
The boy with no magic

'Yu' an orphaned boy with no magic in a world full of mysterious mages, decides to take revenge on the world that he was bullied and considered an outcast from. Yu sets on a journey to find something mysterious which his dead caretaker left hints of...

_Yu_ · Fantasía
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2 Chs

First Kill..

After entering the door and taiming Aen .

Yu looked around and found ancient weapons and statues, When he came outside the house from the rear end of it, He was surrounded by very tall and dense trees and he found out he was in the middle of a jungle.

While looking around for a while, a monster came out of the bushes and started attacking him,

Yu panicked as he didn't know what was happening but his body was easily dodging all the strikes of the monster, as if his body was acting on its own,

The monster was a beast with red eyes and blue furr on his whole body, When Yu threw a weapon he had found earlier, the weapon ripped a hole in the monster's head killing it instantly . Yu was shocked and terrified because he had never seen such monstrosity let alone, Kill it.

After killing the monster, Yu went towards its body The body vanished leaving a pure black armour behind.

His system started analysing the item and it showed that it was an SSS drop (SSS drops are the third rarest dorp in the world) He put the armour on, it was very heavy and a little rusty as if it belonged to someone who hasn't wore this in ages.

The system alerts him that his level is too low for this item and if he uses its power he could blow his body up. To wear this armour he should be atleast 70 level (his level was 1) and the armour level was 350 When he looked at Aen's level it showed 100, Yu was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

Yu had a skill 'Enventory' in which he kept his armour and started training with his weapons that he got from the old house..

To be continued