

How is love fated to be when a dashing alpha CEO falls madly in love with a human girl ? Read to find out more about April and Stace. I promise there is going to be a lot fluffy Romance. === Disclaimer: Cover art not mine, downloaded from Pinterest.

ashes_77 · Ciudad
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160 Chs

The Rage in Pain


"Yes of course love , you can tell me anything"

He told her .

"I'm leaving"

She said, avoiding his eyes. 

"I don't understand"

He told her confusedly.

He tried pulling closer to her but she sprung up at once .

"I am leaving with mom"

She said, standing with her back against him.

"You're what? "

He asked disappointedly , springing up on his feet as well.

.."she put you up to this? Tell me!"

He yelled.

"This has nothing to do with her"

She replied immediately turning towards him.

.."yes, she told me of Dad's demands but this decision is one I came up with the moment I opened up my eyes !"

She added. He couldn't help but stare at her in amazement not being able to control his heart from breaking as she said those words to his face.

.."I can't continue to live like this "