472 Chapter 472

A loud explosion almost brought me out of my trance, but then I remembered Christian's grenades and figured that must've been what I'd heard. Hopefully, he didn't just blow up Stonehenge. We'd probably be in a lot of trouble if we wrecked this place. I didn't want to find out.

The next sound I heard that didn't fit with the battle was a popping, fizzing sound, and then a whoosh of air. I already knew what it was before Brandon said, "It's opening."

I wished I could open my eyes to see what was going on, but I hadn't figured out how to do that and keep the energy flowing yet. When I heard a snarl, I decided I'd have to see what was happening. If that demon baby was headed our way, I wanted to know.

I cracked open one eye just in time to see the thing launching itself at my sister. "Cadencebe careful!"


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