
The Chaotic Herculean

A Roc? The divine beast personifies freedom and free will. Majestic Creatures flying above all, forever fighting the heavens for freedom. "The moment you accepted that bloodline inheritance, you stopped being Roc." The Titans? A specie that represents overwhelming physical power and instinctual mastery over an element. Standing majestically and fighting defiantly against all odds and attaining victory. "Too stubborn and unchanging. You will soon go extinct." Orion Cloude, a boy of both bloodlines rejecting his heritage to blaze his own path, earn his own freedom, and grow his own way. The Legend of Orion Cloude, the patriarch of the herculean and the chaotic herculean. "Let's go Apathe, Pragma."

Pseudo_L · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Absolute Beatdown

Unknown when it appeared, but in the sky was a void battleship with two nuzzles pointed at Orion still firing.





Everyone, whether in the formation, on the tower or on a cycle with a one-use gun which was dissipating, was watching with bated breath wondering if this would be the end of their mission.

Umbron was not even watching the bombardment going on. Based on what he'd seen so far and what his youngest told him, Roc would not bleed. So, he continued with his actions.

When the bombardment stopped, the pit was already thousands of kilometres deep covered with clouds of dust of all colours obscuring Orion. The saints quickly used their senses, trying to sense the condition of Orion but...

"WHAT?!!!" Vathar, the six-armed saint was the first to notice.

"N-nothing?" Another saint said confused as to how that might be.

"Maybe he was vapour--" The rider, the one who used the one-use gun, was about to make his opinion known when a pristine hand burst out of his face gripping what seems to be a heart. Orion was already behind him, hands protruding from the back of the rider's skull.

"What level of power was that?" Orion asked, his body facing Vathar.

Appearing in front of everyone, Orion was covered only by clothing from his upper waist to his knees, all other parts of his body were open to the sight of these strangers. His body, which seemed too perfect for his frame was almost a flaw in the world, everyone looking at him had a sense that this might be the best physique they've seen.

Muscles were perfectly outlined, not an inch thicker or thinner than they should be, seem to be built to contain and burst out with extreme strength. The tattoos, if they were to be called that as they seem to have the ability to move, look like thousands of ants moving orderly on his body forming thousands of formations in seconds. The most iconic tattoo on his body is that of a wing on his back, which had the same dynamic properties as the rest. This spectacle did not mar his beauty but seemed to outline it.

"It was an attack supposed to severely injure a newly ascended immortal but..." Vathar replied honestly but his gaze contained respect. Right now, he didn't wish to fight against this monster anymore, he just wants to retreat to his captain's squad.

"Your Excellency, we promise not to disturb you anymore, we would--" Vathar tried to seek their retreat but he was met with a childishly firm voice.


Orion looked at all the saints that had surrounded him, there was no way he would let them go. They had shown killing intent towards him, he was not letting any one of them escape.

"You are going to die, why did you come?" Orion turned towards Umbron who seem to be recuperating but Umbron just looked at him silently.

"Good, Why did you come?" He turned towards Thanen, his expression confused.

"I don't have to speak with a murderer." Thanen spat, but he seemed to have calmed down, unlike his out-of-control self who attacked when the fight started.

"A hypocrite then... What about you two?" Orion looked away and turned to Elatan and Araloth.

"Benefits." They both mentioned.

"Good! Now all of you better power up and come at me at the same time." Orion said to everyone, "Entertain me, I don't want easy pickings."

The battlefield fell silent, utterly silent.

Even Vathar thought Orion was being condescending, everyone thought so too, except Umbron. Umbron did as Orion instructed, he powered up. Flames rose from his chest and like a chain, coiled towards his arms spreading towards his sword which seem to be made for the flame as it blended with it. The flame brought sensations of impending doom upon the saints watching, they knew they'd die if they were touched by the flame.

Another surprising thing they noticed was that Umbron was already a second tribulation saint, this was not an increase due to the flame. Umbron seem to be struggling to control the flames as far as Vathar could tell.

Vathar became solemn, it seems this was it for them, they had to pool their efforts to combat the Orion. With a roar, his muscles started bulging as bumps appeared on the side of his head as two different heads popped out from beside his head. In a flash, he grew to nearly the size of a football field.


"HEHEHEHE!!!" The two heads started cackling as soon as they appeared.

Like a prairie fire spreading, everyone else began powering up, Araloth transformed into a large Wyrm, lacking two hind legs but with an aura bothering saint and prowess capable of fighting most first-level saints.

A crown appeared on top of Elatan's head as his aura began inflating, actually gaining an aura of sainthood, a projection of a white tiger also appeared behind him.

The sky suddenly darkened as a large shadow was cast above everyone, at some point in time, the Floating City Of Thanen had appeared above everyone but it was bereft of civilians.

Even Saints in the formations also began powering themselves causing the formation projections to appear even more imposing.

"Good!! Now come at me!!" Orion said with delight colouring his eyes.

"Split!!" Umbron attacked first, cutting forward with his sword as a massive field of flames moved towards Orion at blinding speed, lightning clouds appeared over everyone as Araloth commanded the lightning to strike towards Orion.

Lightning and fire sped towards Orion almost reaching him immediately.

Orion, just raised his hands in defence, drawing in the lightning and flame field and seemingly absorbing it. "Energy-based attacks, do me no damage."

"Come at me with blood and steel."

And they did.

With the formation from the floating city powering him, Thanen moved forward, stabbing at Orion with all his concentration.

"HAHAHA!!!" The head on Vathar's right shoulder laughed out loud as one of Vathar's hands, the one wielding a hammer swept towards Orion with lethal intent. The two formations were right behind, with the Seraph setting an arrow at Orion while the Asura coming behind with an axe.

Orion took a step forward, a step that took him to Thanen at the peak of his momentum and with a grab he took Thanen's sword in his arms stopping him in his tracks. An uppercut sent Thanen back to his city with multiple internal injuries. Throwing a kick at their hammer of Vathar, shattering it and breaking the arm holding the hammer.

Vathar's other arms grabbed at Orion's leg but found himself being swung at the arrow of the Seraph. Not bothering with Vathar, Orion moved to face the Asura's hammer but felt a scorching temperature above himself, twisting himself mid-air he countered the sword swing letting it chop at his shoulder before punching Umbron's chest with his free arm.

Of course, the sword did not damage Orion one bit but Umbron was thrown into the air with his wretched scream echoing. Wind echoed around Orion as he hastily turned to punch at the Asura's axe, but he was still pushed back while the axe caught fire. This was the fire from Umbron, with a quick swoop, it engulf the Asura.

Wretched screams echoed throughout the battlefield causing a pause in the siege. Umbron was screaming while all the saints in the Asura were also screaming.

"Umbron, extinguish it!!" Vathar screamed as he watched his people in agony.

"What do you think that is?" Orion said looking annoyed, he was just starting to enjoy the fight. "It's a god-spark!"

"What???!!!" Vathar looked stupendous.

"It's a god-spark, not even him can extinguish it." Orion snapped at him, "The spark would consume them quickly."

"Let's continue, your companions have it easy." He continued.

"Don't you even pity them?! Don't you feel sympathy?!" A saint screamed at Orion's lackadaisical attitude toward their companions, who were already silent, likely dead.

"Haih~~~" Orion sighed disappointingly. With a step forward he appeared in front of Vathar, he thrust forward his hand and Vathar tried to block his advance with his six arms, the broken one has healed.

A grey flame appeared on Orion's hands as he pushed it forward making contact with Vathar as he clamped one of his arms.

"AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" Vathar screamed fearfully, "A LAW FLAME?!!!"

"What a hillbilly!!! Calling my flames, law flames." Orion held Vathar in place as the flames starts to burn him.

"Save the unit captain!!!" One of the saints in the seraph screamed as they start to attack Orion, who just brought Vathar with him as he dodged their attacks regardless of his huge frame.

"You came to my house, baring your killing intent and you expect me to show you sympathy?" Orion brought Vathar to the front of Thanen and he used Vathar to beat the unconscious Thanen awake, smashing Vathar on Thanen repeatedly until a spark of his grey flames upon Thanen caused him a great deal of agony.

Orion threw Vathar, who by now has only one arm left (The one Orion holds him by), at the seraph causing the spread of the flames upon the frenzied saints.

The wyrm was already fleeing, Elatan was nowhere to be found, Umbron was being consumed by his flame, and Naj'aree was on the floor with pungent liquid flowing uncontrollably from her bowels.

The fleeing wyrm was suddenly held in place, Orion was holding its spine preventing it from moving, with a few jolts of force he snapped it. Crippling it.

"Mercy!!!" The wyrm begged, but Orion was not having it as he pulled it towards the battleship.

"Apathe!" Orion called out, leading to the door of the battleship opening revealing the two kittens and many dead saints.

Throwing the Wyrm into the ship.

"Pragma, harvest all their hearts and bring the Ula'rees to me," Orion said to the white kitten, which disappeared to do its assignment.

"Apathe!! Kill the tiger and bring little lightless to the ship." Orion turned to the black kitten, cocking his head, *Have I forgotten anything?*

"HAHAHAHA!!! I am back!!!" Umbron's flame was bursting wildly, with the golden colour being richer.

"Oh yeah! This guy!" With an arm stretched forward, he pulled the flame towards himself.

"Wha? What's happening?" The flame entity, having just regained its senses after years of hibernation suddenly felt a deadly crisis.

"Shut up and die!!" Orion snapped at it, visibly annoyed, he absorbed it.

The monster living underneath the palace of the Umbron was leagues behind Orion contrary to the calculations of a certain person.