

Searching for a secluded space,she saw none 

but didn't dare shout,she felt her heart beat 

faster,her brown hair was roughed and her blue gown disheveled. 

"Help"she whispered in the cold room,she 

looked at the lantern that gave little light to the 

room she had always wanted to enter and now 

she didn't want to stay any longer,tears filled 

her eyes as she felt the pain clutch her heart 

more and more,feeling helpless she closed her 

eyes giving up on her remaining life. 

"Lady Everett"a maid called the girl who laid 

on the bed,sweats formed on her angelic face 

and she seemed to be having a bad dream. 

The girl slowly opened her eyes and wiped her 

tears away,she wore her blue nightwear and sat up. 

"What happened?"she looked at the girl who stared at her,

"My lady,your step mother has requested for you in the dining". She spoke,Everett 

frown,what do her step mother need now. She 

had a look of discern,her step mother wasn't 

the friendliest,she had been causing issues for 

Everett since she arrived,Everett missed her 

mother dearly,her mother had died 

unfortunately due to a plaque and her home 

changed,it used to be just her and her 

parents,her mother's death brought disaster to 

them,her father couldn't gain himself and 

buried himself in his work,he didn't have time 

for her like before and she hardly see he,he was 

always in his study. After sometime,she was 

surprised he wanted to remarry and she 

supported her father at a young age and 

welcomed her step mother in,but the woman 

seem to always have problem with her. She 

didn't know why the woman didn't like her or 

what she did wrong to her. 

Everett didn't know the day lady Orelia entered 

her home would be the worst thing that 

happened to her,Orelia was an illegitimate 

child in her family,she was from a small remote 

town and her father was a big farmer there,he 

had impregnated Orelia's mother who worked 

for him in his farm despite married with 

children,Orelia's mother had made way into his 

life and gave birth,he didn't marry her as it 

wasn't allowed in his custom to marry two 

wives except his wife had died,Orelia's mother 

had died afterwards and Orelia had become 

evil,as a little girl she was angry she was 

deprived from her mother and she hated 

everyone including her father,she had grown 

up with this hatred and became a vile 

human,she didn't seem to care about anyone 

till she was sent to Denzel for her marriage 

with minister George, she didn't like the idea of 

him having a daughter and hated that someone 

was trying to relive her life. After some years of 

marriage with her making Everett unhappy 

and sad,she had bullied the girl when she was younger and always had problem with 

her,whenever Everett tells her father she would 

deprive her of food,George was still depressed 

and didn't care about his daughter's 

suffering,he had loved his wife much and now 

he overworked. Some time later,Orelia gave 

birth to a girl,it was a blessing to have a second 

child in the home and Everett was happy she 

had a sister now who would always be there for her. 

Olivia was a good child growing up,Everett 

loved her dearly,they were always seen 

together and played together,Everett was older 

than Olivia with six years and she didn't mind 

and played with her step sister,Orelia was 

upset seeing the attachment formed between 

them and started drifting them apart. Olivia 

liked expensive and shiny things,she was 

growing up to like the wealthy things her 

parents bought her and started hating on the 

poor,Orelia had started spoiling her mind on 

Everett,she was told Everett mother was poor 

and died because she was poor and Everett was 

also poor,the little girl was always filled with 

lies growing up about her step sister that she 

stopped playing with Everett,they grew apart and Olivia started 

hanging out with elite children,she had 

changed and now had her mother's look,she 

had the black long hair and grey eyes,her lip 

always red,she was beautiful but her beauty 

was never compared to Everett even her 

friends were always amused by Everett 

beauty,Everett brown long hair and black 

eyes,her full plump lip red, she was a beauty 

and it made Olivia hate her more. 

While Orelia and Olivia made her life a living 

hell,she had engaged her self in some activities 

no one knew of,Everett had a friend,he was 

training to be a knight,he was William,She had 

met William when she was younger and they 

had been close,William was a vampire,Danzel 

had humans and vampires in the 

land,vampires build the land,William is from a family of vampires.


Everett got up and got dressed in a green 

gown,she was ready go downstairs and smile with her family. 

Everett entered the dining to see her step 

mother and sister sitting and already eating. 

"Good morning mother"she said and didn't get a response. She sat down and watched the two 

women,her step mother had black hair just like 

Olivia,she wore a red gown and her thin lip 

painted red,Olivia wore a blue gown and didn't look up at her sister. 

"Mother you requested for my present"Everett sat down and spoke,

"Won't you eat with your family?"Orelia smiled 

at her,Everett didn't respond to that and served herself

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