
Mr. CEO'S Secretary

coming soon..

Nyx_Shadowweaver · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A New Friend



Jazmine had just gotten off the phone with Rhea when she heard a timid knock. Wondering who it could be -seeing that she had only being there a few hours- she opened the door to find a beautiful woman, -about her age- looking at her with a smile on her face.


Jazmine thought the lady looked familiar. She put on a smile and waved. "Hi. How may I help you?"

"Oh, I'm Ariel. Ariel Marcel," the lady introduced herself enthusiastically. "I'm Mr. Sylvian's secretary."

"Oh, Ariel, nice to meet you. I'm Jazmine Roosevelt, the new Personal Assistant."

Ariel nodded and brought her head down. "Uhm, Jazmine?"


"It's lunch time, do you maybe wanna go to lunch with me?" Ariel asked timidly, causing Jazmine to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Was that why you were shy?"

Ariel scratched her neck sheepishly.

"I guess."

Jazmine shook her head and turned to grab her phone. She came out to meet Ariel.

"Let's go. I'd be glad to have lunch with you."

Ariel was a jovial and lovely one and before they reached the cafeteria, she and Jazmine had become as close as friends. She also remembered why Ariel looked familiar. She was the same lady she had seen on her way from the airport, the one with the old woman.


Meanwhile, in his office, Austin sat, legs crossed on his desk as he stared at the blank wall ahead of him.

She was his assistant, yet, he could not get her off his mind. Pleasure was the last thing he needed but seeing his assistant, his body was tempting his mind to rethink.

Austin was currently single and would be for a while, he presumed, maybe the rest of his life. Even if he had time for a fling—which he did not. Most women took a step back when they realize how his love life had to be scheduled amidst caring for his family, his business, and more business. The needs and demands of his daughter had to come first, always. Plus, women did not appreciate not being at the top of men's priority list.

Yet, the image of her full breasts, sitting seductively at the top of her chest, and her smooth, well-rounded backside, caused his groin area to twitch. Her small waist, gave room for a curvaceous body, even though she was slender.... Gosh! Stop it, Austin!

How could he be thinking of a newbie when he was supposed to be working; Austin could not say. Neither could he stop thinking about how her butt shook with every step she took. She had plump lips on a small mouth, the right size for a french kiss under the rain...

Damn! Why had he suddenly gone dumb all because of a woman? It was not like the first time he would be having a female worker. He had sworn to keep off women, not since what happened between him and Clara. Yet, he was quickly forgetting his own rules.

Austin hissed. He needed to get out of this place. He picked up his jacket, phone and keys and left the office in a hurry.

Maybe some fresh air would do him good. Maybe he needed a swim, or a cup of whiskey. Whichever it was, he just needed to get out of here.


SYLVIAN MANSION, that evening…

Austin sat on the couch in the luxurious living room, listening to his mother's unending worries on his single life. Sometimes, he was forced to wonder if she ever got tired. She did this every other day she saw him and she saw him four times every month.

It was one of the reasons he did not return to the family house regularly. Not that he did not want to be close to her, it was just that he could not bear to keep listening to her threats every single time. He had even memorized all her words by heart.

"Mum," he sighed softly, going to sit beside her.

Cassandra pouted when he took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. She knew very well he was about to buy his way out of this.

"I know you mean well. I really appreciate, but, you know I have a girlfriend already. You know, right?"

Cassandra shook her head defiantly and sent him a glare.

"Last time I checked, you and Clara broke up."

"Doesn't mean I can't get another one, mum," Austin retorted and stood up to fetch a glass of water for his mother.

"How comes I haven't met her?" Cassandra asked with a raised brow, never believing a word he was saying. "You are lying."

Austin chuckled. "I'm not. Let's say I'm looking for a wonderful woman like Mrs. Cassandra Sylvian."

He threw out his trump card, hoping to get her to let the topic go. Sure enough, he saw her blush and take a sip from the cup before saying to him, "take your time, darling."

"Don't take too long, though!" She snapped.

Austin chuckled and gave a mock salute. "Yes, madam! Now let's go have dinner!"

"Oh, yeah!"

As they sat at the table, Cassandra looked at Austin and asked, "What about your new assistant?"

Austin swallowed his food and looked up.

"What about her?"

"Her?" Cassandra echoed in disbelief. "It's a girl!"

Austin nodded and took a sip from his cup of water before replying.

"She's a woman, mum," he mumbled with a sigh, "A grown ass woman."

"And," he continued, "she seems good. Competent enough to keep up to my schedule."

"Competent enough to keep a man?"

"More than," Austin nodded.

Cassandra nodded and arched a brow.

"Was that- did I just hear you praise someone?" She inquired with a tinge of disbelief in her voice that made Austin want to roll his eyes. "Not just praise, you even corrected me."

Austin finally sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Mum, you're unbelievable. Don't I praise people, mum?"

"You never do. That's why I'm saying," Cassandra smirked.

Austin smiled in defeat and threw a piece of steak in his mouth.

"Where's she?"

"Alicia?" Cassandra asked and Austin nodded. "She's asleep. She had a fever."

Austin pushed his seat and made to stand up but Cassandra held his hand and pulled him back.

"Wait," she frowned, forcing Austin to sit down. "She is sleeping but, we need to talk."

Austin sighed and relaxed in his chair as Cassandra pushed her plates away.

"Alicia's young, very young. You do know that, right?" She asked.

"I know, mum"

"And, she needs a motherly figure. I'm not saying it has to be Clara, it could be anyone else. Besides, I don't even like Clara. But, she needs someone she can get used to."

Austin frowned.

"What about you? Isn't she used to you?"

Cassandra smiled and shook her head.

"I am and will always be her grandmother. But, I can never take the place of a mother in her heart."

"I know, but, mum, you know what I went through with Clara. I cannot stand going through the same cycle all over again."

Austin hoped his mother would understand and drop the topic but she was not doing any of that this time around.

Instead, she smiled and said to him, "I understand, but, you have to give it a shot. Once is all I ask for... What we all ask for."

Austin sighed and nodded.

"I'll try, mum. If it does not work out, do not blame me."

Cassandra nodded.

"I won't," she promised.


Jazmine had takeout for dinner before taking a shower and slumping into bed.

She knew tomorrow would be a very long day so, she decided to get into bed early.


Meanwhile, in the Sylvian mansion, Austin was having quite a hard time figuring out why his uncle would not only insist, but also go as far as employing a total stranger -who had absolutely no experience in office work- as his personal assistant.

Although Cassandra had told him to overlook it, he could not. She was of the opinion that his uncle only cared about him and would not want him stressing out himself in the office.

Unable to figure it out, he tossed the thoughts asides and turned on his laptop. He logged into his mail to find quite a number of recent and unanswered mails.

With a tired sigh, he began to reply them. One after the other until he came to stop on one specific email.

It was an email that had been sent about a week ago. He stared at the laptop's screen for a long time before finally clicking on the mail.

'Hey handsome. Seems you've been avoiding me and my messages. Well, guess what? I'm back!'

Austin hissed and closed the laptop just in time for his phone to start ringing. He took a quick glance at the screen and shook his head.

Leaving the phone ringing in the bedroom, he walked in the bathroom. From there, he heard the phone continue to ring. After a while, it stopped and he breathed in relief.

After dressing up, he laid on the bed and was about to sleep when his phone rang again. Tired of the incessant calls, he pressed the receive button and placed the phone on his ear.