
The closet

We arrived home an hour later and began to get dressed ."My love why are you so beautiful?"Ryu asks me ."Because I have the most handsome husband in the world and I can't have him showing me up now can I ?"I reply. "You would outshine him any day of the week ." He says. I run into the closet as he says it though and remind him we have a dinner to get to.

Ryusei's point of view

How many times do I have to say she's the most beautiful woman in the world before she gets it through her head that I ....love her. I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her she was a sweet little thing with bright blond hair and cream colored skin . She was a spitfire back then ,even before her powers developed. I still wish she knew I have always felt this way for her. No matter who she told me liked me I would always say I had my eyes on someone else. She never realized that someone was her.

Return to Sakura's perspective

That was way to close I thought to myself as I began picking out an outfit for our dinner I didn't have much to work with so I grabbed Ryu's blue vertical lined shirt put on a cami, pair of jeans, and his shirt and walked out with a pair of high heeled boots. As soon as I walked out I could have sworn I saw Ryu go slack jawed but that's simply not possible he just agreed to marry me to get me out of a sticky situation. There no way he feels the way I feel for him just no possible way ... right? Never mind we have a dinner to get to , and that's when I remembered that Ryu might want to change. When I turned around I nearly smacked my face against his chest. "Where do you think your going it's not time to go yet we still have an hour?" And that's when I was thrown over his shoulder and carried into the closet to help him pick out some clothes that were coordinated with my outfit.

One hour later

"You look fine, we look fine, stop worrying you sound worse than me on my bad days." I told him as we drove toward his mothers house "No I don't and you know it, you're just as worried as me you just hide it better." He replied I giggled like a schoolgirl with a crush..... and you know what I think that I do have a small crush on him, I suppose that makes sense we are married, but how did I catch a crush this quickly it's only been a couple days.

At Ryusei's mothers house

"Welcome back love how are you?" She asked me as soon as we walked through the door "We're here so it's definitely a good day Susan." She just smiled at me then glanced at Ryu and said "Ok come on let's go have some dinner!" After she said that she rushed us all to the dining room and let me tell you this room is huge the ceiling is so high you'd think this place was a colosseum it was as beautiful as a cathedral. But the food was the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen there was so many dishes there was goose, rice, fish, and even a couple western dishes, I thought to myself I must be in heaven to see such a delicious spread.

"Come on eat, eat there is plenty oh and Ryu your father will be out in a moment he would like to talk about your marriage and some business with you." After she said that I was terrified, terrified that he didn't approve, terrified that he didn't like me, terrified that he would..... tear us apart. Even though I never really thought of him like that till now I still don't want to leave him he has been incredible lately it almost seems as though he actually means it when he says I'm the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. But I know he hasn't liked anyone besides "Purple Cheesecake" since the second grade.

As she realizes she spaced out Ryu leaves to speak with his father.

"I swear those two are so secretive it's incredible how close they are I think Ryu has a stronger bond with his father than I do." Susan says I just look at her and smile trying not to reveal my worry about what his father will say, despite having been practically raised with him I still have not met Ryu's father of course he has been in the house with us but I've never had contact or really been interested in meeting him.... till now because now it's my marriage on the line. I know it would be bad for me to go up there and try to listen to their conversation but it's really tempting I don't want to lose him.

"Hey is there a restroom I can use to freshen up?" I ask "Oh of course dear why didn't you say something before? Up the stairs, take a right then it's the third door on the left. Can you remember that." She asks "Yes I think I've got it." Of course I could remember that but it's beneficial to me right now because his dad's office is the first door. Thank you life for this amazing coincidence.

Now let's go see what they are talking about up the stairs got to be quiet, to the right or was it the left "oh no" I think to myself how could I forget which way to go I closed my eyes to think and I don't realize I start pacing when I run into someone or something, I don't know who or what it is but it's tall and definitely solidly built. I looked up and saw someone who looked extremely familiar. Who was he again where had I seen him was all that was running through my mind. Then suddenly it hit me he was.....!

Again sorry for not updating I have been studying for a whole lot to be ready for my tests and my job

StarQueencreators' thoughts