
1. Introduction

I am Oliver Santino. People knew me as a naughty boy. "Boy?" Well yes, I was mama's boy. My mother never believed I was grown up. She kept calling me 'My Boy' even though I was twenty-three.

At college, my friends called me a Playboy! Girls liked my muscular body. I wouldn't pass a girl without her saying a 'hie' to me and my phone was always busy- phone calls and social media messages. To help myself, I decided to have a private number. Dating all girls in a row at once wasn't hard for me, and getting a 'no' wasn't in my genes.

I didn't want all that with girls; it was just happening. Some of the guys in the college were even furious when they laid eyes on me. They didn't know it wasn't my choice; it was easy for any girl to come and write her phone number on my hand and I wasn't going to disappoint her by not calling. It was just nice but sometimes boring; there was too much pressure.

Too bad, with all the pride I had, I was expelled from the Rockline College and most of the guys jolted in happiness. I couldn't help it; I was already embarrassed. The girls were fighting over me and I was called to the office. The dean didn't even buy my story even if I tried to explain. I was damned, thinking about the reaction I was going to get from my parents-my father was going kill me.

When I received the letter from the dean, it all stopped to click like a dream in my head; it was reality, I was saying my goodbyes to the college.

But luckily, it was my last year; I knew I was supposed to get into another college.

When I reached home, I showed my dad the letter and I felt like a crap was about to happen. He nodded his head and gazed at me for minutes, "Son, you need to change."

He said only those words, and he stood up and exited the door. I was left standing, surprised by his reaction. He was a quiet man, but I expected him to raise his voice at me.

I sat down and thought of my father's words; they sunk into my head until I felt their weight. For sure, I was supposed to change.

My mother didn't care that much, she only said my father was going to think of something for me. She loved me but I never felt that deep fondness with her. I don't know, maybe it's because she was always busy and I barely chatted with her.

I was still waiting for my father but didn't come back that night, and I was told he went to the city. I knew he was going to get me a vacancy in a new college. There was only one college in the city- Skyling College. I jumped in joy when I imagined myself in that college.

It was a dream College for most students of Rockline College. I was also among the students who wanted to transfer to Skyling College. It was a dream about to come true to me. I imagined myself inside those cream blazers and I almost screamed with excitement; it was really neat.

Even though I was too excited, schooling wasn't my number one-it always sucked. If my dad gave me a chance to choose before everything; definitely, I was going to be his sideman in the restaurant. But nope, it was unlikely for me to choose, he was always pushing me to school since I was young, so I was struggling to get my diploma in anatomy and make my father proud despite my nature of being a playboy.

On one hand was my craziness, on the other were my parents struggling to educate me. The money from their restaurant wasn't enough to pay for my college. If I didn't get a writing scholarship I was going to be damned. Maybe not, maybe I was going to be at a restaurant with my parents. That was going to be nice because I really missed a time with my family.

When my dad came back, he gave me my admission letter and told me to start packing. I jumped at him and promised to make him proud. He was rushing to the restaurant so he didn't stay with me for long.

I packed my staff and I was ready to go.

The van was already outside, waiting for me. My dad had made his farewell when he was with me and I didn't get hold of my mom, she might was busy occupied by work so I was going to go without seeing her.

I put on my red cap and got inside a van. I had already loaded my bags and I was getting ready to wave my goodbyes at Rockline College. Mostly to my friends; I was going to miss them.

The Skyling College was few ten kilometers far from home. It was not that far. The road was thousand years old and it wasn't in a good form-pothole in every lane.

The driver was used to the road, so he was gently pressing the gears to drive safely. I was sitting on a front seat, leaning to a window. The music from the car was so lullaby and my mind drifted back to the memories of my high school friend.

Chris Daniel!

He was crazier like I was. Well I said, "Like I was" because I was intending to be a new guy in a new college. I hoped it was going to work. Chris was smart; the teachers liked him when we were at high school. Outside the classroom, he was my buddy at crimes. I thought about naughty things I did with him during high school and it made me wonder why my parents were sending me to him again after they had forbidden me.

In the wake from my thoughts, we were parked infront the ice-cream shops. Mr. Solo, the drive was holding two plastics of ice-cream. He gave me one; he was so spoiling. Everyone seemed to treat me like I was a small boy. I guess the reason was my calmness and my fondness with elders. They didn't know I was too unpredictable.

It was getting windy; grey ripples of clouds were wearing off the sky. Certainly in my head, it was going to rain. Mr. Solo started the engine and he didn't think of stopping the vehicle, he kept on driving until we crossed a river. It was when I realized he was rushing to cross the river and the river had no proper bridge to cross.

Luckily, there wasn't too much water, so he drove easily to cross the river.

There was no need for Mr. Solo to stop the engine after crossing the river. The storm was already calm like it was giving us a chance to reach our destination, but the sky remained covered.

When I looked in the front I saw a post sign navigating the directions to the Skyling College. We took the turn and drove curving, following an extremely inclined road; I felt like the van was going to slide backward. The very wide tarred road to fit more than four cars was in a good shape. The lines separating the lanes were very distinct.

We were already in the city.

Skyscrapers were touching the heavens blocking the pathway for birds. I felt the density of the atmosphere becoming different; it was light and the air was easily breathable.

Everything seemed different and new. It was long since I visited the city even though my parents owned a house. They chose to live in the Rockline city. My dad was born there. He was given a house which was once owned by his old man. My mom on the other side was from the Skyling city. She moved on to live with my dad after they got married. They were both working in their restaurant.

We reached the entrance gate of Skyling College. Mr. Solo helped me to alight my bags. My dad had long paid him, so he fastly said his goodbyes and left.

I dragged with my bags, heading to the admission office. They gave me my room number and the direction to the dorms.

It was a dream come true to step my foot at Skyling College. I was very excited.

I walked up the stairs, heading to my dorm after I checked its number twice on the paper. My bags were even dragging me down. When I was just about take a turn on the stairs, I met Chris without expecting him.

"Oh man! Is this you? I don't believe it,'' Chris screamed as he walked to me.

"This is going to be a big time! We finally met bro," I said, jumping to him in excitement.

We hugged each other.

"I am very happy to see you bro. A lot has happened, so now I want focus in getting my diploma very fast," I said, picking my bag.

"No! No way, this is season finale, our last year. We need to make it epic for the last bro. Anyway, what's your room number?" he asked, looking at the paper in my hand.

"I am in triple zero three," I read the number from my paper.

"Yghesss! 0003, I made it! I was trying to hook your name on the list. It seems it worked; we are on the same room bro," he said.

We were very excited. Chris helped me to pull up my bags as we proceeded to our room.

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