
The CEOs Butterfly

Rachel Martinez is a kind and beautiful young lady in a her 20s. She trusted the people around her and never found any fault with them until they started showing her their true colors. Will she be able to protect her self from their schemes and traps or will she need help. "What do u want from me " Rachel asked shouting "I want to help you" He said "I don't need your help, I can deal with them on my own" She replied "Are u sure u don't need my help in protecting you and your family and against those scheming pest, Is this your way of pushing away from your huh Rachel" He asked will a cold voice " I... I'm not .." "Do you want me out of your life Rachel " He asked this time creasing her cheeks. "I don't know, I don't know " The cover pic is not mine. @pinterest.

Sirix_Alia · Ciudad
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Family Brunch

Tomorrow he is going to make everything clear to his parents so that they will not place any obstacle in his path to pursue Rachel. So far he can see that she is starting to warm up to him. Little by Little she is starting to fall for him.



Just like what Penelope said last night she was still asleep at 8am. I took my mom and Thiago's advice to sleep early. So slept around Midnight.

I'm so excited to today. I decided to prepare breakfast since I know Penelope will be too lazy to do it. And I don't want her to eat junk food. I made Egg Sandwich with Juice for her. After I was than with everything I took a shower and Picked out a brown khaki dress and paired it with low wedge sandals. I let my long raven black hair fall over my shoulders, applied lip balm and took my favorite sling bag and was ready to go.

I took my white Volkswagen Jetta and drive to my parents home. My mom and dad live in a totally different residential area from where I stay. It's a 45min drive from my place to theirs, when it's not a rush hour.

ORCAN Regency

When Rachel reached her parents home there were other cars parked infront. She was about to get out when she received a text message. When she checked she saw that it was from Thiago.

Thiago: Good Morning Moonshine.

Moonshine: Good morning. Who is Moonshine???

Thiago : You

Moonshine: Me??? But my name is not Moonshine??

Thiago: it's your new name given by me

Moonshine: Why will you give me a nickname.

Thiago: I will tell you later.

Moonshine : Why??

Thiago: Do you like the name or do you want me to change it.

Moonshine: Yes I like it. Since you now have a nickname for me. I'm also gonna give you one.

Thiago: haha Oh really

Moonshine: Yeah

Thiago: Then am looking forward to it.

Moonshine: Ok!! Bye

Thiago:Bye! Why ?

Moonshine: I will tell you later😉. Bye

Thiago: Bye 😏.

Rachel was still smiling, she couldn't believe that Thiago actually gave a nickname ' Moonshine'. She wondered were he got the idea from. Placing these thoughts at the back of her mind. Rachel took her sling bag , got out of her car and entered the mansion. Upon entry she met her first favorite person in the house that was Butler of the house Mr. Wu.

"Good morning Uncle Wu. How are doing " Rachel asked cheerfully.

" Missus I'hve been doing well. Everyone is already here, and their waiting for you in the courtyard. " Butler Wu said with a smile .

" Okay thank you" Rachel said as she walked to the direction of the courtyard.

She could hear some voices and laughter.

" Hey so you guys started without me" Rachel said pouting as she walked towards were everybody was sitting.

" Aunty Ray-Ray " Two little boys ran towards Rachel and hugged her.

" Come here my cute little bears" Rachel said as she hugged them back.

"Frederique, Federico How many times do you want me to tell you not run like that what if you accidentally hurt Aunty" Cleo Martinez reprimanded the little boys.

Cleo Martinez is the first daughter of Aline and Jose Martinez.

Just like Rachel Cleo had more similarities with her mother more than her father.

She had Raven black hair , fair skin, Diamond shaped face but with Caramel eyes. She looked like a young teenage mother despite being 28. Cleo Martinez is an Author by profession and her husband Alejandro Marquez who is an architect and owns his own architectural company ( AJ Building's).

With their twin boys Frederique =Eldest son, Federico= Younger son. They both got married four years ago. And so far their marriage was a fruitful one. Not like other married couples who fight all the time. I must say my brother in law is indeed good looking but not as handsome as Thiago.

'What the hell am I thinking"

" Sis how do you differentiate between them" Emmet Martinez asked( Younger brother of Cleo and Rachel) "I mean they both look the same to me."

Cleo took her seat with the boys at the table and said" They look the same to you because you are not their birth mother....."

"Or father" Alejandro said cutting Cleo off.

"Well except for mommy, Aunty Ray-Ray can also differentiate between us" Frederique said

"See, you are the only odd one out. How can not be able to identify Frederique and Federico " Rachel said as she pointed at the boys respectively.

" I still don't get it" Emmet said scratching the back of his head .

"Oh no, Dad I hope you are not planning on passing the family business to him. We might go bankrupt in a week." Cleo said with made everyone laugh.

" Hey am not that bad am very good at my studies" Emmet talked back.

"Ok if u all are done bullying my son, it's time for us to eat. "Aline walked towards the table as the maids set he dishes on the table.

"Wow Mom this smells so good" Rachel said ogling at the food on the table which consisted of Eggs in Purgatory, Buttermilk Pancakes, Blueberry-lemon ricotta stuffed french toast, Monte Cristo Sandwitch, Eggs and hash brown casserole, Breakfast sausages, Bacon and Bread toast with butter and jams.

"Wow that's indeed a lot mom. " Alejandro said.

"Just eat and tell me if u like It" Aline said excitedly.

" Dear we always love the food you cook " Jose Martinez said and took a bite from one of the pancakes.

"This tastes different from how usually prepare it" Jose Martinez commented

"Obviously Dad, Mom used a new recipe

" Rachel said with a smile

"Yeah, Ray is right you need to give me your new recipe so I can prepare some for the kids" Cleo said

"Frederique, Federico do you like the food" Emmet asked the two boys who had been quiet for sometime now.

"Yes we love it Big Brother Emmet" Both boys said together cheerfully.

"Big brother Emmet?? " Rachel questioned them.

"Oh earlier Emmet said he is too young to be called uncle. So they should address him like that." Aline Martinez said

"You will turn 20 next two weeks after that you will no longer be a child. So hurry and give me a sister in-law" Rachel said with a cheeky smile.

"Exactly"Cleo replied

"Only if you get me a brother in law soon."Emmet said teasingly

"Your new brother in law is already on the way" Rachel said winking at her brother.

"You mean...."
