
Karu's story...



Karu walks around the village holding some papers. "Hey, have you seen dad?" Karu hands a commoner one of the papers. The commoner shrugs and walks off. Karu sighs as he continues asking commoners.

Karu walks back to a house. 'It's been a few days since my dad disappeared, where could he be?' Karu opens the front door and enters. "Ah Karu welcome home." A woman looks over to Karu. "Hey mom." Karu puts the papers on the table. "Still couldn't find him?" The woman stirs the spoon on the stew. Karu shakes his head as he takes off his cape. "Well, dinner will be ready in a bit." The woman smiles at Karu.

Karu heads over to his room. Karu passes by a nearly closed door, and what he sees are strands of blue floating around. Karu stops and takes a peek inside, 'This was my father's study, I wasn't able to see inside of it.' Karu takes a step inside the room.

Karu gently closes the door behind him as he looks at a book. The blue strands seem to be going into the book fluidly. Karu walks over to the book and examines it. It seems to be a book with an unknown language to Karu. Karu tilts his head as he extends his hand.

Then the blue strands grab onto his arm as he feels something flow into him. Karu's eyes widen as he hears a voice, "Good job Karu, You have finally met who you are." Karu looks around, "Dad? Is that you? Where are you?"

"Don't be scared, my child..." The voice continues, "...I am here, but my time is limited..." Karu looks at the book. "...You may be filled with sorrow when I vanished without a trace..." The voice seemed to sound closer, "...For as I am not what you think I am..."

"...I am a Celestian that came to this world, explored it, met your mother, and now I have you son..." Karu's heart starts beating faster. "...And you, my son, are also a Celestian." Karu jolted, "Wait a Celestian?" Karu could feel someone putting their hand on his shoulder. "You'll find out soon enough, for now, reawaken your true self!"

Karu wakes up in an old version of his house. Karu picks up the book and it seemed it hasn't gone some changes. Karu walks around the house. The walls look like they're going to fall, the floors have cracks on them. "Ah, so you're finally awake..." A voice rings out from the chair.

Karu looks to where the voice came from. "...It has been a long time Karu." The old woman turns around to Karu. "Mom? What happened? And what happened to you?" Karu walks over to the old woman. "You looked like if you were in a trance within that study..." The old woman smiles.

"...I tried my best to keep this house falling apart, but I guess my time is drawing near." The old woman looks down. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for... How many years has it been?" Karu tilts his head. "It's been a hundred years." The old woman looks at Karu. Karu gasps, "A hundred years?! I'm very sorry! I'll work harder now that I'm out!"

"You don't have to, I know what you are so there's no need to hide it from me..." The old woman stands up. "What do you know?" Karu raises a brow. "...I knew that there was something off with your father, the way that he spoke, the people that visited him..." The old woman walks over to a chest, "...I knew that he was something else, beyond this world, but he enjoyed himself here..."

"...And so now come to realize what you and your father are..." The old woman puts the key in the lock and unlocks the chest. "...You and your father are Celestians." Karu's eyes widen. "Wait you knew? Why didn't you told me?" Karu walks over to the chest. "I couldn't tell you because I feared that you would become tainted with malice. But know that you know..." The old woman opens the chest. Inside the chest, there is traveler's clothing, a pouch filled with gold pieces, a spellbook, and a backpack.

"...I see myself as of no use to you." The old woman sits down on the chair. Karu hugs the old woman, "Thank you for all that you've done, mother." The old woman hugs Karu back. Karu breaks the hug after a few seconds and grabs the stuff from the chest. Karu puts on the traveler's clothing and ties the cape around his neck. "Bye mother, I'm going." Karu storms out from the room and towards the door.

Karu: 'Father, I'll find you just you wait and see!'



"I'm at my limit..." Karu wipes his mouth with his hand. Kolton stares at Karu at awe.

Kolton: 'When did he become like this?! The Mana... It's flowing into him! Is this the Celestian's limit?! It's so good..."

"You finally showed your true self, Celestian boy..." Kolton laughs, "...No wonder Master wants you! You are radiating with Mana!" Kolton grips his greatsword, "I need to get some of your Mana, this time I'll kill you!" Kolton lunges at Karu, but Karu tilts his head.

Kolton: 'How did he manage to dodge that?! He shouldn't be able to react to that fast enough!'

Karu wraps the shortsword with strands of Mana. "Mananic slash!" Karu slices upwards and managed to knock out Kolton's helmet. Kolton backs away as he looks at his helmet. Karu takes out the ancient spellbook. Karu takes a peek inside.

Karu: 'Wait I can read it now! But I've never heard of these spells before. Let's try this one...'

Karu twirls the shortsword around as a mage hand grabs it. A bright blue flame appears on Karu's fingertip. Karu throws the blue flame at Kolton, "Celestial bolt!" Kolton didn't have time to react as the bolt zoomed towards him. The bolt hits Kolton's plate and begins burning it.

Kolton: 'This isn't a normal Fire bolt, it's burning my armor! What type of spells does that kid have in that spellbook?!'

Kolton takes off the plate and the shoulder pads. Then Kolton covers the staff in lightning and throws it at Karu. A bright blue translucent circle makes the staff stop as it hit it. Kolton extends his hand to retrieve the staff, but it won't come back. Karu grabs the staff and with blue flames on his palms, burns up the staff.

Karu dusts off his hands as the ashes of the staff fall to the ground. Kolton gasps, "Hey that was my staff!" Karu glares at Kolton, "I'm three steps ahead of you." Kolton grits his teeth as he dashes towards Karu. Kolton slashes at Karu, but a blue translucent circle blocks it. Karu extends his hands out as his hands are covered in blue flames and throw a tiny ball of the flames, "Solar Flare!" The flames quickly erupt from the ground.

Kolton moves his body away from it, but his leg gets burned. Kolton falls to the floor while screaming. Kar waves his hand as a big bright blue orb appears above him. Karu points to Kolton, "Solar ray." A speedy blue ray shoots out from the orb to Kolton. Karu's eyes go back to being brown as he feels lightheaded. Fushu slowly stands up as he chugs down a potion.

"Hey kid!" Fushu runs up to Karu. Karu falls, but Fushu grabs him. "Man, that was crazy..." Fushu looks at what remains of Kolton's body. "...You fought good Karu, now have this." Fushu opens up another potion and makes Karu chug it down.

"I'm not going to get used to the taste." Karu groans. "I'd say that it has a refreshing taste." Fushu helps Karu stand up. "I guess it got burned up also." Karu looks at the shortsword. "No worries, we can always buy a new one." Fushu grabs his battleaxe and longsword.

"Right Ryuu!" Karu runs over to the door and pulls it up with a magical force. "Is it over?" Ryuu is crouched down in the corner. "Yes, it's over now let's go home." Fushu walks over to Ryuu and grabs his arm. Fushu pulls Ryuu out of the corner.

"I'm guessing we all need to be in the temple." Karu sighs as he hugs his stomach. "Yep." Fushu carries Ryuu on his back. "I feel fine." Ryuu looks at Karu. "Well then good for you, ya wuss." Fushu groans. "Hey I'm not a wuss!" Ryuu kicks around. "Well, I would love it if you walked on yer own two legs if you're kicking 'em!" Fushu glares at Ryuu. "Eh, maybe I am a wuss."

Karu: 'I've never felt that much power before... Was it because I'm a Celestian? Wait how long can Celestians live up to?!'

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