
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasía
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66 Chs

Return, some thoughts and plans for the future

The next morning I was woken up by a knock on the door. I got out of bed, took my blade, which I put next to the bed, and went to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw Yun, who told me.

-Leader, I bought, as you told us, 165 slaves and 300 animals. After hearing this, I asked Yun.

-What is the plan devised by the three gang leaders to help us get the slave animals and builders out of the city without attracting too much attention? To which Yun Mia answered.

-The three gang leaders said that we will go out with 35 slaves and 60 animals and that the remaining 130 slaves and 250 animals will be taken out by you with the help of the merchants from the Nuli Cheng Merchant Alliance. That's what I asked Yun.

-And where will we meet with them to take the rest of the animal slaves and builders? When Yun heard this, he replied.

-The three leaders told me to go for half a day and then to stop and camp there because they would come with slaves, animals, and builders to that location several times at intervals between them. After hearing this, I nodded in approval of the plan, and then I asked.

-How many builders did the three gang leaders recommend and hire for us? To which Yun replied.

-They hired 20 builders, and they said that these people know that they have to keep their mouths shut. After I heard Yun say that, I asked.

-Now that I've gone over all the important things, I want to know if we'll have food for the trip to the clan. To which Yun answered immediately.

-Yes, leader, I have purchased food for 200 people for 3 weeks in case we encounter any problems on the way to the clan, and the journey will last more than 2 weeks. When I heard this, I said,

-You thought well, Yun. To which he replied.

-Thank you, leader. When I heard this, I smiled a little, and then I asked.

-Now tell us, where are my people? To which Yun replied.

-In front of the inn. To which I said

-Okay, then let's go to them and get out of this city, and go back to the clan. After saying that, Yun and I went to the front of the inn to meet my people and leave this city.

When I arrived in front of the inn and saw my men together with the 35 slaves and the 60 animals led by 2 slaves who take care of them, when my men saw me, they greeted me and asked me if I was ready to go, to which I said yes, and I got on a horse offered by one of my people and started to ride slowly towards the exit of the city together with my slave people and the animals.

While riding towards the exit of the city, I started to think about how the fact that slavery exists in this world is a blessing for my plans and a disaster for the people of this world.

It is a disaster for those in this world and even for those in the world i come from, because it dehumanizes people and turns them into someone else's property; it separates families, communities, or even nations, all because of the desire of people to have total control over others.

I could use slaves in my plans to start riots to distract the people from my future actions, and when these riots fail to recruit the surviving slaves, use the heightened feelings of anger due to the worsening of the slaves' situation to incite more revolts. While these are happening, I recruit from slaves or from a group of people who oppose slavery because it will be easier to make people disappear when people are concentrated on something else and don't expect.

I could create groups of slaves who are good at martial arts and have them clash with different forces to make them focus on these slaves while I make my moves in the shadows.

But my thoughts were interrupted by Jing, who told me that we had left the city.

Half a day after leaving the city, we started to set up camp and wait for the others to come with slaves, animals, and the builders. During this time, I made my people duel with each other while I gave them advice.

After some time, the first group came with slaves and animals, followed by another and another until the last group came in the afternoon of the second day.

When all the groups came, we start the journey to the clan.