
The card I created is very fierce

"Why is this [Summon Card: Goblin] wearing a black mask?" "Because he's a bandit goblin." "Then what's he good for?" "He can steal your opponent's wallet." “I@#¥%, who※※※※ taught you that?” ********* You can be creative in making cards, but you can't kill people. --Excerpt from a victim's memoir

xiao_shi · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Cornelia's translator

The temperature dropped in the royal capital in October, and the cool breeze in the early morning at Hevenlit College caused Durkan to yawn.

Durkan got up earlier than usual and put on his uniform.

The uniform has a simple and clean design, and the style is similar to what Durkan saw on Theresa.

Except that the color theme of the Knight Academy uniforms is red, which looks a little brighter.

Durkan stood in front of the mirror and surveyed his appearance.


Wow, he's so handsome.

Durkan, the road to riches begins today.


This year, there are 107 qualified students in the Knight Academy, divided into four classes A to D.

The mechanism of class division is very simple. According to the order of score, Durkan was undoubtedly assigned to Class A.

The first-year class was located on the second floor of the Knight Academy building. Durkan quickly found the classroom using the markings on the map.

When Durkan entered the classroom, there were already several students inside.

Since the lecture hall is very large, the classroom seems to be very empty.

When the students in the classroom saw Durkan, they all gave the impression of "discovering rare creatures"

It seems that they are not sure about Durkan's character, so no one wants to talk to Durkan immediately.

If he is a guy with a bad personality and is targeted by him, the next three years will definitely be hell.

"Cult Priest" is what Durkan is currently called by the students.

Durkan found a seat near the back row and sat down, opened the papers issued by the school and started reading to himself.

His classmates appeared one by one, and a few minutes passed...

"Morning, morning, good."

A soft but stiff, girlish voice suddenly came from beside Durkan.

He glanced to the side and saw the striking red hair.

 "Good morning."

Durkan nodded and continued to read the information.

It turned out that Cornelia was sitting next to him.

To have such a beautiful girl sitting next to him on the first day of school was undoubtedly very lucky.

However, Durkan was afraid of being accidentally touched by her.

Maybe it was just an unintentional wave with her little elbow.

Durkan could break a bone.

He decided to talk to Cornelia.

"My body is very fragile. If you hit me accidentally, I could die."

"Understood, I understand."

 "Thank you."

"You are welcome, guest."


When the students in the classroom discovered that the "cult priest" and the "Valkyrie" were sitting together.

They could not help but glance at the back row of the classroom from time to time.

"Do these two people actually know each other?"

"What are they talking about?"

"Are they planning to conspire to kill the teacher?"

The students speak more quietly and whisper.

Now that all the students have arrived in class, it's a bit loud.

With the exception of Durkan and Cornelia, all the students were sitting in the front and middle rows.

It seems that there are two clearly separated areas in the class.

After the bell rang, a person, who was probably the class teacher, entered the classroom on time.

After clearly seeing the tall figure, the students recognized that it was Professor Arnold.

Professor Arnold noticed Durkan and Cornelia in the back row, and his eyelids twitched.

How is it that these two people get along so harmoniously?

Originally, he was worried that the two would fight together on the first day of school.

But now everything looks very different from what he imagined.

He coughed twice and turned his gaze back to most of the students.

Professor Arnold began to speak.

"I am Arnold Sillett, the class teacher for next year. Please give me your advice."

"First comes the opening ceremony. This is an event to celebrate everyone's admission. Relax and enjoy it. When it's over, return to the classroom and we will explain the academy's teaching system to you..."

After a brief explanation, the freshmen led by Professor Arnold left the classroom and walked towards the auditorium, which was not far from the entrance of the academy.

They soon reached the meeting point.

"Welcome to the school!"

Laughter rang out from behind the opened door of the building.

The older students greeted the new students warmly.

Not only the freshmen from Ritterhaus, but also the freshmen from the other three houses came in one by one.

The ceiling and wall decorations in the assembly hall glittered and reflected flowers and balloons.

Not only Durkan, but also Cornelia, who had followed him, felt a little dazzled and rubbed her eyes.

A little more splendid than expected.

Durkan looked around and felt relaxed and happy at heart.


Why did she follow me?

Durkan suddenly noticed that Cornelia was walking beside him as if it were a matter of course.

"Why are you only following me?"

"Simple." It's very easy to communicate with you.

"Do you see me as a translator?"


But Nelia was silent for a moment and seemed to have trouble organizing her words before she said, "They're friends, friends, friends."


Durkan sensed pure kindness.

If that's the case, we should get along well in the future.

He turned to Cornelia and shook her hand openly.

When Nelia saw this, her facial expression didn't change significantly, but her body movements became noticeably more animated.

She quickly wanted to take Durkan's hand.

But Durkan suddenly woke up, broke out in a cold sweat and pulled his hand!

Durkan: "Power."

Cornelia: "I'm sorry."

At that moment, Cornelia seemed very excited and wanted to hold his hand.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, it would have been a comminuted fracture!

If his hand was crushed by Cornelia, his career could be over!

But Nelia didn't seem to dare to use any more force, she simply reached out to Durkan and asked him to hold her hand.

Sighing with relief, Durkan, who was still in shock, reached out again and held Cornelia's small hand, which was hanging in the air.

The friendship between the two went through some trials and tribulations, but was ultimately successful.

I've to say that Cornelia's little hands are still very soft.

Durkan couldn't explain where the terrifying power that sent a shiver down his spine came from.


"Welcome to the Magic Academy of Hevenlet!"

The magnificent hall echoed with cheerful music, and the crimson curtain, soft and silky as fluff, slowly opened.

The person who took the stage was an elderly man.

"I'm Headmaster Ladson Arsu, and I wish with all my heart for you to join me"

"I hope that you'll not be lazy and careless in your life journey full of hope and brilliance, and use these three years to study diligently. The future of the kingdom needs you."

"Okay, I don't want to give too much away, let's just enjoy today!"

Principal Ladson finished his speech with short words.


The first graders cheered loudly.

A young man who appeared to be the emcee came out from the left side of the curtain, walked past the principal and loudly announced, "Opening's about to start!"

To the cheers of the students, the Opening ceremony reached its climax.