
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Ciudad
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28 Chs

Tony Waters

Time passed by and so had a day, but Atlas had not shown any signs of waking up. The only time he woke up was when he was having a serious seizure that left him exhausted.

On the other hand, the news about Midnight Blue were circulating everywhere, and one television station was even live broadcasting at the scene of the incident. Fans, both young and old flocked at the area as they placed flowers near the cordoned site.

" This has been ongoing since yesterday morning and fans from all corners of the country are gathering here to commemorate the life of Midnight Blue. His family and agency were here in the early hours of the morning to pay tribute to their son and colleague. The funeral arrangements are ongoing and the family has released a statement announcing that this will be a hurried and a private occasion." The news reporter stood in front of the camera with the mic in his hands as he reported the live news.

The camera man tried to zoom in and out to capture the different happenings at the scene.


Atlas woke up to the intoxicating smell of the hospital disinfectant. The room was deadly silent apart from his breathing and the beep beep sound from the ECG. Slowly, he opened his eyes, squinting in an attempt to focus his gaze. He felt dizzy and his head also felt heavy. He took his time as he surveyed the room and took in the white colour schemed hospital room.

On the table top, a blue fruit basket with peach coloured strings wrapping was placed next to a clear vase which had a bouquet of colourful flowers.

_' How long have I been here?'_

Atlas carefully shut his eyes, trying to remember what exactly occured. His head began to hurt as memories of what happened before he fainted began to play before his eyes like a movie.

The sharp ache from his head jolted throughout his body making him tremble subtly. It hurt the more he realised that it was all reality, not a dream.

His friends were no more.

Atlas clutched his head as he groaned in pain. His hand traveled to the sides of his face, pressing down hard on the throbbing area on both his temples.

Sitting up on the bed, he lowered his head while still pressing. Carefully, he got down from the bed, and the moment he stepped on the cold marble floor, he instantly fell down. His body was exhausted and in pain.

He remained on the tiled floor as he kneeled there pathetically, waiting for the pain to subside. Lifting his head, he kept on staring at the door. He then closed his eyelids as if meditating.

He was interrupted when someone opened the door. An aged male doctor marched in with a small notepad in his hand. His other hand held onto a metal hospital tray. The glasses on his face, hang loosely on his nose bridge.

The doctor halted his steps when he saw Atlas kneeling by the bed. Without wasting much time, he hurried forward and placed his belongings on the table before he helped him from the ground.

" You could have called for help by pressing on that button. Were you planning on spending the entire night kneeling on this cold floor? Don't make it hard for us doctors, please." The doctor, who had a name tag, 'Dave Smith' reprimanded in a stern voice.

He helped Atlas onto the bed and covered him with the quilt.

Atlas lay on the bed and it was as if he heard nothing of what Doctor Smith said. He stared at the ceiling as the doctor checked his vitals.

" How long have I been unconscious?" Atlas asked in a hoarse voice. His throat felt dry and sore that he tried to shallow to ease the pain. He coughed twice after swallowing dry air.

Looking at Atlas briefly through the space above the frame of his eye glasses, Doctor Smith continued with his actions.

" Four days. You have been gaining consciousness to lose it the next minute. This has been going on for four days and your family is worried. You know your condition, right? It is a major threat to your heart and brain. If this keeps on happening, your health will be at risk."

Atlas closed his eyes. _' Four days! I have been in a coma for four days? They have been dead for four days.'_

He pursed his lips and remained silent for a second before opening his lips to speak, " I know." It was as if these two words drained the energy out of his body.

Doctor Smith recorded whatever he observed into his notepad quickly. He walked to the door and paused prior to looking back.

" I will ask for someone to bring you something to consume to restore your energy. Don't think too much."

The door to the ward closed and the room regained it's silence once more. Laying on the bed, Altas remembered seeing a television set hang on the wall. With the remaining energy he had, he found the remote control in no time and turned on the TV.

On the first channel he came across, a news broadcaster was reading late night news. He stared at the screens as he listened attentively at the different news reports.

' Following the car crash that happened a couple of days ago near PurpleSummer entrance in GreyView East, the family of Tony Waters who was popularly known as Midnight Blue, has issued a statement addressing the public. Tony perished with his wife Daisy Waters on the early hours of the 12th of this month when a mini van collided with their car.

In the statement, the Waters family thanked the public for the support and love shown to them during these trying and difficult times. They also highlighted that due to the severity of the crash and the impact caused, Tony and Daisy Waters were earlier on today laid to rest in a private funeral attended by family and close friends. May their souls rest in eternal peace. Moving on to the next news bulletin..."

The remote control in Atlas's hand fell to the floor with a thud. Dizziness overtook his senses and he fell back on the bed.

His heart ached so much.

He didn't get to bid them goodbye.