
The Broken Autumn Promise

The Love of One , Reciprocated By Another ,And by loving one Another they can Grow and help eachothers grow ,but the Emotional Damage taken from the Verbal Abuse of many Breaks one Of them Apart and Opens a Whole of Despair.

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When the doctor walked out of the operating room with a sour look on his face the words he said were"Im sorry for your loss, we tried our best but she lost too much blood and she has passed away". My Whole-body came to a standstill as those words echoed within my head, My everything, My world, My love, my girlfriend the Girl I Loved has died here today and id never know why she did what she had done.

My eyes filled with regret ,tears and my heart yet again lost, but this time im left with a heart that's been broken into nothingness.

Her Funeral was A few days later and her mother and father supported me and I could only apologise for I could not save their daughter or make her happy enough to make her want to stay alive, she broke a promise between us and for that, I Can't forgive her as her parent forgave me, I spent hours long at her grave through the rain I stayed and when I felt ready I left.

As I walked home pieces of her came back to me bit by bit until she was here, our one last kiss and then she left.

And now I'm left here standing at this green light waiting, until it turns red in order for me to continue on my road of sorrow, the rain covering my tears in public, and my hair, glasses and clothes soaked, im sure to catch a cold.

Then an umbrella is placed over my head, By a unknown person, she looked at me and said " You really need to take care of yourself idiot, you'll catch a cold" with her Black goth clothes and boots that gave her 3 inches of confidence, made my day a little less horrible after all.