
The Book of Tales

I created this book to hold future stories since Webnovel has a limit of 20 stories per user. Books By Treasure Marie Denise Jackson & Jesus Christ

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Scorpio School

Mia Greene is at School 🏫

This is the first Scorpio school.

This school has been around for years and now her family lives in it while the hotel is being repaired.

💓 The bell rang and everyone either slept at school or had a home to go to.

Mia slept at School.


Mia's mom was sleeping in the gym with her dad while she slept in class, as she preferred.


Link To Scene: tinyurl.com/SSMGF ⬅️ Mia Greene


Mia went outside and gathered cooking grass, the last resort when in famine. Her skin is lighter since she's been in the school for 211 days, out of sunlight.


There is no famine, so she only resorted to this out of tradition... Even if she's the only one who sees it as a tradition.


The District she lived in had already stored up food for infertile months of the year like winter, drought, famine, etc. Grass has no nutritional value to humanity.


Mia just lies on the floor & is alone 'cuz all her classmates are in the gym.


Mia just fell asleep & after Mia Greene woke up, Shang Shi went to the school to pick her up.


Mia Greene asked "Why did they bomb us?" In steep confusion.

Shang Shi replied "I know, right? They haven't done that in 70 years," Barrelling down the board of confusion.

Mia Greene asked "What do you mean?"



Shang Shi replied "Well, you see, 70 years ago, the whole government of our country known by it's full name as Aria-Torrential, was angry with the Scorpio district for converting to Christianity so quickly, & thus, bombed us."



Shang Shi told Mia that "They only sent 3 bombs, but that was enough for the Leader at the time, Iris Greene, to bomb them back, sparking the 4th civil war in this country."



Mia Greene asked "Greene? Is she related to me?"

Shang Shi replied "Yes, actually! You are her second-cousin, which means you are the daughter of her first-cousin, Barbie Greene."



Mia saw the house coming closer.

As they drove 🏘️🚗 up to their new government instated home, Shang Shi began to bash astrology like it was a curse word.


Scorpios in this country are so oppressed that they saw astrology as holding them back because when you attack someone for their sign because you stereotype them based on your religion, it makes them hate that religion & you.


Scorpios converted to Christianity due to missionaries, but the missionaries were kind to them & didn't colonize the area.


The reason that Scorpios more easily converted was because it was easier to convert when you feel like your current religion treats you like dirt.


Many were atheists before they converted because they already hated Astrology & left their religion of Astrology, which was beginning to look like a cult considering the level of oppression on Scorpios.


Many believed Astrology was a fraud, because people were getting sent to different districts for not having the personality astrology said you would have.


Sometimes, this worked well for Scorpios. If a Scorpio was super nice, they'd be sent to the Pisces district; This is because they believed he was wrongfully accused of being a Scorpio at birth.


However, if a pisces was super mean, he'd be sent to the Scorpio district; This is because they believed he was wrongly assigned the Pisces sign.


This would ruin his life, as Scorpios are treated like dirt. Often, they'd be taken without their families knowledge or consent. Many families would call the police only to find out their relative was taken to the wrong district.


This created panic among parents & spouses, their loved ones were just swooped up & taken to some random district! Of course they're in panic!


To be continued...

Pre-Judged: Livin' Life

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