
The CEO Husband's Secret

Meng Ning was forced into a blind date and unexpectedly ended up in a flash marriage with the powerful head of the Fu family in Beijing. She always believed her husband was an ordinary man without a house, imagining they would live a simple, uneventful life together. However, life had other plans. One day, she accidentally uncovered her husband's deep secret. Even more shocking, she regained her lost memories and discovered she had a long-lost daughter. When her husband pointed to the daughter who resembled him and asked, "How do you explain this?" she could only respond in bewilderment, "I don't know." He smiled and said, "Looks like we need to refresh our memories and give our daughter a little brother or sister." She was stunned, her heart in turmoil. It turns out that no matter how much they had wandered and turned, destiny had already set its course—he was always the one destined for her...

VeraCollins · Ciudad
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87 Chs

Chapter 40: The Interview Begins

Fu Tingxiu was caught up in memories of that dream when Fu Boxuan, being his usual provocative self, sent a message: "Big brother, you've been sleeping in separate rooms. Isn't your wife going to start overthinking?"

Fu Tingxiu thought about Meng Ning's reaction earlier. Could it be true? Would she really...?

A few minutes later, almost as if driven by an unseen force, he found himself standing outside Meng Ning's room. He hesitated several times before deciding not to knock.

The next day, Fu Tingxiu heard Meng Ning getting up in her room, prompting him to rise as well.

"Good morning," Fu Tingxiu greeted her warmly.

"Good morning." Meng Ning smiled casually as if nothing had happened, walked straight to the kitchen, and began preparing breakfast.

Fu Tingxiu wanted to say something more but didn't get the chance. He thought for a moment, took a glass, and deliberately went to the water dispenser.

The water dispenser was near the kitchen door, and as Fu Tingxiu poured water, he glanced at Meng Ning out of the corner of his eye. Meng Ning was cutting tomatoes, seemingly preparing tomato and egg noodles.

Meng Ning didn't notice Fu Tingxiu's actions. He carried the glass of water to the living room, then returned to the dispenser a few moments later to refill it. He repeated this three times but still didn't catch Meng Ning's attention.

Feeling disheartened, Fu Tingxiu walked to the kitchen door and asked, "Have you prepared everything you need for today's interview?"

Meng Ning, who was boiling noodles, was startled by Fu Tingxiu's voice. She collected herself and asked in confusion, "Um, yes, I have. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, just asking casually." Fu Tingxiu looked a bit uncomfortable, took a sip of water to cover it up, then turned and went back to the living room.

Their home was not large; it was a house designed with a central hallway, so as long as Fu Tingxiu didn't return to his bedroom, Meng Ning could see him in the kitchen.

Meng Ning found it all very strange. When the noodles were done, she brought them out. "Fu Tingxiu, let's have noodles for breakfast today. Let's see if the taste matches the last time I made it."

"Sure." Fu Tingxiu sat down and tasted a bite. "It's good."

Meng Ning smiled and happily began eating. "By the way, Brother Zhou told me last night that his child found a suitable bone marrow donor for surgery, and it's even free. Everything you said turned out to be true. They've really turned the corner. You're like a good-luck charm."

Fu Tingxiu chuckled. "My words are that powerful. Anyway, good luck with your interview today. I believe you can do it."

Meng Ning smiled back. "With you saying that, I feel even more confident."

"I believe in you," Fu Tingxiu said.

Meng Ning asked as she ate her noodles, "If I pass the interview, can we commute together in the future?"

Fu Tingxiu explained in a low voice, "My department and office location are different from yours. Most of the time, I am in the industrial park, not in the office building. The company's divisions are strictly separated, and each floor of the office building has its designated functions. Jewelry is just one of the industries under Shengyu Group. Today, your interview is at the Shengyu Tower, but your future work area won't be in this building; it'll be at a subsidiary."

"Oh, I see." Meng Ning didn't think much more about it. Whatever he said, she trusted him implicitly.

Shengyu Tower had over fifty floors, each housing employees from different sectors. Without proper authorization, employees couldn't go beyond their designated floors, and each elevator had restricted access except for the executive elevator, which had unrestricted access to all floors.

The interview was scheduled for 2 PM. Fu Tingxiu hadn't gone to the company in the morning. At 1 PM, he drove Meng Ning to the Shengyu Tower, Block A, for her interview.

When Meng Ning got out of the car, Fu Tingxiu said, "Wishing you success."

Meng Ning clenched her fist. "I'll definitely make it."

They smiled at each other, and Meng Ning turned and entered the building. Fu Tingxiu drove his car into the underground parking lot, took the CEO's exclusive elevator straight to the top floor, and headed to his office.

The chief secretary, Luo Cheng, saw Fu Tingxiu arrive and respectfully approached. "Mr. Fu."

Fu Tingxiu's voice was clear. "Today, the Jewelry Design Department is conducting interviews. Keep an eye on the process."

"Understood, Mr. Fu." As Fu Tingxiu's trusted aide, Luo Cheng knew exactly what needed to be done.

The interview involving the wife of Shengyu Group's boss couldn't afford any mishaps caused by ignorant individuals. Yet, Fu Tingxiu couldn't reveal his identity either. Handling it personally was the only option.