193 Chapter 193

Before I could even get a statement of disbelief out of my mouth, Milo said, "It's one thing to turn you down, but totally beyond disrespectful to then ask Jessica to go steady with him, just to rub it in your face."

"Totally lame," Wes agreed.

I didn't have to defend myself. "WHAT?" Lucy exclaimed, pushing her tray of spaghetti away from herself. "You have got to be kidding me. That's not even true! Cass doesn't like Liam anymoreif she ever did. She turned him down for winter homecoming, remember?"

"Sure," Wes replied, just sort of staring at her. "But I'm just telling you what everyone has been saying."

"So you don't like him?" Milo asked.

I realized in the time it took Lucy to explain the situation to my other friends that none of it even mattered. If Liam needed to spread rumors about me to get his kicks, then so be it. And if he liked Jessica, which I thought he probably didn't, but if he did, and she was happy, good for them. "No, I don't like him," I shrugged.


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