
The Blood Codex

What is it like to hate, to truly hate till the only thoughts that consume you are vengeance. Dexter had always felt a strong hate for the world, just as his father felt a strong hate for him. He comes across a book in the library called The Codex and right as he is dying he reaches out to it. [Awakening Blood Codex] [10% complete] [50% complete] [99% complete]

IMoney · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: First Plan

Dexter had come up with a plan after moments of deliberation.

His first target would be Sam as he would need a base of operations and Sam would just end up being in the way.

It wasn't the first time Dexter had thought about killing Sam, but he just never had the ability to before.


He finally heard it, the sound of footsteps on the creaky floorboards.

Dexter pushed himself up from the top of his sleeping bag and walked to the door as quietly as he could.

It was only a couple steps distance so he got there making minimal noise. His calloused hands brushed the barely functioning knob of the door. Then he turned it.

There Dexter came to face with the supposed runaway 'who probably wasn't a runaway'.

His scrawny, thin figure, and his pale face, compared to her long, fit frame.

"What are you doing out here kid" She asked at first alarmed but calming down once she took a quick glance at him.

"Your stealing from him, aren't you" Dexter said not bothering to frame it like a question as he already knew the answer.

"What's it to ya, you gonna do something bout it"

"No I won't" Dexter replied seemingly not threatened as he would be able to scream at any moment.

"Then go back to your room kid"

"Two, I want two bottles of sleeping pills, and you'll give it to me" Dexter proclaimed as if he was certain.

"And how are you so sure of that?" She asked her eyebrow quirking upwards.

"Because it's a small price to pay for my silence, the only reason he even has sleeping pills is to get people passed out before he drugs them, while the only reason I want those is so that I can die a painless death" Dexter explained with a certain impatience.

"You sure there ain't another way you could use those pills, to knock out Sam perhaps" She said making sure to pause every now and then so that his reaction would me amplified.

Dexter had expected this, she was most definitely uncertain of his intentions.

"How could I ever be strong enough to kill him he's far stronger than me" he said making sure to morph his expression into someone who had fear embedded into their bones.

"Well I think it'd be a better idea if ya did" She said coldly her eyes having a certain hatred to them.

'Perfect' He wanted it to seem like her idea just in case she came back. Which Dexter felt that she might if she thought Sam was dead. If she did come back though he would have to kill her and the best way is to lower her guard.

"W-What" Dexter replied shocked as if the idea had never crossed his mind.

She reached inside a bag she had behind her back and searched it until her hands came back with two bottles of sleeping pills.

"Here ya go kid, keep what I said in mind okay?" She said more gentle than she was before.

"I- Okay... thank you" Dexter stuttered his eyes lowered darting between the cracks of the floorboards.

She quickly opened the door and left but not before sending a glance towards him of what he was certain was pity.

Dexter watched her go and waited a few moment before he left through the door too.

He went to the woods 10 minutes walking distance from the house, a place he was familiar with as he had spent time there before.

Dexter dug his calloused hands into the rough soil of the woods, his fingers occasionally colliding with a rock.

Once he dug a hole big enough for the pill bottles he stuffed them inside.

Dexter was certain that the animals would be unable to open the cap. And he doubted the smell would be appetizing to them.

Now that he had completed the first stage of his plan 'Plan A: Base of Operations' he had to begin his second stage.

Getting stronger.