
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 77-78

Chapter 77 – I wanted a shop!!

After discovering the giant library, we had returned to the surface.

We ate our lunch at the foot of the World Tree, and I explained to Baris about the library.

"So, can I leave the matter of this library to you, Baris?"

"Of course. If anything, I am honored that you are allowing me to read something so priceless…"

"Well, I don't know if you're going to be doing any reading… But you might understand the pictures."

Baris could read and write in the Barleon language.

However, all of the books in the underground library were written with unknown letters.

"Do not worry. In spite of appearances, I have deciphered texts that were written in languages from the other continents before."

"You did that by yourself!? That's incredible."

Baris continued boastfully.

"Well, there was no one to teach me. I had no choice but to try and decipher them myself. It will be much easier if there are pictures. And so I shall study them during my free time."

"Aye. And you might learn some ancient magic along the way. I'm counting on you, Baris."

"Of course."

"Oh, and you'll have to keep the children away as well. I don't want them to fall from the railing. Also some of the books…"


"Uh, nevermind. It's a really big place. I wouldn't want them to get lost down there."

"Yes. I will station guards there. Do not worry."

If those books could cause Mappa to bleed…then they certainly weren't suitable for children.

In any case, it was settled. Baris would manage the Library.

Baris was able to fly now, so he could easily access the other floors.

It was possible that there were Golems down there. And so we decided to postpone opening it up to the other residents until we could be sure that it was safe.

Though it was unlikely that anyone would even want to go, as none of them would be able to read anything.

"I would like to explore more of it myself…"

"Lord Heal, it is your job to keep digging and find the control device. Ah, by the way, there is something that I've been meaning to discuss with you."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Please look at this."

Baris said as he offered me something that looked like a map.

Was it a map of this island?

The reclaimed grounds were divided into squares…

"What is this…?"

"It's called city planning. Since you moved the hot spring and fields close to the World Tree, there is a lot more space here now. I wanted to ask you if there was anything we should build here."

"Now that I think about it, we were going to make a school. Wharfs, storages, watch towers…we have everything else that we need…"

We had what we needed to live. Of course, maybe we could start building other kinds of facilities, like they had in the royal capital. Like a theater.

"This island…doesn't have any shops…"

"A shop… Yes, now that you mention it…"

Baris nodded in agreement. But then he quickly cast doubt on my idea.

"However, we are currently sharing the island's resources. Do we need any shops? But I do think it would be good to have separate buildings for cooking, making clothes, and smithing."

"I suppose there would be no point in paying for anything…"

"I know what shops are, as I have seen human towns. But there is a lot about money that I still don't understand."

Baris and the other goblins were from a tribe that lived deep in the forest.

Their food would have all been shared. And if they traded with other tribes, it would have been with goods.

Shops required currency.

However, who knew what would happen if something like that was implemented without much thought?

Perhaps we could have shops where you just traded things… But as we shared all our food and tools, this island really had no need for a shop.

You could pretty much eat as much as you wanted. And use whatever you want.

However, Baris suddenly looked like he had an idea.

"Yes. However, that earth dragon merchant who visited us recently… It might be useful for when trading items with people like that. People who visit the island from the outside."

"I see. A store for outsiders."

"Yes. A trading post with all of our produce. Of course, this would be meaningless if merchants didn't visit us. Perhaps we could call it a shop and create workshops."

"Yes, I'll leave it to you. But merchants, huh… I would like more of them to come. If they're friendly, that is."

However, trading with merchants from any country would mean exposing the existence of this place.

Eventually, Sanfaris merchants would hear of it and… Then it would reach the ears of my father the king.

My father had all but exiled me here.

He would not stand by if he heard that I was thriving and living with all these monsters.

However, there were still a lot of things that this island lacked. Things you could only get from the outside.

That's why I had sent Kamyu out by ship, so she could trade with the orcs on the continent.

Orcs were enemies of the human kingdoms, and as Kamyu would hide any information about this island, we could trade without worrying.

The best things would be for merchants like Roydon the earth dragon to come. As he was completely unrelated to Sanfaris…

But bumping into merchants underground was not exactly an everyday occurrence… It was very rare.

As for the sea, trading ships and pirate ships did not normally pass through these parts… Huh?

Suddenly, I heard a bell ringing from the top of the World Tree.

When I looked up, I saw that a goblin was waving a flag towards the wharf.

Baris told me that he would go and find out what it was.

"This sound… It's the signal that a ship has arrived. But it's not Kamyu's ship. And it seems like it isn't the Barleon Principality ship that came recently either."

"So it's a completely new ship then…"

Baris looked at the flag and continued.

"Yes. And there are…three of them. It's a fleet."

"Three ships…"

Trading ships? Or was it the navy or pirates…

And so we rushed to the watchtower.




Chapter 78 – I talked with a human!!

"Lord Heal. We've been waiting for you!"

When I arrived at the tower in the reclaimed grounds with Baris, I saw that Ashton was wearing his armor as he greeted us.

His younger brother Haines was usually with him, but he was not here. Apparently, he and some other armed monsters were headed in the direction of the ships.

Erevan was in the lead, holding his axe.

"Ashton. What's the situation…ah."

When I looked towards the three ships, I saw that several small boats were coming towards us.

I couldn't see clearly without a telescope, but the three ships looked big and grand.

I believe they were called carracks… These thickset sailing ships would be considered a little old in Sanfaris.

The flags had a black dragon on a yellow field… I had never seen that before. At the very least, they were not ships from the Barleon continent.

That being said, they didn't seem like pirate ships either.

Even the boats had the same flags, and they moved in a neat formation.

It was likely that this crew had been trained in the navy.

And so Erevan and Haines were trying to drive them away on the wharf.

Baris turned to Ashton.

"Ashton. Are they preparing to attack them, because the General determined that they are dangerous?"

"Yes. They seem to be carrying soldiers who are armed. See here."

Ashton passed me and Baris some telescopes.

"Thank you, Ashton. Let me see…"

I looked towards the boats.

They were wearing light armor and feathered helmets that were not at all familiar to me. As for their weapons, they carried halberds and bows.

And their race…they must be human.

"Humans. A human army?"

"What is your order? They are currently in range of our ballista and trebuchets."

Ashton was holding a small flag in his hand. All the other towers had finished preparing their weapons.

"Considering the size of their ships, they would have similar weapons on board. I don't understand why they would send out small boats if they mean to attack. Besides…"


I saw that there was a small man in the center boat, and he was holding a white flag.

While I still couldn't make it out clearly, he seemed to be wearing a white shirt and glasses. And he had blue hair.

And while I couldn't understand him, he was shouting at the top of his lungs.

"I think that we can talk with them first."

And so I immediately headed towards the wharf.

When I arrived, I found Erevan brandishing his axe and shouting.

"I won't let you land without permission! If you have business with us, send your leader alone!!"

However, the boats showed no sign of stopping.

Upon seeing this, Erevan and Haines nodded at each other, and then they signalled to the other monsters.

The goblins, orcs and kobolds all readied their crossbows.

"Wait, Erevan."

He turned around to look at me.

"Chief! But they've shown no intention of stopping."

"It's possible that they don't understand us. They are also close enough to shoot their arrows. Besides…look at that man."

The boy with glasses looked like he was just a little younger than me. He was shouting something at the two other boats.

And then, as if in answer, they stopped moving.

And so only the boat that carried the boy came towards us.

Aside from the boy, there was a captain-like man with an especially large plumed helmet on the boat. There were also several soldiers. Then there were a dozen half-naked rowers.

Of course, while they were half-naked, I did not get the impression that it was a personal preference, like Mappa. And judging by the fact that it wasn't just humans, for there were monsters with them as well, and taking into account their scars, it was likely that they were slaves.

When the boat came by the wharf, the bearded man who appeared to be a captain, led the others as they walked towards us.

He was looking at Erevan, and not me.

Well, Erevan was currently wearing Mithril armor. And he was the tallest out of all of us. It was no surprise that people would think that he was the leader.

And so he stood in front of Erevan and began to talk in a language that I had never heard before.

Then the boy with glasses who was next to him, opened his mouth.

"Uh, um… I, first class dragon knight, Arder Arborder Darbelbenborg, have come by order of His Majesty, Dragon King Dianborg III of the eternal Vadar Dragon Kingdom!"

Vadar Dragon Kingdom… I had never heard of such a place before.

It was probably on some other continent.

And since their ships were old, perhaps they had only become seafarers recently.

On closer inspection, this captain who was called Arder, had ears that differed from humans.

They were webbed, and reminded me of a dragon.

All the soldiers had similar ears as well.

Aside from that, they looked very human in appearance. But were they human?

On the other hand, the boy and non-monster rowers of the boat all had human ears.

Perhaps the boy was also a slave.

Erevan glared at Arder for a good second and then shouted loudly at the boy.

"I don't care what his name is! Lord Heal is the master of this island!! Not me!"


Erevan pointed at me with his axe. And the boy quickly bowed towards me.

"Please forgive me! Lord Heal!"

The boy with the glasses bowed to me, and then to Erevan again. And then he said something to Arder.

When Arder heard, he took one look at me and laughed mockingly.

This little man? He seemed to ask.

Well, perhaps I didn't look like a lord, since I was holding a pickaxe…

Arder continued to say something in a self-important tone.

The boy quickly translated for him.

"Listen to what I have to say, if you value your lives…"


Erevan looked at him menacingly, and the boy quickly rephrased it.

"Oh, uh. No. If you would be so good to listen to our humble request… We, uh…"

"Ah!? Speak up!"

Erevan shouted. At the same time, Arder was also scolding the boy angrily.

From what I could see, Arder wanted to make some kind of demand.

But the boy was too scared of Erevan to say it honestly.

"Well, well, Erevan."

I patted him on the shoulder and took a step forward.

"I'm Heal. What's your name?"

"Huh? Oh, my name is Berfalt…"

"Berfalt, huh. Let us speak plainly. What is it that you want with this island?"

"Uh, uhh… Sir Arder was commanded by the Dragon King to make a map of the Barleon continents coast… But about one week ago, we were attacked by the Sanfaris navy. We lost five of our ships. And most of our food and water…"

"I see. So you couldn't replenish your supplies."

The boy with glasses nodded.

"Yes… Perhaps I won't sound very convincing, given we were defeated, but these men really are strong. I think it would be best if you yielded to them."

"What!? Who are you telling to yield!?"

Erevan's voice boomed and Berfalt shrieked as he recoiled in fear.

"Erevan! …In other words, you just want food and water? I don't mind sharing some."

"Re-really! Oh, uh, but it's not just that…"

"There's more?"

"Yes.There are many who are sick and wounded from the battle. And they want them to be treated here."

"I see. I suppose it would be difficult to do that on the ships…"

I looked at Baris.

Should we allow them to do that as well?

Baris looked conflicted, but finally nodded.

"It should be alright. We have quite a few people who can use healing magic. And so we can accept them, as long as they are not armed."

"Th-thank you! I will tell Sir Arder!"

Berfalt seemed very happy as he translated.

But Erevan looked at me worriedly and asked,

"Chi-chief… Are you sure?"

"We cannot abandon people who are in need… Besides, they aren't allies of Sanfaris. It might be good to be on friendly terms with them."

"I suppose. But…"

Erevan was right to be worried… I felt the same.

This man who was called Arder. Ever since he stepped foot on the island, he'd been looking at it as if sizing up its worth.

Obviously, the World Tree and the Mappa statue caught his interest the most… Also, the extravagant armor that the monsters wore.

Many of them wore accessories that included gems and precious metals… While these things were abundant for us, they might have looked like the greatest of riches to him.

But they had just lost… Surely they wouldn't actually try to fight in their current state?

Arder nodded at Berfalt and then offered his hand in an exaggerated motion.

I suppose he wanted to shake on it.

But when I held it, Arder let go immediately and turned on his heels and returned to the boat.

There was something about his eyes… It reminded me of the way that many humans looked at monsters.

Perhaps they really weren't human. And perhaps they had nothing but disdain for us.

Berfalt turned to me.

"Mister Heal! Thank you! We'll send our sick and wounded immediately!"

"Fine. We will also make preparations to accept them."

"Thank you! I must return at once!"

So saying, Berfalt hurriedly returned to the boat with Arder.