "

Lan Keqin laughed and stretched again. She was ready to get up and walk to him.

Di Junlin saw her get up and quickly put down his phone. He walked over and said with concern, "slow down. ".

"Don't worry. The baby is very healthy now. He will be fine. "

She was always happy and sweet with his concern and nervousness, but it didn't mean that she always wanted him to be nervous.

Seeing that his two domineering eyebrows had become caterpillars, she subconsciously used her hand to help him up. "promise me, even if you worry about me in the future, don't frown. You look so ugly when you frown. " Actually, she felt sorry for him when she saw him frown.

He felt sorry for her, and she felt sorry for him as well.

"You! I know the baby is fine now, but I'm more worried about you. You're so big with such a big belly, and you're so clumsy when you walk. I'm really afraid that you'll fall. "

He no longer frowned and said gently. Then, he squatted by the bed, took the socks over, and put them on her bit by bit.

"I'll walk very carefully. I feel bad that you're guarding me like this and working so hard every day. "

Lan Keqin looked down at her feet. Di Junlin was putting on socks for her at this time.

Such a god-like man, and he was actually putting on socks for her, and even washing her feet.

"What's there to feel bad about? You're my wife, of course my husband has to earn money for his wife. It's natural for husbands to be good to their wives. I've said it before, I, Di Junlin, will dote on you and love you for the rest of your life. "

His voice was very soft, and his words were the most sincere, but they were more beautiful than any oath.

He put on one sock for her and another sock for her, causing Lan Keqin's eyes to be filled with tears.

"But other than bringing you trouble, I'm still trouble. "

Her throat was a little hard to swallow. Up until now, she still couldn't help him. Instead, she wanted him to spend a lot of time with her.

"Who said that you brought me trouble? In my heart, you've only brought me happiness and happiness. You've given me all your love, and now you're risking your life to give birth to my child.

"people often say that women will go through hell when they give birth. If it's possible, I don't want you to suffer. "

His voice was still very gentle, but it was more heartwarming. How many men in the world would say such a thing?

Many people would think that it was only right and proper for their wives to give birth to their children. They didn't think it was a big deal.

But how many men would think that a woman would risk her life to give birth to a child?

"King's landing! " Lan Keqin's eyes became more and more misty. She suddenly hugged him tightly. She really wanted to become one with him. "King's landing! Let's have lots of babies, shall we? "

"silly girl! How many do you want to have? " He smiled and patted her back.

"Lots and lots. "

"How much is a lot? "

"Give birth to ten or eight children. Since you are so rich, you can afford to give birth to dozens of children. " She was completely moved by Di Junlin at this moment. Whatever words she said, they were almost all in a daze.

"Oh? Is Qiner sure she wants to give birth so much? " He smiled triumphantly.

She nodded without thinking and replied, "Yes! I want to give birth to many babies for you. "

"Little Sow, can your body bear to give birth to so many babies? "

He also wanted her to give birth to many babies for her, but his heart ached. He did not know how painful it was to give birth to babies, but he knew that a woman giving birth to babies was the most painful time in her life.

When he first entered her body, her expression was still clearly remembered. At that time, even if she was drugged, she would still cry out in pain.

Then it was even more so when it was time to give birth.

"What? You actually called me a little sow. "

Lan Keqin let go of him in the atmosphere. She wanted to give birth to many babies for him, but he actually called her a little sow?


She was unhappy. She was very unhappy.

"Isn't it? " He asked with a smile.

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