
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · Cómic
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39 Chs

Chapter 18: News & Tweet!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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"What's going on here?" A new voice called out. It was Wildvine, who jumped on top of the food truck and looked around.

The cops immediately began reaching for their guns as Blue Hawk looked at the plant alien with confusion. "The fuck you supposed to be?"

"Wildvine." Ben introduced before jumping down in between Blue Hawk and the civilians. "Now." Narrows his eye. "Leave." He simply orders.

The Supe chuckes at this. "That's not how this work numb nuts." He replies.

"What are you guys even doing here?" Wildvine asked.

"Police business." Blue Hawk tells him.

"Then why are you here?" Ben asked.

Blue Hawk takes a moment to respond, looking left and right in the meantime. "We got a call saying that it looked like someone here was holding a couple of kilo's of coke in a car." He informs.

The confused Ben, wondering what the problem was with having soda. Maybe they stole it but it just seems like a petty crime. "First of all, having soda isn't that big of a crime."

"The fuck?" Blue Hawk laughs, but Ben does not stop speaking.

"Second of all you don't know for sure if they have it." Wildvine continues. "Now leave."

"Not until we find which one of these gangsters has the drugs." Blue Hawk counters. "Now fuck off ya house plant. Or we'll have a problem." Tries to walk past him, only to be stopped by a vineyard arm.

"Then let's get to the root of the problem." Wildvine quips before giving the supe a shove, making take several steps back.

Immediately people started reacting in different ways. One cop saw a teenager began to reach in their back pocket, assuming it was a weapon he pulled out his gun.

Seeing this Wildvine quickly swung one of his arms, smacking the weapon out of hands. Good thing too since it turns out the teenager was just reaching for their phone.

Blue Hawk charged at the alien while he was distracted and delivered two back to back punches.

However before he could swing the the third one Ben did a spinning jump, delivering multiple slap like kicks to his opponent.

Then he reached to his back and threw a few of his plant grenades.

Immediately the cops, nearby camera crew and Blue Hawk starting coughing. "Go!" Wildvine urged the civilians, knowing if the fighting escalated they could be in danger.

Like deer sensing danger they all began running, though a few souls stayed to document what was happening or were too shocked to move.

"Son of cock sucker." Blue Hawk grunted marching out of the smoke with a police baton. He swung it when he got close enough, but Wildvine grabbed it.

He then wrapped his arm around Blue Hawk's torso, before swinging him at his car. Then before he could recover threw the rest of his plant grenades at him.

These ones exploded like actual grenades, rather than smoke. The result was him and his car blowing up.

Satisfied with the results the Flourana wiped his hands then went for the thing he came to New Jersey in the first place.

Walking over to the truck he knocked on the side and a middle aged man with a beard slowly rose up.

"Yeah?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah is the Trenton surprise good, or is the surprise that it's terrible?" Wildvine asked.

"What?" The man asks, more confused.

"The Trenton surprise. Is it good?" The plant alien repeats.

"Uh yeah." The man nods. "Not a lot of people get it, cause it's a lot but those that do love it." He adds, less nervous.

"I'll take one." Ben request's, and when the guy tells 'coming right up' before making it he feels like he's forgetting something. It's only when he turns around and everyone is still staring and filming at him he remembers.

"Oh right." Glances to the passed out cops and camera crew and then the burning wreckage. "Crime happened."

"Is anyone here a criminal?!" He bluntly shouts, then people starting looking at each other, some looked pretty scared. One guy starts to even reach for something. Seeing as people were on the verge of wetting themselves Ben decided to let it slide.

So he turned around. "My back is now turned!" She shouts out. "I can't see anyone. So if someone left I likely would never know who they were! Especially if those leaving committed a crime! Because that would be unfortunate!" He adds and those who haven't taken the hint immediately scattered.

"Here ya are man." The cook tells him. "On the house."

"Gee thanks." Wildvine appreciates, then takes the styrofoam container. "Later." Flings his arm in a direction and swings away.


"In latest news another heinous crime against Vought has been committed." Cameron Coleman says, beginning his segment.

"In Trenton, New Jersey beloved Blue Hawk was assaulted while while trying to make the streets safer. Fortunately he, and the two officers have not sustained any serious injuries."

"But this just shows again that this 'Shifter' is nothing more than a glory hound who wants all the credit for himself even at the cost of criminals getting away."

"But don't just take my word for it." The biased News Caster adds.

"Victoria Neuman herself tweeted that 'Although I admire Shifter's desire to help the city his actions have caused many to feel unsafe as his not affiliated with any organization. He also refuses repeated public requests to just sit down and talk. People like that usually just do whatever they want with complete disregard for the rules.'" He finishes.

"You see." Coleman continues. "Even biased ignorant politicians see he's a danger.

Fortunately Homelander has vowed to make bringing him in his top priority, while also assuring that this will not interfere with his duties to protect the rest of this great country." He finishes with a smile.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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