

"I said we can't." (Rhaxtyx)

Rhaxtyx's eyes were dead serious as he looked at Stephanie. Her eyes were in turn confused and questioning. Miriam as well, was truly dumbfounded by this.

"Master. What do you mean by this?"

"Well it is simple. We, are not going to save them."

"So you are just going to betray their trust on you?" (Stephanie)

"Do you think for saving two of my friends I am going to risk another?"


Stephanie and Miriam voiced out sounds of confusion at this. They both looked at Rhaxtyx and demanded an explanation with their eyes. At this, Rhaxtyx sighed and started speaking.

"Look at her. Do you think Miriam is in a condition to fight?"


"Whatever you say I am not taking you there. You might've expected something grander than that reason but believe me that is reason enough if you ask me. So that is why, we can't. Because I will save them by myself, tonight."

"Master I can fight!"

"Really? Then hit me."

Rhaxtyx stood up from his chair and walked away from the desk, calling for Miriam with his hands. Miriam looked at him with confused eyes.

"Master what are you-"

"You want to come along? Then hit me. Punch me right in the face. C'mon, I'm waiting."

After getting provoked by Rhaxtyx for about a minute, Miriam decided to do it instead of listening it. As she got up her chest throbbed with pain. Even though she tried to hide it, her eyes couldn't lie at that time. She faced Rhaxtyx. As she lifted her arm to punch, her pain in the chest became unbearable and she started sweating. Rhaxtyx then lowered her hand himself and patted her.

"See? I told you, I'll go alone."


"Ms. Stephanie, I am expecting some sort of a building plan. You don't expect me to go in blind right?"

"Sure. I'll send someone to your room by evening. You guys should just rest. I can arrange some food to your room if you desire."

"I wouldn't say no to that! A good meal after a good fight is what I'm living for!"

"I seriously doubt that, master."

After their discussion, Rhaxtyx and Miriam have gone to their room. Miriam asked about what happened before she woke up but no matter how many times she asked the only answer she got was 'I don't want to talk about it.' So she had no chance but to drop the subject.

Just like Stephanie said, a meal for three was prepared and served to their room. Rhaxtyx and Miriam were enjoying a delicious vegetable soup and stew while Badgey was enjoying a plate full of raw meat.

"So many actions for a day. I wonder if we cause chaos where ever we go?" (Rhaxtyx)

"Well, you certainly seem to attract a lot of trouble master."

"Don't say that! It hurts my feelings."

"Well it is the truth though."

"Haah, you are right. I just want to calmly conduct my experiments!"

"For the meantime, how abut you formulate a plan master? I can help you with that if you want."

"That part is easy. I get in, get them out while being a huge distraction."

"How is that even viable?"

"What I want to know the most is why did they got imprisoned? I mean Damian, he may have caused something while he was on the run but Roman? That guy is as evil as a puppy!"

"That is a weird analogy but okay."

"Am I wrong though?"

"Not necessarily. There might be something else going on."

"There probably is. I hope they are okay."

They waited until it was afternoon and at that time, a servant came inside their room.

"Milord, mistress is calling for you."

"Thanks. Well, see you later."


Rhaxtyx was led by the servant to the personal chambers of Stephanie. As they walked, Rhaxtyx's atmosphere changed ever-so-slightly. His eyes became bore serious as he readied himself for the upcoming potential killing he had to do. Even though he had to restrain himself before to do various other stuff, in Thyra, he didn't have the need for that as the world itself was doing it for him, giving him more freedom ever than before.

As he entered the chambers, servant closed the door behind him while bowing. The room's atmosphere was different than before as well. Inside the office part of the personal chambers were other people, people that Rhaxtyx saw for the first time. Stephanie was accompanied by two cloaked figures that stood behind her.

Her hands were locked to each other on her desk and on the desk itself was a building plan, like Rhaxtyx requested. When he entered he looked at the figures they slightly nodded but didn't say anything. From their silhouettes Rhaxtyx could tell that one of them was a man while the other was a woman. Rhaxtyx returned their nods and looked at the smiling Stephanie.

'Seriously, all she ever does i smile!

"So? What have you got for me?" (Rhaxtyx)

"Like you requested, here's the building plan of the floor your friend and that pup is being held."

Rhaxtyx looked down on the plan and nodded, recording everything in his mind. He then looked at the figures behind her and asked.

"What about these fellas?" (Rhaxtyx)

"They are here to lead you inside. Going in alone is dangerous, no matter how powerful you are."

"Which floor are they at?" (Rhaxtyx)

"They are at underground level 4." (Cloaked Woman)


"Yes. It is not a normal prison they are in. They are in the dungeons under the castle. So it'll be hard to sneak-" (Cloaked Woman)

"Well I got everything I need. If every floor is like this then it'll be easy. You just need to lead me there; I'll handle the rest." (Rhaxtyx)

"Aren't you being a bit too reckless? Even for you this must be a challenge." (Stephanie)

"Challenge? Hehe, just a bunch of humans don't really pose much of a danger to me really. Let's go, we can use the cover of the night after we've reached there."

Rhaxtyx then headed out of the room. Stephanie was dumbfounded by his completely different behavior and the cloaked figures behind her looked at each other without saying anything. In the end they just followed him out and began leading Rhaxtyx.

They walked in the streets towards the inner parts of the city. Rhaxtyx was following the two cloaked figures which were hidden from the public eye. Rhaxtyx was able to follow them thanks to his mana reading and godly vision. They slowly approached the inner walls of the city.

There were guards stationed at these walls every day and night cycle and every day of the week. They would be on rotation and always keep those walls guarded, never allowing anyone unwanted to enter. Rhaxtyx would also encounter this problem and most probably would be kicked out but Stephanie was kind enough to prepare some special permissions for him to be able to enter.

He handed his papers and entered the inner parts without a hitch. As he walked towards the castle, the sky gradually turned black and the sun has said its farewells for the day. It was the time for night stalkers to arise from their slumber and hunt in the darkness.

Rhaxtyx calmly walked while thinking up a plan. He was going over what he could do and what he couldn't.

'With the cover of the darkness the best option is obvious. And since the place is underground it makes a good practice ground for me.'

"Let's just hope that I won't get bored to death." (Rhaxtyx)

"We are here."

The cloaked figures stepped in front of him near a sewer access. Rhaxtyx looked at the iron fence gate that blocked the entrance to the sewers, walked around it and looked for something more hidden but couldn't find it. In the end, he turned to his guides and spoke.

"Are you for real? How am I supposed to enter the prison from here?"

"There's an access fifty feet away from here on the right. You can descend a stair and enter what is practically the back door of the dungeon." (Cloaked Man)

"After that point we will open the path for you and help you locate your friends." (Cloaked Woman)

"Na-a-ah. This is as far as you go. I'll handle the rest by myself."

"Are you underestimating us?" (Cloaked Man)

"Not one bit. But the way I am right now, you would just be mere hindrances."

Rhaxtyx's smile was especially cruel. As if remembering something, Rhaxtyx tapped his chin and thought for a while before sighing out.

"What happened?" (Cloaked Woman)

"You know, a lot has happened today. Maybe too much for a day. I fought in this city now but I realized, I've never asked if this place had a name or not. Not that I care that much but still, I'm curious."

The cloaked figures looked at each other and the cloaked man spoke after a second.

"This city is called 'Alastan'. It is a word of the ancient tongue but the translation was forgotten. All we know is that it meant something similar to a holy ground."

"Holy ground, huh. Well it may be so."

While he was about to enter the sewers, his target was sitting around and talking idly all day long. Roman and Damian was so bored that they were just lying on the floor and just speaking nonsense at this point.

"I spy with my little eye… Something that starts with P." (Roman)



"This is ridiculous."

"You haven't guessed it."

"Who made this thing you call a 'game'?"

"Who knows."






In frustration, Damian punched the wall and hurt his hand because of it, all the while Roman was laughing at him.

"So what was the word?" (Damian)


"You've lost it."

Just at that time, they heard some hurried footsteps, going away from their cell. They quickly shut their mouths and concentrated. Something must've happened for guards to act like that. There weren't any windows or anything so if they wanted to escape they had to break out by the door, which was protected by guards all the time. But this time they were finally left alone by the guards it seems because even after five minutes passed, there was no signs of them, not even a footstep or a loud yawn.

"What happened?" (Roman)

"How should I know?"

They kept on listening and their patience finally bore fruit. After about five minutes, they heard some footsteps approaching towards them. It ceased after it was in front of the door and as they were about to lose their patience, with a loud bang, the door was blasted, being shattered on the opposite wall.

What appeared behind the door was what they were waiting all day, their friend, Rhaxtyx. Though his clothes were a bit damaged here and there. They looked at each other and Rhaxtyx smiled. Just as he was about to talk, Damian spoke first.

"How did you get in here? As I know, we must be in the dungeons! We are underground for crying out loud!"

"Oh that? I came from there."

Rhaxtyx pointed towards behind him and up a bit. From there, Roman and Damian could see the silver moonlight shine upon their faces.

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