
Chapter One: The Outskirts

The Outskirts of the Ambrose were unusually peaceful, the weeds and flowers would dance against the soft winds as the armed protectorate tread along the path. These were all that remained of the grass and leaves, outside of Ambrose nothing was left but lone level sands. Standing amid the barren wasteland lied a great concrete dome, pocked and cracked with craters and recent repairs.

For the city of Ambrose was not alone in this world.


The Shack was an old rundown house on the edge of the outskirts, the chipped white paint on the wood exterior began peeling due to its age. In the fields around the shack many dummies were placed along a line with bags filled with sand. The dummies bags were cut open with numerous slash marks from swords and knives.

Marena was out early in the morning with her sword, practicing on the sand dummies. She kept charging at the bags without stopping. Slashing, stabbing, plunging. Sweat dripped onto her brow as she focused on the sack of sand. She imagined a scene in her head. Her mentor, Sabriel, congratulated Marena with a bright and proud smile. He nodded at her, allowing her to fight alongside the borders.

Suddenly Khonsu burst through the front door angrily stomping his way towards the training grounds. "Where the fuck is Adya? She ate my last fucking pastry again!"

Marena didn't even bother to look in Khonsu's direction and continued attacking the dummies.

When he was ignored, Khonsu threw a throwing knife at Marena. She moved to the side as the knife wished past her leg "what the hell is wrong with you?" she cussed.

"You need to stop being such a workaholic and relax a little more". Khonsu said as he crossed his arms.

"That's rich coming from the guy who got worked up over a pastry." Marena snapped back in anger.

"..." Khonsu had nothing to say to that.

Marena sighed as she put her sword back in her hilt.

"Fine. We'll find Adya. But. You. Owe. Me. When Sabriel comes back with Rohu I'm going to train with him first at the outskirts." Marena said throwing the knife back at Khonsu. She didn't want to miss this opportunity of extra training with her master. She walked ahead of Khonsu while he ran up to catch up with her.

"Could you have at least waited for me? I'm out of fucking breath." Khonsu panted. Marena ignored him and started walking faster.

Khonsu and Marena walked together searching for Adya along the fields of dirt. The vast amount of land allowed for easy fighting, skid marks were painted on the dirt in webs. The Protectorate were not allowed to fight near the city, their duty was within the outskirts. Always on guard watching for any danger from enemies.

It was a short walk, only a few hundred feet from the training grounds faint mumbling was heard. Adya was near the dome wall lying in the dirt as she played with her sword. She hummed a happy tune to herself. Khonsu took his throwing knife in his hand with a chilling smile as he carefully aimed in Adya's direction. Adya peeked at Khonsu and pouted "you didn't even come say hi to me and you're already throwing knives at me."

"You're annoying." Khonsu sneered, with one fluid motion Khonsu threw the knife aiming for her face. Adya laughed as she rolled away from the knife. As more knives were thrown Adya shot up, dodging the knives while doing cartwheels and flips.

In the mist of the chaos red alarms began blaring on the watches for the group of the young Protectorates. Informing them that a had breach occurred alarmingly close to their location.

"Shit." Khonsu hissed under his breath.

"Sabriel still hasn't come back to us with Rohu yet, we need to all stay behind until we hear his order." Khonsu said sternly, completely forgetting about the pastry incident.

Before Khonsu could finished his sentence, Marena already left running after where the break in was. She wanted to prove herself worthy of fighting along with her mentor. Her lack of experience often forced her off patrols – this was her only chance, and she didn't want to miss it. Adya also began excitedly sprinting to the break in.

Khonsu started running back to the base only to realize the other two didn't follow him. He could hear Adya laughing maniacally as the two got farther and farther away.

"Just because we're immortal doesn't mean we're invincible!" Khonsu roared at Marena and Adya, but to no avail. "Fucking idiots. We'll have to peel their bodies from the damn wall." Khonsu sighed, frustrated.


As they approached the breach, the harsh stench of rotten flesh immediately hit Marena's face. She gagged as she the beast came into view, slowly drawing her sword. Adya was beside her, following suite.

The breach was one of the largest they had seen – a eighteen-meter tear in the dome's exterior wall, blasted in from the outside. Hanging limp and loose from the hole laid a great red mass, back covered in hundreds bone-white scales, its dozens of writhing limbs dragging itself from the wreckage and into the city.

As the pair approached, the beast's chest tore itself in two, creating a sort of grotesque mouth, the ribs shattered remains forming rows of sharp teeth. The tear continued expanding all the way down the creature's torso, as it lifted its upper "jaw" into the air to let out an ear-rattling screech.

"Good lord, that's a face only a mother could love." Adya said, jokingly.

Marena, horrified, turned to Adya and said "Can you ever take anything seriously? Why is everything a joke to you?"

Adya stuck out her tongue at Marena and sprinted towards the beast. She leapt onto the beast, nicking at the scales and rotten flesh with her sword before the creature's massive hands swatted her off as if she was a mosquito. The force of the punch sent Adya flying towards the concrete wall, impacting with a thud and a crunch.

"Adya!" Marena yelled.

Marena ran towards the mutant, sliding between its many legs to attack from behind. She severed one, but three more grabbed her and tossed her into the rubble. Catching herself, she skidded on the dirt before pouncing back onto the mutant's back. She quickly lodged her blade between the scales, creating a geyser of foul-smelling black fluid. The beast stumbled and faltered, rolling onto its back to cover up the injury, revealing a bed of pulsating – but unprotected – flesh. Marena leapt off the beasts back, but before she could attack, the creature grabbed ahold of Marena's leg and slammed her head-first into the dirt.

This was much harder than the training Sabriel taught.

As she was recovering, the mound still writhing on the ground, a dark figure appeared in a flash. They were far taller than Marena, their eyes igniting with anger as they locked eyes with her.

The soldier was dressed in all black, clad with a large metallic mask that revealed only their eyes. A Firdaus soldier, Marena thought – of course! The Firdaus were Ambrose's enemy – terrorists from a distant nation who only wished to see Ambrose fall. Only they could cause a breach at this scale.

Unfortunately, this was bad news for Marena.

Spinning their sword in their hands, the soldier sneered. "Go 'protect your city' somewhere else. This is none of your business, you and your lackey are too weak to fight."

Marena's face flushes with anger and embarrassment, she charges towards the figure with all the strength she has. Surprised, the masked figure quickly side-steps her attack, jabbing their blade into Marena's thigh.

When Marena stumbled and hissed with pain. The beast behind them rolled itself back onto its stomach and began to crawl towards them.

"God damn it." The soldier said. "Give it up already, pig, or I'll have to gut you like the rest."

Ignoring their words, Marena stumbled forward to clumsily attack the soldier. The soldier rolled to avoid the attack and tripped Marena onto the floor.

"You're only going to end up worse than your friend over there." The masked person looked at Marena as if she were disappointed and annoyed.

"I'm not- I can't -" Marena mumbled, out of breath.

"What, tired?" the soldier chuckled.

"I – can't – give – up!" Marena screamed, hastily swinging for the soldier's leg. The soldier quickly dashed to the side. As they dashed, in a single fluid motion, their sword sliced straight through Marena. Her arm hit the floor with a resounding thud, then her.

The soldier looked upon her body, then turned towards the approaching beast. Her pained screams filled the air, but the loss of blood quickly left her unconscious.


( ╬◣ 益◢)

Marena: "...in your hand."

Khonsu: "..."

BUrnt_Toastcreators' thoughts