
The Burdens of the Lost

Souls. The soul is a magical incarnation of the human body. If those souls were to get reincarnated those souls will be reborn into an identical version of themselves. The souls of the unworthy get sent to Hell. The worthy get sent to Heaven. Sometimes there are anomalies where the unworthy can reemerge to redeem themselves of the bad deeds they've done. Other times, the worthy fall out of the heavens and get sent to Purgatory. In order to receive the blessing of Rebirth, you have to show you are ready for a redemption. Fallen Angels or Ascended Demons can have a chance at Rebirth when an angel or one of the Seven Deadly Sins comes to them with a task. As Akumo Arino and Tenshi Katria are both assigned with the same task, it is their job together to stop the magical incarnation of the unstable hierarchy known as The Anomaly.

Kofuku_Novels · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter XXIV

A gentle knock abruptly diverges the attention of Arino and Nikuyoku. As the door slowly creaks open, a petite woman wearing a kimono steps into the room. Her wolf ears perk up as she sees Nikuyoku and Arino look at her in confusion.

Woman: "U-um Mistress Nikuyoku?"

Nikuyoku: "You can come in now, Yuri."

She politely introduces herself and apologizes for the delay. The woman reveals herself with her older sister. Their silver wolf ears and tail confuses Arino for a bit.

Nikuyoku: "Can we discuss this matter over a cup of tea? I want Ginger tea. Arino, do you want tea?"

Arino: "Yeah, sure. I haven't had tea in a while, might as well."

Yuri: "We shall be back with cups of tea for Mistress Nikuyoku and her son."

As the woman returns with the cups of tea, Nikuyoku asks everyone in the room to sit down to discuss very important matters. After everyone is seated, the woman reveals that she was once a great swordsmith and that she has recently acquired some rare metals from which she intends to create a unique blade. Nikuyoku chuckles and tells her to simmer down, as that will be handled another time.

Nikuyoku: "Well Arino, can you take a look at your hand."

As Arino looks at his hand, he sees a rapidly pulsating mark. As Arino looks at his hand, he sees a rapidly pulsating mark. It appears to be a magical sigil that he does not recognize, one of unknown origin and power. This sigil is also present on the two women who brought him his cup of tea as well. He wonders why this sigil is present and what it means.

Arino: "So, what's this all about?"

Nikuyoku: "Well, I figured that with me being your mother and all. I decided to give you a bit of gift. Those two girls asked me if they can be under your command after they witnessed the clash between you and your father earlier. So I said sure why not? These two girls will be under your command now, and that sigil is proof of it."

Arino: "So, you just gave me two fox girls to take of?"

Nikuyoku: "Yeah, and they consented so that's important too."

Arino: "Alright ladies, introduce yourself. Can you also add what you can provide to the team?"

The two women stand up and transform into their battle attire.

Yuri: "As you can see Master, we can change forms effortlessly so you won't have to wait for us for too long. My name is Yuri Langfort, the Langfort family are skilled wolf warriors who tried their best to protect this town against the Windon invasion; but sadly they passed."

The other woman bows her head and stammers on her words.

Woman: "Well M-master, my name is Tara Langfort. I'm not used to doing introductions in my battle form. While my sister is skilled in the frontlines, I tend to stay in the background and finish my opponents swiftly with my executions. I also provide vast knowledge and observation of the background as well. I hope I can be of use to you, Master."

Arino: "Well, you two are quite the skilled individuals! I can't turn down this deal anyway so welcome to the squad!"

Nikuyoku: "Also one last thing."

Arino turns to Nikuyoku confused as her tone turns more serious.

Nikuyoku: "They both have major abandonment issues, when their parents left to go tend to the injured, they had to flee elsewhere in order to ensure themselves and their daughters safety. Treat them well, will you?"

Arino: "Of course! I can't really leave anyone behind at this point in time."

As Arisa and Savona rush into the space, the door slams open. Their initial perplexity quickly turns into envy. Arisa and Savona notice the scene in front of them and realize why they are feeling jealous: the person they both love is in this room with someone else. The storm came at Arino, asking him questions that not even he could answer.

Arisa: "So, dear brother, who are these two? And why are they calling you Master?"

Savona: "Yeah, why are they so attached to you? Hm?"

Arino: "Can you two not come in here asking me questions? I just found this out today, for fucks sake."

Nikuyoku laughs hysterically. Seeing the two interrogating Arino brings joy to her every time she sees it happen.

Nikuyoku: "Well, you see that sigil he has on his hand?"

Arisa: "Yeah, and what about it?"

Nikuyoku: "I kind of put that on him when he was still barely alive so... Sorry hehe."

Savona: "I will exorcise you."

Nikuyoku: "I'd like to see you try, 'ol daughter of the pieces of shit up in Heaven."

Arino shakes his head as the peace space turns into a chaotic warzone over the affection of him. Arino turns to the girls and apologizes for their behavior. The women laughs as they find the chaos calming because it isn't over their territory. Arisa sternly looks at the women.

Arisa: "You better not touch him."

Yuri: "Well, we are already so close to Master, isn't that right?"

Arino: "You guys love instigating don't you?"

Nikuyoku: "Instigating violence is one of my favorite pass times you know."

Arino: "Get me out of this chaos already, please. Well Yuri, Tara, welcome to the tomfoolery of The Burdens of the Lost! I really hope you don't call it quits a couple of days in."

Tara: "We won't master, don't worry."

As Yuri and Tara hug both of Arino's arms, they wink at Arisa and Savona. This only got them more irritated.