
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Ciudad
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28 Chs

Am a lone woman

" My butt... My butt is killing me."

" Would you mind elaborating and explaining how your butt is killing you, miss? Also when did it start?"

Dada let out a shaky breath and began talking, " It started a few days ago as faint pain just below my waist and yesterday night the pain kept on excruciating.I thought that it would go away but then this morning it became very painful."

The sounds of the keyboard keys being hit echoed inside the room.

" Has the skin around tightened or is it softer? What about any discharge?" Still staring at his desktop screen, the young doctor asked.

Dada was momentarily embarrassed but due to the pain, she didn't dare to shy away from help,

" The area around is tight. There is no discharge or anything of that sort. I really couldn't sleep well at night and just now, I had to force myself to sit down which worsened the pain. Please help me."

" Let me take a look at that." As he said so, the man began walking towards Dada once more. He drew over the curtains around the bed separating them from the rest of the room.

" Doctor Chase, the files that you requested for are ready. I will leave them on your desk." A male voice came from the other side of the partition.

" Got it, and close the door on your way out."

Dr Chase put on the surgical gloves and mask as he glanced occasionally at Dada resting on top of the bed. " Please lift up your dress to your waist."

Dada looked around before lifting her eyes to stare at his face in an embarrassed manner.

" There isn't a difference between a man and a woman in the eyes of the doctor. Am sure you know that. I have seen much worser cases than yours."

Having said that, he waited for Dada to lift up her dress to which she did in a slow manner. Her black lacy underwear came into sight together with her perky round behind. A birthmark graced her smooth butt skin making it appear like a work of art. The young doctor's lips twitched slightly at the sight when Dada finally pulled her panties down.

The area around was swollen making her left butt much bigger than the right one.

" It's a boil and it's seems like there is trapped pus in there so am gonna use a syringe to drain it out. I will be back in a moment." Dr Chase said and went out to an adjacent room.

A moment later, he came back with a tray. The whole process from draining, disinfecting to dressing took about half an hour before it was completely done. Dada remained lying limply on top of the bed with the curtains drawn around her.

" It feels much better", She mumbled to herself.

" Be sure to take your medication on time so as to prevent any infection. If the pain persists, please do make sure to come back for a follow up. You should rest for a while to let the injection take effect."

" Thanks Doctor." Dada drifted off to sleep immediately afterwards.


The clinic's corridors were quite with not much visible movement. As it was approaching lunch time, most nurses had already left for their lunch meal. Rex stood before the window in the main hall overlooking the garden with a mobile phone plastered to his left ear. The colourful flowers painted a beautiful picture outside contrary to the solemn atmosphere inside the clinic's walls.

Standing at 183cm, his presence was hard to ignore. His eyes danced around as they followed every movement of the kids playing on the garden. His lips curved upwards.

" I was supposed to knock off at lunch time but it seems like I will be home later than that... I will... Love you too." His voice filled the quite corridors.

" Doctor Chase, would you mind joining us for lunch?" A young lady in a nurse's uniform asked as she batted up her lashes in anticipation.

The man who had his back towards everyone else turned around finding a group of young nurses staring back at him. His fingers twitched slightly before he looked at the young lady leading the group,

" I don't mind joining you, unfortunately I have already made plans. If you will excuse me."

Rex walked away directly towards his office. Opening the door, the sounds of low snores greeted his ears. He halted in his steps and looked at the secluded corner with curtains drawn over. Glancing at his wrist watch, it was almost lunch time but on the hospital bed, a certain patient seemed to be lost in her dream land.

He walked over in hushed steps and pulled the curtains apart revealing the sleeping Dada. Her arms were above her head as the rest of her body was covered in a white cotton quilt.

He scooted closer and carefully patted her cheeks. The flesh was supple and soft. He halted and then continued with his actions.

The young lady turned her head over. Her half closed eyes focused on his face without breaking away.

" It's lunch time, and it's the weekend so the clinic is about to close for the day. Let me contact your family to come for you."

" I don't have any family close by. I am travelling alone. I was lucky to end up here. And are there any hotels or inns around this place?" Dada stirred slightly on the bed in an attempt to sit up straight.

" You can't press on the wound so you will have to lie down for now. Standing for a long time will strain your leg and butt muscles so try to regulate your standing time." Rex paused before continuing,

" There is only one hotel in town but it's been closed for sometime for renovations."

" Can't I just be admitted here till I recover then I will leave once I get better. Am just a lone woman on a trip and got unfortunate."